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EcoBlu manufactures special products which are fire safe and repellent in nature
EcoBlu uses patent pending technology in wood protection and manufacturing of fire safety products for buildings

EcoBlu Products uses patent pending technology in wood protection, preservation, and fire safety to building components.

EcoBlu Products, Inc. announced that the company has successfully launched a computer based quality control chemical blending monitor program into production. The company developed this program to ensure recipe compliance from treating facilities and affiliates mixing WoodSurfaceFilm concentrates in production.

The company's program employs a mixing scale connected to an online computer database capturing every parameter of the mixing process. This level of control allows the company to monitor every affiliate and deploy recipe changes globally without user intervention. Traditional third party inspection methods tend to find process breakdowns after the product has been produced and released into the field. Our Quality Assurance program will ensure consistently produced product every time no matter where in the world the product is produced. EcoBlu's software has many features exploiting today's computer technology. The company is working on additional "On the Fly Measurement Features" to further reduce cost and maintain higher quality standards.

The company's vision for the past two years has strived to raise the bar when it comes to quality control for treated lumber. After years of producing treated products using other formulations, the management team created the quality control program because the prior process allowed too much interpretation and accuracy subjected to human error.

"Mold and Termite protection have been around forever but when it comes to affordable fire protection we are striving to create higher standards when it comes to whom and how people are mixing and treating with our chemistry," said Steve Conboy, President and CEO of EcoBlu Products. "The company strives to raise the bar with quality standards at all production locations. We must be consistent around the world, never subjecting the company to human error because somebody forgot to list something or add something at the time of blending," added Conboy. 

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