Solberg RF3 RE-HEALING environmentally safe synthetic firefighting foam concentrate

Technical Specification

  • Make: Solberg
  • Model code: RF3
  • Nozzle Type: Air Aspirating
  • Type: AFFF
Additional info:

New environmentally benign, synthetic foam concentrate used to effectively extinguish hydrocarbon fires at 3%. Real FFFP, AFFF, FFFP-AR and ARAFFF alternative without fluorosur- factants or organohalogens ingredients. Brown non-Newtonian liquid. Specific gravity (25º C): 1,06 kg/l;  pH (25º C): 8,0. Viscosity: Pseudoplastic liquid. Frost resistance: Product has a freezing stretch starting at -2º C. Minimum use temp: 2º C. Maximum storage temp: < 50º C. Sediments: none. Spreading coefficient: > 3 mN/m.

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Make Solberg
Manufacturer Solberg Scandinavian AS
Category Fire and Rescue>Foam Equipment
Model code RF3
Nozzle Type Air Aspirating
Additional info

New environmentally benign, synthetic foam concentrate used to effectively extinguish hydrocarbon fires at 3%. Real FFFP, AFFF, FFFP-AR and ARAFFF alternative without fluorosur- factants or organohalogens ingredients. Brown non-Newtonian liquid. Specific gravity (25º C): 1,06 kg/l;  pH (25º C): 8,0. Viscosity: Pseudoplastic liquid. Frost resistance: Product has a freezing stretch starting at -2º C. Minimum use temp: 2º C. Maximum storage temp: < 50º C. Sediments: none. Spreading coefficient: > 3 mN/m.

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