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The prop­er­ty secu­ri­ty spe­cial­ists, VPS announce a for­mi­da­ble addi­tion to their range of secu­ri­ty solu­tions. The VPS SmartEyes detec­tor is a pow­er­ful, wire­less, video ver­i­fi­ca­tion sen­sor with in-built arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduces false alarms.

Simple to install detectors

This rugged detec­tor enables loca­tions, no mat­ter how remote they are, nor how harsh the con­di­tions, to be mon­i­tored day and night with­out the need for pow­er, cables or wired com­mu­ni­ca­tions,” explains Paul Corten, VPS Sales Direc­tor.

Each detec­tor has a 35-meter detec­tion range – one of the longest ranges of its kind on the mar­ket – so fewer detec­tors are required to pro­tect a site. Com­bined with a mesh net­work to con­nect to our VPS mon­i­tor­ing cen­tre, sites large and small can be cov­ered with ease, and is very quick and sim­ple to install.”

cloud man­age­ment

Com­bined with cloud man­age­ment, thou­sands of images can be stored and analyzed, and used if required

Cap­tured high def­i­n­i­tion images are sent imme­di­ate­ly to a cloud serv­er for AI analy­sis, and for­ward­ed to VPS’ mon­i­tor­ing cen­tre for a response team to be deployed. 

Encased in a light but tough IPX67 hous­ing, test­ed to extreme heat and cold, it cap­tures full high def­i­n­i­tion day images, and high qual­i­ty night shots, with pow­er­ful near-invis­i­ble infra-red flash that can iden­ti­fy peo­ple at 30 meters in com­plete dark­ness. Com­bined with cloud man­age­ment, thou­sands of images can be stored and analyzed, and used if required for police evidence.

Intel­li­gent Triple Pro­tec­tion ser­vice

The VPS SmartEyes addi­tion to our fam­i­ly of smart secu­ri­ty options fits per­fect­ly into our Intel­li­gent Triple Pro­tec­tion ser­vice, secur­ing sites with the widest range of solu­tions from Mon­i­tored Tech­nol­o­gy, as well as tra­di­tion­al Phys­i­cal Pro­tec­tion, such as steel pan­els and doors, and Human Inter­ven­tion, like patrols or surge guard­ing."

"No mat­ter how chal­leng­ing it is to secure a spe­cif­ic site, VPS can com­bine the widest range of options to find the best-fit solu­tion for every cus­tomer,” con­cludes Paul Corten.

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