Apparatus and Equipment Accessories - Expert Commentary

Panic Hardware Vs Emergency Exit Hardware: Where, When And Why?
Panic Hardware Vs Emergency Exit Hardware: Where, When And Why?

Sue Corrick of Allegion UK explores the evolution of panic and emergency exit hardware, examining the specification and installation points that decision-makers must consider throu...

How A Door Becomes A Fire Door: A Technical Guide
How A Door Becomes A Fire Door: A Technical Guide

Working fire doors are a prerequisite for fire safety, but what differentiates them from regular doors Kirk Smith of Allegion UK outlines the technical features that form fire-rate...

Spare A Minute For Maintenance
Spare A Minute For Maintenance

With new fire safety regulations around the corner and a renewed focus on responsible persons and coordination, Karen Trigg of Allegion UK discusses the significance of fire door h...

Latest Federal Signal Corporation news

REV Group Announces The Appointment Of Dan DesRochers As The President Of REV Fire Group
REV Group Announces The Appointment Of Dan DesRochers As The President Of REV Fire Group

REV Group, Inc. (REVG), a globally renowned company that designs and manufactures specialty vehicles in the fire & emergency, commercial and recreation industries, has announce...

Federal Signal Corporation Completes Acquisition Of Mark Rite Lines Equipment Company
Federal Signal Corporation Completes Acquisition Of Mark Rite Lines Equipment Company

Federal Signal Corporation, a provider of environmental and safety solutions, announced that it has completed the acquisition of the assets and operations of Mark Rite Lines Equipm...

Pittsburgh Appellate Court Affirms Ruling In Favour Of Federal Signal Corporation In Firefighter Hearing Loss Case
Pittsburgh Appellate Court Affirms Ruling In Favour Of Federal Signal Corporation In Firefighter Hearing Loss Case

The trial court had ruled that the plaintiff firefighters had failed to produce evidence of an alternative siren design Federal Signal Corporation, a provider of...
