Pavlis a Hartmann s.r.o. Portable floating pump PH-Poseidon 1200 Portable floating pump PH-Poseidon 1200

Technical Specification

  • Make: Pavlis a Hartmann s.r.o.
  • Model code: Portable floating pump PH-Poseidon 1200
Additional info:

The device can be used by fire brigades to replenish fire engine tanks with water from outdoor natural water sources. It can also be used to pump out water from flooded areas and rooms and for other applications, e.g. agriculture, building sites, etc.

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Make Pavlis a Hartmann s.r.o.
Manufacturer Pavliš a Hartmann s.r.o.
Category Fire and Rescue>Pumps
Model code Portable floating pump PH-Poseidon 1200
Additional info
The device can be used by fire brigades to replenish fire engine tanks with water from outdoor natural water sources. It can also be used to pump out water from flooded areas and rooms and for other applications, e.g. agriculture, building sites, etc.
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