Smart Home - Editor's Dispatch

Helmet-Cams Are Useful, But Privacy And Other Concerns Should Be Addressed

In Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, in May 2022, a helmet camera recorded firefighters extinguishing a truck fire along I-94, catching every detail as sparks flew and firefighters hosed down the truck to suppress the blaze. Firefighters also hosed down the grass on the side of the freeway to put out hot spots and prevent a grass fire, reported. The helmet-cam was part of a voluntary program that involves Ann Arbor firefighters wearing cameras when responding to active structure fires to cap...

DuPont’s Firefighter Garments Reduce Heat Stress, Avoid Exposure To Toxins

Among the ways, garments protect firefighters is by reducing the heat stress and discomfort created by the need to carry heavy gear. Making the garments more comfortable to wear means less physical stress. Garments also help to protect firefighters from the toxic elements in the fire environment. The extent to which plastic materials can generate toxic smoke when they burn has previously been ignored but is now better understood. Concerted effort to understand end user As a manufacturer of fi...

New Rules Call For Adequate Fire And Carbon Dioxide Alarms In Homes In The United Kingdom

Under a new law taking effect in February 2022, homes in Scotland must have multiple fire alarms linked by radio frequency, either sealed battery alarms or alarms wired to the electrical system main. Smoke alarms are now required in the living room or most-used room, and also in each hallway or landing. Furthermore, a heat alarm is required in the kitchen. All smoke and heat alarms should be mounted on the ceiling. Interlinked alarms In the case of interlinked alarms, if one alarm goes off, th...

Ensuring Fire Protection Of Mixed Commercial And Residential Properties

In the case of mixed commercial and residential premises, approaches to ensure fire protection can be complicated. While one fire protection approach might be best suited to a commercial facility, a different process might be optimal in case of a residential fire. Combining the two types of facilities requires a delicate balance to serve both sets of needs. Towyn fire incident Recently in Towyn, in Wales, UK, for example, a serious blaze was reported in a residential flat above a takeaway rest...

How Suffolk County, New York, And Other Communities Respond To Mental Health Issues

Trends, such as social distancing and breakdowns in group interactions are changing the emergency response needs in Suffolk County, New York, and other communities around the world. In the new normal, there are also fewer opportunities to identify someone, who might need mental health services or be in crisis. Residents are more likely to push aside signs of anxiety and depression, until they become more severe. Suffolk County affected by COVID-19 Suffolk County was an epicenter of the COVID-1...

Qwake Technologies Transforms Data Into The Ability To See And Navigate

Electronic devices help to manage the flow of information at a fire scene, but how to provide the information that each firefighter needs in a simplified format, which is conducive to high-stress, minute-by-minute decision-making? That’s the mission of Qwake Technologies and their C-THRU platform, which seeks to improve the performance and safety of critical workers, in dangerous environments. C-THRU platform with AI The C-THRU platform simplifies a flood of complex data from multiple so...

An Innovation To Prevent Explosions And Fire In Hydrocarbon Fuel Containers

Given the large global consumption of hydrocarbon fuels across all sectors, the associated risks are constantly expanding. The Allianz Global Corporate Specialty study cites fire and explosion as the largest causes for loss claims filed globally from 2013 - 2018. Fire and explosion Furthermore, fire and explosion are among the top 10 global business risks in 2021. More than 100 major fuel explosions have been reported, since 2019 around the world, most of which were avoidable. The risks are d...

FDIC International 2021 Review: Despite August Heat, The Show Triumphs Amid the Lingering Pandemic

Back in Indianapolis for the first time since 2019, FDIC International 2021 offered a full slate of conference sessions, hands-on training and equipment exhibitions. Attendance was down, but everyone appeared happy to be back at the show, after cancellations and delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Masking compliance was low, despite continuing concerns about COVID-19 and the Delta variant. There was little social distancing. In many respects, the show seemed back to normal. A highlight of t...

Preventing Restaurant Fires Requires Maintenance And Technology

Many restaurants around the world are suffering from loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The situation has made fire prevention a lower priority. Fire authorities should work with restaurant owners and associations to address this issue and offer guidelines and training to increase awareness in the community. Restaurant fires account for about 6% of all non-residential building fires reported to fire departments each year, according to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS...

Fire And EMS Departments Eligible For FEMA Reimbursement Of COVID-19 Costs

Fire and EMS departments are eligible for reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) of their costs, related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A streamlined project application process eases the burden of applying for the program, but support documentation is required. Tracking costs For COVID-19 recovery Many departments do not apply for the money because they perceive reporting requirements as too difficult, and record-keeping as too big a challenge. To help, the U.S. Fir...

IoT And Greater Computing Power Drive Fire Systems In Smart Cities

Hundreds of sensors and devices operating across an entire city – all connected via the Internet of Things (IoT) – combine to provide useful and actionable information for a variety of functions – including public safety and fire protection. Even as IoT sensors and devices monitor buildings to provide vital information, computer systems transform sensor data into intelligence. Communication advances are ensuring that intelligence is shared when and how it is needed. The Nation...

Pocketalk Provides Instant Translations In 82 Languages For First Responders

Translation in an emergency setting is a challenge that first responders face on a daily basis. For example, London Luton Airport’s Fire Service would previously have to find a member of staff or a passenger that could help them translate, which is not always possible. As a last resort, the service would carry around a large flipbook containing numerous medical questions in a multitude of languages, but this did not solve the problem of understanding any responses. AI-Powered Language Tr...

Ensuring That COVID-19 Precautions Do Not Weaken Fire Safety

Adapting workspaces to operate safely during a pandemic presents complications, not least of which is making sure that the measures taken to protect employees from infection do not undermine fire safety. In the course of altering a building to prevent infection spread, there are risks of introducing new life safety hazards and compromising emergency preparedness. As buildings adapt to new occupancy standards and requirements, it is critical that any protective measures do not interfere with ope...

Stylish Fire Extinguishers Avoid Interference Of Tacky Red With Modern Home Decor

Fire extinguishers are red for a reason, aren’t they? Traditionally, red is associated with danger and fire and red is certainly easy to see, even in darker environments. Aesthetic fire extinguishers But a company in Japan is offering a line of fire extinguishers that abandons the signature color for an approach that is more aesthetically pleasing and that fits more easily into modern decor. Disaster prevention brand, Modular Aerial Fire Fighting Systems (MAFFS) has unveiled fire extingu...

Fire Safety Among Smart Home Benefits On Display At CES 2020

Technologies to protect against fire are among the innovations being shown at CES 2020, the technology event, Jan. 7-10 in Las Vegas. The fire market is one of many served by the range of consumer and smart home technologies on display at CES 2020, from artificial intelligence (AI) to 5G, vehicle technology to AR/VR (augmented and virtual reality), robotics to home automation. For example, Longan Vision will display augmented reality systems for firefighters, helping them make good decisions du...
