Passive Fire Protection (PFP) - Editor's Dispatch

New NFPA 1900 Standard Guides Manufacture of Fire Apparatus

NFPA 1900, a new standard, applies to any fire apparatus purchased beginning in January 2024. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has introduced a new, broader standard that encompasses the content previously contained in separate standards for automotive, wildland fire, aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicles, and automotive ambulances. The new standard is a soft-covered book containing 375 pages and incorporating 34 chapters and 10 indexes. NFPA 1900 Standard Most fire departm...

Ruggedized Equipment Provides Data To Drive Awareness In An Emergency

Information systems drive greater situational awareness when emergency responders are rushing to the scene, including access to live-911 audio feeds, video of the unfolding emergency, and/or geographic information showing the locations of fire hydrants and the best travel route to ensure the most rapid response. Information tools to manage emergency response include the locations of teams, vehicles, and personnel available in three dimensions, including locations in a multi-story building. Pan...

Congress Deciding Extension Of SAFER And AFG Grant Programs

Two grant programs designed to address staffing, equipment, training, and health and safety needs of firefighters are scheduled to ‘sunset’ in 2024 unless Congress reauthorizes the grant programs, and funding for the programs will run out unless Congress endows them for another year. Legislation to extend the programs has already passed the U.S. Senate. The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program provides funding to hire additional personnel to mainta...

Now In Effect, UK Fire Safety Provisions Are A ‘Welcome Step Forward’

Requirements of the Fire Safety Act of 2021 go into effect commencing 23 Jan. 2023 in the United Kingdom. First proposed in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy in 2017, the Act addresses facets to strengthen relevant enforcement powers and to hold building owners and managers to account. Annual fire checks “These latest changes are a milestone for fire safety within the built environment,” comments Robert Norton, UK Director of PlanRadar, a software company for the construction and re...

Helmet-Cams Are Useful, But Privacy And Other Concerns Should Be Addressed

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, in May 2022, a helmet camera recorded firefighters extinguishing a truck fire along I-94, catching every detail as sparks flew and firefighters hosed down the truck to suppress the blaze. Firefighters also hosed down the grass on the side of the freeway to put out hot spots and prevent a grass fire, reported. The helmet-cam was part of a voluntary program that involves Ann Arbor firefighters wearing cameras when responding to active structure fires to cap...

DuPont’s Firefighter Garments Reduce Heat Stress, Avoid Exposure To Toxins

Among the ways, garments protect firefighters is by reducing the heat stress and discomfort created by the need to carry heavy gear. Making the garments more comfortable to wear means less physical stress. Garments also help to protect firefighters from the toxic elements in the fire environment. The extent to which plastic materials can generate toxic smoke when they burn has previously been ignored but is now better understood. Concerted effort to understand end user As a manufacturer of fi...

FIREX International 2022: Ingenuity From Adversity

FIREX International 2022 was bustling with visitors, glad to be back networking, demonstrating new technologies, and sharing ideas. Education was high on the agenda across the three days at London’s Excel, with various live seminars and panel discussion sessions held throughout the show. Fire Education Seminars covered topics ranging from social sustainability to safety leadership, while the Fire Protection Association (FPA) InfoZone hosted sessions on sprinklers in schools, the safety...

Fire Garments Becoming More Comfortable With More Range Of Motion

Trends in garments and protective gear for firefighters are evolving to address the changing needs of the fire service. Garments worn by firefighters must be comfortable and allow an adequate range of motion. They must protect first responders from hazards such as heat and exposure to blood-borne pathogens. Fire service clothing must be durable to withstand long-term usage in hostile environments. “It’s personal for everyone in the industry,” says Oliver Spoecker, Director, W...

San Francisco’s Floating Fire Station Adds Resilience, Emergency Capabilities

A new floating fire station in San Francisco, USA is designed to provide fast response to a variety of emergencies, to adapt to the rise and fall of the natural tide of the bay, and to withstand future sea level changes tied to global warming. Fireboat Station 35 Fireboat Station 35 is berthed at Pier 22-1/2, just north of the Bay Bridge, along the Embarcadero at Harrison just south of the Ferry Building, in San Francisco, California, USA. It is a 14,900-square-foot, two-story fireboat station...

Technology Boosts The Power Of Lighting To Ensure Visibility At A Fire Scene

Technology has transformed the role of lighting in the realm of firefighting. The rise of USB-rechargeable flashlights and headlamps now enable firefighters to recharge on-the-go. New, multi-fuel flashlight ‘systems’ use a rechargeable battery, but also can accept disposable batteries for alternate sources of power. New scene lights are waterproof and offer powerful brightness in situations involving smoke or water. Work lights that fit in tight spaces can be used hands-free or hangi...

Impact Of Climate Change On Firefighting Extends Beyond Wildfires

Global warming is often mentioned as a factor in the accelerating frequency and intensity of wildfires. However, there are other consequences of global warming that impact the fire service, including new hazards and medical emergencies, emerging training challenges, population migration, and technology developments. Climate change is often discussed as a future event. However, the impact of wildfires is just the most obvious example of how climate change is already impacting the world, and fire...

New Rules Call For Adequate Fire And Carbon Dioxide Alarms In Homes In The United Kingdom

Under a new law taking effect in February 2022, homes in Scotland must have multiple fire alarms linked by radio frequency, either sealed battery alarms or alarms wired to the electrical system main. Smoke alarms are now required in the living room or most-used room, and also in each hallway or landing. Furthermore, a heat alarm is required in the kitchen. All smoke and heat alarms should be mounted on the ceiling. Interlinked alarms In the case of interlinked alarms, if one alarm goes off, th...

Ensuring Fire Protection Of Mixed Commercial And Residential Properties

In the case of mixed commercial and residential premises, approaches to ensure fire protection can be complicated. While one fire protection approach might be best suited to a commercial facility, a different process might be optimal in case of a residential fire. Combining the two types of facilities requires a delicate balance to serve both sets of needs. Towyn fire incident Recently in Towyn, in Wales, UK, for example, a serious blaze was reported in a residential flat above a takeaway rest...

How Suffolk County, New York, And Other Communities Respond To Mental Health Issues

Trends, such as social distancing and breakdowns in group interactions are changing the emergency response needs in Suffolk County, New York, and other communities around the world. In the new normal, there are also fewer opportunities to identify someone, who might need mental health services or be in crisis. Residents are more likely to push aside signs of anxiety and depression, until they become more severe. Suffolk County affected by COVID-19 Suffolk County was an epicenter of the COVID-1...

Max Fire Box Provides Realistic Training Tool Incorporating Live Fire

The Max Fire Box is a training tool that evolved from a need to fill the gap between ‘classroom’ training and a rookie firefighter’s first working structure fire exercise. In effect, the Max Fire Box enables firemen to learn about fire and smoke behavior from a live fire at a smaller scale. It can help trainee firefighters understand fire flow-path, how to isolate doors, how to close a fire off, and how to slow it down.  Fire training environment “It’s crit...

Motor Fuel Shortages Lead To Hoarding And Accompanying Fire Risks

When a shortage of truck drivers resulted in empty motor fuel pumps in the United Kingdom, long queues formed and many motorists began panic buying. The situation induced motorists to hoard fuel, a practice that brings with it a long list of fire risks. Many fire departments in the United Kingdom provided stern warnings of the dangers. Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service advised anyone looking to store petrol at home to follow correct storage protocols. Hoarding additional quantities North Yo...

Weather And Wildfires Are Linked, And Both Are Difficult To Forecast

‘Fire weather’ is the combination of weather and environmental factors that determines the potential spread of a wildfire. Typically, the main concerns are wind, temperature, and moisture. Lightning is also critical as it is a semi-forecastable parameter. Typically, bigger fires need low moisture, high temperatures, and high winds. Too much moisture and fuels (grass and trees) won’t burn. If the winds are too weak, the fire becomes easily contained and unable to create spot f...

Charging Of E-Bikes And E-Scooters Represents Residential Fire Hazard

Electric bikes and scooters are a newly popular way to travel through urban environments. However, the nifty devices come with a fire risk that could be deadly. In London, firefighters have responded to more than 25 fires, involving e-bikes or e-scooters in recent months, some of them significant incidents with serious injuries. Lithium-ion batteries pose fire risks The fire hazards of e-bikes and e-scooters stem from their use of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that can erupt into flames....

Drones And IoT Sensors Provide New Technique To Detect Wildfires Early

This year’s catastrophic wildfire season reminds us of the need for early detection of wildland fires before they escalate out of control. Historically, tools such as satellite imagery and localized video cameras have helped to identify fires at their origin and to alert authorities. However, delayed detection and low reliability have been a problem. Cloudy weather can also be an impediment, and the severity and frequency of wildfires worldwide suggest that new approaches are needed. A n...

FDIC International 2021 Review: Despite August Heat, The Show Triumphs Amid the Lingering Pandemic

Back in Indianapolis for the first time since 2019, FDIC International 2021 offered a full slate of conference sessions, hands-on training and equipment exhibitions. Attendance was down, but everyone appeared happy to be back at the show, after cancellations and delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Masking compliance was low, despite continuing concerns about COVID-19 and the Delta variant. There was little social distancing. In many respects, the show seemed back to normal. A highlight of t...

Hybrid And Electric Fire Vehicles Coming To A Department Near You

Local governments in the U.S. are embracing electric and hybrid vehicles in a big way, and many states have implemented incentives to promote adoption of the futuristic technologies. However, fire department vehicles and apparatus are yet to embrace the transition, largely because vehicles were not available that both meet the needs of firefighters and provide environmental advantages. However, fire vehicle technology is farther along the electric and hybrid path than some people realize. Elect...

In The Right Conditions, Rapidly Spreading Grass Fires Can Be Deadly

Last month, a fire raged across land in Swansea, in southern Wales, spreading 6 hectares (about 15 acres) and injuring a firefighter. Weeks earlier, flames raged across 20 hectares (almost 50 acres) in nearby Fairwood Common, Gower, in a fire that may have been deliberately set, and another 30 hectares (74 acres) of grassland and forest burned in Maesteg, Bridgend.  Almost 4,000 miles away in northwest Minnesota, crews battled a grass fire that briefly closed a highway in the area. Low hum...

Firefighters Face Additional Challenges In Temperature Extremes

The extremely cold winter this year is a reminder of the need for firefighters to be prepared and trained to fight fires in extreme conditions. Extreme environments tend to elevate the hazards of firefighting, which already include trauma, thermal injury, and smoke inhalation. The additional hazards range from minor inconveniences to extreme danger. One element that increases risk during the depths of winter is the increased incidence of fires caused by the additional use of (possibly hazardous...

Federal Aviation Administration’s Approval Of Remote Drone Flights Expands Possibilities In Fire Sector

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved deployment of fully automated commercial drone flights, paving the way eventually for new and expanded uses of unmanned automated vehicles (UAVs) in a variety of applications - including the fire market. The approval is narrow in scope and applies to a single company - American Robotics Inc., which petitioned the change. Reese Mozer, the CEO and Founder of American Robotics, has predicted a $100 billion market to provide drone services...

WIFIRE Lab Leverages Data To Advance Fire Science And Fight Wildfires

A wealth of data is used to track the course of wildfires and guide an effective firefighting response. Computers crunch the data using software and a computing infrastructure to yield information in the form of wildfire modeling and better situational awareness to guide fire service response. On the front line of turning data into useful information to advance fire science is the WIFIRE Lab at the University of California San Diego. The WIFIRE lab grew out of a project funded by the National S...

Fire Doors Serve An Important Role To Protect Life And Property

During the Grenfell Tower fire incident in 2017, ineffective fire doors allowed smoke and toxic gases to spread through the building more quickly than should have been possible. Sir Martin Moore-Bick made this finding in the conclusion to Phase 1 of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. It serves to highlight the importance that fire doors play in protecting life and property. Grenfell Inquiry findings The Grenfell Inquiry findings have impacted subsequent United Kingdom government guidance and proposed...

Ensuring ‘Health For The Firefighter’ Includes Cleaning Of Equipment

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new health challenges for firefighters, but it is far from the first major health concern in the fire service. For example, the risk of various cancers is up to twice as high among firefighters, and cancer causes 61 percent of line-of-duty deaths for firefighters. There are other health and safety concerns, too, from nutrition and fitness to vehicle safety and seat belt usage, from wellness to stress and trauma (and consequent issues of addiction). Supportin...

Australia’s Moonshot: To Be Global Leader In Wildfire Prevention, Resilience

Andrew and Nicola Forrest have committed 50 million Australian dollars (US$35 million) to the Fire and Flood Resilience initiative through Minderoo Foundation, with a goal of raising an additional 450 million (US$320 million) in direct or in-kind support over the life of the program. The goal of the ambitious investment is to make Australia the global leader in fire and flood resistance by the year 2025. It is an audacious vision that requires an innovative approach, and the organization takes...

Using Artificial Intelligence To Analyze Fire Data For More Effective Firefighting

The fire service worldwide collects a lot of data, and a university in Seoul, South Korea, is researching how to crunch the numbers using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the probability of fires more accurately and to direct fire departments’ assets where they will do the most good. Students and faculty at Hongik University are developing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms into a model that can predict the probability of fires and enable authorities to take action to make the...

Tracking the Impact of the Fire and Life Safety Ecosystem

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), promoting safety comes from a joint effort of knowledge, preparation, oversight and vigilance. The ‘Fire and Life Safety Ecosystem’ includes eight elements, as listed by NFPA, and weakness in any of the eight creates conditions that foster risk. A recent NFPA report includes examples, drawn from current events, that illustrate the importance of each element of the Fire and Life Safety Ecosystem. Government responsibiliti...
