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The Deck Box, manufactured by First Fix Formwork, is a product widely used in the construction industry.

Used to create an opening in the concrete slab for service penetrations to pass through, it can be made to suit the specific requirements at any width, length, or depth (subject to practicality) and is supplied with a structural ply lid.

profiled key

Manufactured and assembled in a factory off-site, it is created from a mild steel frame that is coated with zinc. The perforations in the steel frame allow the grout of the concrete to penetrate the sides, providing a profiled key for the infill to bond to.

It is delivered to the site, ready to install, where it can then be nailed to the deck for the concrete to be poured around it.

the main benefits

  • Saves time

Because it is manufactured off-site and is delivered ready to install, this means that no diamond drilling

The Deck Box predominantly saves time onsite. Because it is manufactured off-site and is delivered ready to install, this means that no diamond drilling is necessary to get the correct-sized hole and no shuttering is required to be assembled onsite.

It also doesn’t need to be broken out once the concrete is set, all users need to do is simply pop the lid off when they’re ready to put the services through.

  • Easy to use

It’s easy to use. The product is labeled clearly with the drawing reference. And because it is a singular product with no hassle involved, this reduces the waste removal from the site. The Deck Box not only ensures a safer work environment but also gives that extra peace of mind.

It is supplied with a strong lid which minimizes the risk of trips and falls onsite. It’s also highly beneficial to know that once the QF2 Fire Protection Compound is installed and the concrete is poured around the box, users can walk away knowing that the installation is complete and fully fire-tested!

QF2 Fire Protection Compound in conjunction with Deck Box

The compound forms part of the QuelStop System and is used as a gap-filling material for cables

Like any other aperture for services penetrating a fire compartment, the Deck Box must be suitably firestopped to achieve effective compartmentation.

And that is where Quelfire steps in: The QF2 Fire Protection Compound has been specifically fire-tested in conjunction with the Deck Box.

The compound forms part of the QuelStop System and is used as a gap-filling material for cables and pipework that penetrate fire compartment walls and floors.

  • Prevents passage of fire

One of its main benefits is that it does not shrink like concrete, but expands upon curing, locking itself into the surrounding structure to form a load-bearing and fire-rated seal.

This, if installed in line with the tested scope of application, prevents the passage of fire from affecting other areas of the building.

Deck Box v/s cast-in fire collar (like QuelCast product)

Deck Box only creates the aperture for penetrating services, so that fire-stopping solutions can be installed

If users are familiar with the concept of cast-in fire collars, they may be wondering what the difference is between the use of a cast-in fire collar and fire-stopping products within the aperture formed by the Deck Box. 

First of all, while cast-in fire collars create the aperture for penetrating services (typically plastic pipes), they are service penetration seals themselves as they contain intumescent material.

Deck Box, on the other hand, only creates the aperture for penetrating services, so that firestopping solutions can be installed around them within the Deck Box.


The main benefit of using the Deck Box over the use of cast-in collars is that it provides more flexibility in terms of the different types of penetrating services that can be firestopped using this solution.

It can also be used to create larger apertures, giving an element of flexibility, or more tolerance, in the positioning of the services.

Quelfire's standard details relate to the Deck Box

The QF2 Fire Protection Compound has been tested with the Deck Box, cast into the concrete slab as a blank seal as shown on detail QF2-CF150-00B. This detail can be used in conjunction with other QF2 standard details to cover scenarios where services penetrate concrete floors.

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