Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. (DMP) - Experts & Thought Leaders

Latest Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. (DMP) news & announcements

Pheng Vang To Serve Northern California As New Dealer Development Manager Of DMP

DMP would like to extend a warm welcome to Pheng Vang as he joins the West Sales team as Dealer Development Manager for Northern California. Dealers across this region can look to Pheng for continued service and support. “We believe Pheng will be a great representative of DMP” said Jeff Spatz, Director of Sales, West at DMP, adding “His background experience gives him a unique perspective both our dealers and sales team will appreciate. In the short time in his new position, Pheng is already fitting in well with the company.” Decade of consulting experience Pheng brings over a decade of consulting experience to his new position as a Dealer Development Manager Pheng brings over a decade of consulting experience to his new position as a Dealer Development Manager. In previous positions, he worked in a similar capacity alongside customers to ensure the success of their businesses. “What first drew me into DMP was the overall company culture and level of support they offered their dealers,” said Pheng Vang, adding “I’m personally looking forward to develop a relationship with our dealers and for the opportunity to help their businesses thrive.”

DMP Releases FirstNet Ready Alarm Communication Radios To Extend Public Safety Communication

DMP releases its new line of alarm communication radios that are FirstNet Ready™ and approved for use on FirstNet®. FirstNet is built with AT&T in a public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority and is the only nationwide, high-speed broadband communications platform dedicated to and purpose-built specifically for America’s first responders and the extended public safety community. It’s the solution to decades-long interoperability and communications challenges first responders have long been experiencing. Alarm panel communications “The FirstNet network is an important step forward in our nationwide first responder infrastructure, and DMP is pleased to support public safety nationwide,” says Mark Hillenburg, vice president of Marketing at DMP. “Also, we are very excited to work with The Monitoring Association (TMA) and AT&T to deliver alarm panel communications using the highly secure and reliable FirstNet service.” Alarm service companies qualify to use the FirstNet network by first obtaining a TMA Certificate The transmission of public safety related alarms via FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels qualifies for FirstNet extended primary service. Alarm service companies qualify to use the FirstNet network by first obtaining a TMA Certificate of Verification that verifies they are in compliance with accepted Alarm Industry Standards. Safety related alarms The Certificate of Verification ensures the company transmits public safety related alarms (e.g. burglary, fire, emergency medical) to a Central Monitoring Station that confirms and verifies the authenticity of the alarm before notifying a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for relay to a public safety agency for the purpose of initiating an emergency response. In addition to the TMA certification, alarm service providers must enter into a FirstNet Agreement with AT&T before they can offer FirstNet Ready™ alarm panels with FirstNet service. With DMP’s FirstNet Ready™ communicator, the XR Series control panels are among the first available for use on the FirstNet network. This gives alarm companies the advantage of using Band 14 – nationwide, high-quality spectrum set aside by the federal government specifically for FirstNet.

DMP Launches CellComF-LTE DualCom Universal Communicator With Tip And Ring Terminals

For commercial fire installations, one can choose DMP’s new CellComF-LTE. Designed with the same platform as DMP’s popular DualCom Universal Communicator, the CellComF-LTE includes two sets of tip and ring terminals for easy installations. This new design meets the NFPA 72 standard for single communications technology. For instance, if the CellComF stops communicating, it’s designed to automatically disrupt voltage on the second tip and ring, that triggers the host panel to annunciate the trouble. Supervized LTE alarm communication “For fire panels, it’s a simpler way of ensuring local annunciation,” says Aaron McGhee, product manager of Control Panels. “And, it’s a much cleaner and faster installation process.” The new CellCom Series includes both fire and non-fire options, each one with built-in LTE cellular. When there’s an opportunity to upgrade non-DMP panels to LTE, this means one will be able to give customers a single path fully supervized LTE alarm communication over AT&T’s or Verizon’s LTE networks. As with earlier-generation products, the LTE communicators are designed to work with digital cellular service from SecureCom Wireless™, enabling dealers to get systems up and running quickly.
