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In front of hun­dreds of indus­try lead­ers, the win­ners of the Con­struc­tion News Spe­cial­ists Awards were revealed at The Brew­ery, in Lon­don, United Kingdom, in Octo­ber 2021.

Site secu­ri­ty spe­cial­ist, VPS Site Security Ltd. (VPS) tri­umphed dur­ing a rig­or­ous judg­ing process in front of an expert pan­el of judges, to win ‘Equip­ment Spe­cial­ist of the Year’.

VPS harnesses broad range of innovations

VPS has har­nessed a broad range of inno­va­tions to keep plant, fuel and equip­ment secure, while also improv­ing road con­struc­tion safe­ty, which remains among the riski­est jobs in the United Kingdom.

Through­out the project, VPS deployed solar-pow­ered cam­era tow­ers, mobile vari­able-mes­sage signs and over-height detec­tion sys­tems, along a busy series of diver­sions, round­abouts and junc­tions.

Cam­eras fed into the safe­ty sys­tem

The judges were impressed with the com­bined use of tech­nolo­gies in an equip­ment pack­age

Cam­eras are fed into a safe­ty sys­tem that gives an audi­ble alert to work­ers, when­ev­er vehi­cles enter their work­space, while anoth­er inno­v­a­tive sys­tem warned road users through dig­i­tal mes­sage boards, when­ev­er works traf­fic was about to join the main carriageway.

The judges were impressed with the com­bined use of tech­nolo­gies in an equip­ment pack­age and felt that VPS dis­played strong sus­tain­abil­i­ty cre­den­tials that helped it to deliv­er the first car­bon-neu­tral road project.

Ensuring safety in COVID-19 pandemic period

Over the past 18 months, through­out the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, spe­cial­ists have worked incred­i­bly hard to deliv­er the results their clients need. Very often, they have done so under tremen­dous pres­sure to get the job done, while keep­ing every­one on site as safe as human­ly possible.

The award win­ners amply demon­strate how much the con­struc­tion sec­tor is doing, through inno­va­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion, in order to deliv­er out­stand­ing projects, while con­tribut­ing to com­mu­ni­ties, train­ing the next gen­er­a­tion, and ris­ing to the chal­lenges of cli­mate change.

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