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The Association for Specialist Fire Protection announced the winners for its 2023 Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Awards on 23 November at the Association’s Awards Dinner at the Leonardo Royal Hotel in London. ASFP Managing Director Mike Ward was joined by guest speaker, and comedian Hal Cruttenden, to present the awards to each worthy winner. The winners are: ASFP Installation of the Year: Coopers Fire for its work in the Great Mosque of Mecca, Mataf Tunnels, installing a series of automated smoke curtains to separate vehicular access from pedestrian access. The project included the longest smoke curtains ever installed by Coopers Fire, with the largest continual run being 927m. The judges felt that Cooper's Fire demonstrated outstanding technical detail in overcoming the challenges faced. Runners up: Firesafe Installations and Oak Fire Protection. Passive Fire Protection Innovation of the Year: Colt EI60S Defender F2 smoke control damper which offers a discreet and aesthetic smoke control damper The Colt EI60S Defender F2 smoke control damper which offers architects and interior designers a discreet and aesthetic smoke control damper that meets all the requirements of EN12101-8. The judges commend the unique design that ensures when closed, only a thin rectangular outline is visible on the wall. Runners up: Injectaclad and ARC Building Solutions. Marketing Campaign of the Year: Global HSE Solutions’ whiteboard animations campaign offers a unique approach to sharing fire safety knowledge and understanding across all marketing channels. The campaign was recognized for its ability to convey critical fire safety messages without relying on extensive text and for catering to audiences of varying levels. Runners up: Nullifire and FSi Best Customer Service: Gunfire received this award for demonstrating exceptional customer service, through their strategic initiative and showcasing their dedication to exceeding expectations. Runners up: One Trace and Quelfire Training and Development of the Year: Checkmate Fire for demonstrating their commitment to training and ongoing competency Checkmate Fire for demonstrating their commitment to training and ongoing competency of all their staff and others carrying out work on their behalf via in-house training facilities and a clear and well-documented strategy. Runners up: Quelfire and Novus Property Solutions. Highest Engagement of the Year: Checkmate Fire also received this award for having the highest level of engagement with the ASFP websites and CRM, as well as taking part in marketing campaigns, events, committees, and training. Runners up: Sherwin Williams and CCF. Individual Rising Star of the Year: Nathan Hassell of Novus Property Solutions received this prestigious award for new entrants to the industry. He has shown adaptability to new roles and responsibilities, drive, and determination to develop his skillset, knowledge, and industry understanding. Runners up: CLM Fireproofing’s Harry Botten; and Global HSE Solutions’ Alex Griffiths. Academic Accomplishment Awards: The highest scoring IFE examination results went to Mike Goslin of Trox UK at Level 2; and Sophie Ahearn of Nullifire for Level 3. Lifetime Contribution: Wilf, who was CEO from 2007-2016, was particularly praised for his role Wilf Butcher was recognized for his influence in developing the passive fire protection sector and growing the ASFP into a professional association. Wilf, who was CEO from 2007-2016, was particularly praised for his role in introducing and developing the ASFP’s training function, which allowed ASFP to reach out to the wider construction sector, as well as generating regular income to enable it to pursue its aim of improving the quality of designed and installed passive fire protection. Longest Serving Members: Sika and Fire Protection Coatings Limited were recognized for having achieved 20 years of membership in the ASFP. Advocate of the Year: Allister Smith of Aviva for his long support for the passive sector and the ASFP, including offering venues for ASFP events In another new initiative, the ASFP introduced the ASFP Gold badge, which will be awarded to all who have committed their time and efforts to the Association at the highest level. This was awarded to all past ASFP Chairs and CEOs including Wilf Butcher; Clive Atkins; Carl Atkinson; Roger Williams; Chris Miles; Clive Miles; Niall Rowan; and Steve Davies. ASFP member achievements We celebrated the achievements of ASFP members, at an event with over 400 members and guests" ASFP Managing Director Mike Ward offered his congratulations to all those who had entered the awards, as well as praising the winning individuals and companies, “Tonight, we celebrated the achievements of ASFP members, at an event with over 400 members and guests in attendance." "I cannot think of a better endorsement of the Association's success than seeing you all here. This is your success." excellence in passive fire protection “These Awards highlight excellence in passive fire protection and reward all those who advance the sector. As in past years, all the entries are of the very highest standard and demonstrate the excellent work, expertise, professionalism, and commitment of our member companies and the accomplishments of our members." "I congratulate all those who were shortlisted and particularly those who received an award. But we must also recognize that we are all winners." membership, training, engagement, reach, and voice "We are part of the ASFP, an association that has seen exponential growth in membership, training, engagement, reach, voice, and influence across all stakeholders within design, construction, and occupation." "As an Association, we are going in the right direction, improving the quality of passive fire protection and raising awareness across the built environment, which will be to the benefit of all.” The ASFP was also delighted to announce that the event raised an astounding £6075 for the ASFP’s chosen charity, the Children’s Burns Trust.
The Association for Specialist Fire Protection has announced the shortlist for its 2023 Passive Fire Protection Awards, with the winners due to be announced on 23 November at the Association’s Awards Dinner at the Leonardo Royal Hotel in London. As well as showcasing the award winners, the event will feature a special guest speaker, comedian Hal Crutten. Each award recognizes excellence within the passive fire protection industry, at the company and individual levels. Shortlisted companies for each award include: ASFP Installation of the Year Firesafe Installations: for its £11m fire protection installation at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. The project involved many engineering judgments, as well as the inspection, testing, and certification of previously installed but uncertified fire seals. Firesafe divided the works into 170 separate zones to avoid further uncertified works. Coopers Fire: for its work in the Great Mosque of Mecca, Mataf Tunnels, installing a series of automated smoke curtains to separate vehicular access from pedestrian access. The project included the longest smoke curtains ever installed by Cooper Fire, with the largest continual run being 927m. Oak Fire Protection: for the installation of passive fire protection systems within the Tesco Extra Store development at Woolwich, London. This included protection of the store, car parks 260 residential apartments, and communal areas. Working in extremely congested service trenches in limited space, Oak delivered high-quality work to the program, despite the confined working conditions. Passive Fire Protection Innovation of the Year The Injectaclad SS17 Timber Frame Cavity Barrier can demonstrate 120 minutes’ integrity and insulation within multiple configurations with timber construction. Injectaclad avoids the need for the removal of large areas of the façade when retrofitting cavity barriers. ARC Building Solutions’ TCB Square, acts as a cavity barrier around penetrations in the external wall for timber frame construction. This addresses challenges for on-site installers and inspectors, delivering a safer, more robust passive fire protection solution for low-rise housing. The Colt EI60S Defender F2 smoke control damper offers architects and interior designers a discreet and aesthetic smoke control damper that meets all the requirements of EN12101-8. The unique design ensures that, when closed, only a thin rectangular outline is visible on the wall. Marketing Campaign of the Year Global HSE Solutions’ whiteboard animations offer a unique approach to sharing fire safety knowledge and understanding across all marketing channels. FSi’s Mind the Gap campaign aims to raise awareness of the specification and installation of façade cavity barriers to a wider audience of construction professionals. Nullifire’s multi-channel campaign to promote its FB750 coated batt and explain typical applications and testing procedures. Other award finalists Best Customer Service: Gunfire, Quelfire and Onetrace Training and Development of the Year: Quelfire, Checkmate Fire, and Novus Property Solutions Highest Engagement of the Year: CCF, Checkmate Fire, and Sherwin Williams Individual Rising Star of the Year: Nathan Hassell of Novus Property Solutions; CLM Fireproofing’s Harry Botten; and Global HSE Solutions’ Alex Griffiths. Awards will also be presented on the night for Lifetime Contribution and Academic Accomplishment, Advocate of the Year, and the Longest Serving Member companies. expertise, professionalism, and commitment ASFP Managing Director offered his congratulations to all the shortlisted individuals and companies, “The awards highlight excellence in passive fire protection and reward all those who advance the sector. As in past years, all the entries are of the very highest standard and demonstrate the excellent work, expertise, professionalism, and commitment of our member companies and the accomplishments of our members." “We are delighted to return to London for this year’s Awards Dinner. I congratulate all our finalists and look forward to joining our members and guests in celebrating the winners on the night.”
The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) will once again be hosting the ASFP Pavilion on stand FI1224 at Firex International at London Excel from 17-19 May. Learning Zone Featuring a Learning Zone, the ASFP Pavilion aims to help visitors to gain a greater understanding of the essential role of passive fire protection within today’s built environment. ASFP will be showcasing its range of training courses, guidance documents, and membership services and offering advice for all involved from designers, specifiers, and contractors, to building owners, risk assessors, and facilities managers. The Pavilion also brings together in one location several ASFP member companies, representing a cross-section of the passive fire protection sector. training courses ASFP offers a range of courses, from classroom training to a revolutionary e-learning platform ASFP's experts will be on hand to answer all the passive fire protection queries, discuss the latest regulatory requirements, and explain how their training courses can help users demonstrate competency. ASFP offers a range of courses, from classroom training to a revolutionary e-learning platform, which enables learners to study for the Institution of Fire Engineers Level 2 and Level 3 Certificates in PFP. Topics of discussion The Learning Zone will be the location for the Passive Fire Protection Conference, which will feature expert speakers each day, discussing key issues of concern. This is free to attend for anyone visiting the event and is CPD accredited. Speakers and topics under discussion will include: Day 1 10:30 - 11:15 - Andrew Taylor (ASFP) – Not if but when...? How does the ASFP seek to change passive fire protection regulation and where will we go from here? 11:30 - 12:15 - Andrew Cooper (Global HSE) – CPVC and passive fire protection lessons learned 13:00 - 13:45 - Darren Webster (Firesafe Fire Rated Ductwork Ltd) – Fire-resisting ductwork 14:00 - 14:45 - Joe Cilia (FIS) – Should we be treating walls as a system? Day 2 10:30 - 11:15 - Niall Rowan (ASFP) 11:30 - 12:15 - Chris Miles (UL) 13:00 - 13:45 - Moe Elmasry (Checkmate) – Early planning and electronic work logging 14:00 - 14:45 - Ashley Phillips and Adrian Aynsley (FSI) – The importance of passive fire protection 15:00 - 15:45 Jonathan Tomlin (Inpro Corporation) Day 3 10:30 - 11:15 - David O’Reilly (ASFP) 11:30 - 12:15 - James Brooks (Coopers) 13:00 - 13:45 - Karthick Govarthanam (Firefly)– Passive fire barriers 14:00 - 14:45 - Marco Arreghini (SFS) – Fire-rated ductwork: fix the basics to raise the bar
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