Setcom 920 Intercom standalone and radio for rescue boats and outdoor use

Technical Specification

  • Make: Setcom
  • Model code: 920 Intercom
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Intercom system, uses only three or four aerial collector ring conductors. Comprised of a master station (MS-920), an aerial station (AS-920) and interconnecting cables, the system 920 can be used as a stand alone intercom and radio system for an aerial turntable and basket. When used with a system 900E, the system 920 allows six radio transmit positions to be occupied simultaneously: one at the driver's seat, officer's seat, turntable and pump panel, as well as two in the aerial basket. When a crew member presses his push-to-talk button, only his voice transmits over the radio.

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Make Setcom
Manufacturer Setcom Corporation
Category Fire and Rescue>Radios
Model code 920 Intercom
Additional info

Intercom system, uses only three or four aerial collector ring conductors. Comprised of a master station (MS-920), an aerial station (AS-920) and interconnecting cables, the system 920 can be used as a stand alone intercom and radio system for an aerial turntable and basket. When used with a system 900E, the system 920 allows six radio transmit positions to be occupied simultaneously: one at the driver's seat, officer's seat, turntable and pump panel, as well as two in the aerial basket. When a crew member presses his push-to-talk button, only his voice transmits over the radio.

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