Charles Werner

Charles Werner
Director, DRONERESPONDERSCharles Werner is the Director of DRONERESPONDERS. Previously Charles Werner was an Advisor at National Center for Security & Preparedness.
News mentions
The Fotokite Sigma has recently been mentioned as one of the more common tethered drones used by police and fire departments to provide simple and easy situational awareness. Drones (including tether...
The Airborne International Response Team (AIRT), a 501(c)3 organization supporting Drones For Good™ for emergencies and disaster response unveiled an updated and modernized brand identify for DR...
Airborne International Response Team (AIRT), the 501(c)3 organization supporting Drones For Good™ for emergencies and disaster response has been awarded a federal grant from the U.S. Department...
Fire protection Experts
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