Software news

Four New Ferrara Fire Apparatus For Caney Creek Fire Department

Ferrara vehicles will replace old trucks from Caney Creek Fire Department Ferrara Fire Apparatus manufactures a full line of fire and emergency vehicles. The Caney Creek Fire Department in Grangerland, Texas, approximately an hour north of Houston, has just awarded a contract to Ferrara Fire Apparatus for four new vehicles. Caney Creek Fire Department is organized under Montgomery County Emergency Services District #9 and is a fairly new fire department. Formed in March of t...

ESC And Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Services Arrange Electrical Training For Firefighters

Firefighters must have a good understanding of electrical appliances and their safety from fires Enabling rescue services to extend their understanding of electrical fires, we help them develop best-practice techniques and approaches. With government statistics showing that approximately half of all accidental domestic fires in the UK are caused by electricity, hands-on training for front line staff is vital. To help address this issue, the Electrical Safety Council (ESC) rec...

Surveillance Audit Passed By Pierce Manufacturing

Pierce Manufacturing has passed its ISO 9001:2008 Surveillance Audit Two types of auditing are required to become registered to the ISO standard: auditing by an external certification body, such as ABS QE, and audits by internal staff trained for this process. Pierce Manufacturing, an Oshkosh Corporation company announced that it has successfully completed its ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9001:2008 Surveillance Audit by ABS Quality Evaluations (ABS QE)...

New Fire Safety Product Catalogue From TG Products

TG product catalogue will serve as the most relevant source of information on a wide range of fire safety products The catalogue also provides information on training, including extinguisher maintenance courses. Fire safety product supplier, TG Products which incorporates both the Thomas Glover and Gloria brands has launched its most comprehensive product catalogue to date, containing details of more than 400 new products. The 132-page catalogue features information on a hu...

Faster Fire Detection From Bosch’s Dual Ray Technology

Fire detector 420 series offers very fast fire detection along with reduced false alarms being the best in the market Multisensor algorithm parameters are adapted to application type to further optimize early fire detection and false-alarm immunity. New additions to Bosch's Fire Detector 420 Series provide even faster fire detection than was previously possible, along with reduced rate of false alarms, ensuring that the series offers maximum reliability in all conditions...

International Expert Conference On Fire Extinguishing Systems

There would be a wide variety of presentations on extinguishing systems at the conference The VdS International Conference will bring a new wave of develpoment in fire extinguishing technology. On 8th and 9th December 2010, the 7th International VdS Expert Conference on Fire Extinguishing Systems will be hosted in Cologne. Its working languages will be German and English. Key-note speakers from the insurance business, industry, research and fire safety organisations will ma...

Strike Dates For London Announced By Fire Brigade Union

 London firefighters will raise their voice against LFCDA to get their demands approved There would be a strike by FBU firefighters to protest against mass sackings and cuts which have made situations worse and stressful for firefighters. The Fire Brigades Union in London which is in dispute with their employer, the LFCDA, has announced that its members will strike from 1000 - 1800 hrs on Saturday (23 October) and again on Monday (1 November). BAFSA members may wish to...

TETRA Communications Portal First Quarter Operations Closed Successfully

A webpage of which has closed its first quarter with success and good market value Since being founded, the company has profiled more than 320 organisations, which offer a variety of solutions for the TETRA (Mission Critical) communications market. The TETRA Internet portal, the first independent TETRA communications web portal has successfully closed its first quarter operations! The company was launched in July of this year intend...

Pierce Wildland Fire Trucks Purchased By Bureau Of Land Management

Thirty-two Pierce wildland trucks have been purchased by Bureau of Land Management through NFEP The Pierce wildland all-wheel drive pumpers are built to BLM 667 and 667M specifications and are designed as initial attack engines. Pierce Manufacturing Inc., an Oshkosh Corporation company, announced it has sold 32 Pierce wildland firefighting trucks to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through its National Fire Equipment Program (NFEP). An initial fleet of 19 pumpers will be d...

Electric Vehicle Safety Training To Be Jointly Hosted By Chevrolet, OnStar And NFPA

The training sessions will provide safety measures of electric vehicles to the participants of the event The Electric Vehicle Safety Training 2010 will be including web-based training materials, an extrication video and shared resources for instructor-led safety presentations. Chevrolet and OnStar, in a joint effort with The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), will visit Los Angeles this week to continue its series of electric vehicle safety training sessions taking...

Healthy Ecosystem Through 'prescribed Fires'

Prescribed fires are a good way to deal with wildfires and ecological imbalance Assurant Solutions and Assurant Specialty Property have long been supporters of organizations and programs that promote the preservation of our environment. Assurant Solutions and Assurant Specialty Property have joined forces with The Nature Conservancy to provide land managers with a new tool to help them determine when and how to use prescribed fire to maintain healthy habitats and ecosystems....

London Fire Brigade Gears Up For Reduced Annual Spending

Chancellor George Osborne announced cuts in fire and rescue service spending London Fire Brigade is already demonstrating how to deliver a value for money service without compromising public safety. The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, which runs the London Fire Brigade, is spearheading changes designed to ensure that the UK's fire and rescue service is fit for the 21st century. As part of his comprehensive spending review, Chancellor George Osborne announced tha...

Fire And Rescue Services To Witness 10,000 Job Losses Warns FBU

There would be a 25 per cent cut in jobs from fire and rescue services according to the government plans FBU will oppose these draconian attacks on an essential frontline service and robustly defend the key role firefighters play in keeping communities safe. The Fire Brigade Union warned that ten thousand fire service jobs are under threat from government plans to slash 25 per cent from fire and rescue service budgets over the next four years. Responding to the Comprehensive...

New Fire Dispatching Line Of Products Announced By Priority Dispatch Corp.

New fire dispatch line is announced by Priority Dispatch Corp. National Academies of Emergency Dispatch member across the world submitted their proposals for change and many of these changes represent significant improvements. Priority Dispatch Corp. (PDC) is pleased to announce a new version of its fire dispatching line of products, training, and services. This version update includes the gold standard ProQA® dispatching software, cardset, and support products. All of t...

FEMA Aid Now For Eight New Counties

FEMA provides the best assistance to disaster hit infrastucture and people FEMA funds at least 75 percent of the cost of eligible work by local governments and some private non-profits. Eight additional counties have been added as part of Minnesota's federal disaster declaration and are eligible for all categories of Public Assistance funding, according to officials from the Minnesota Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Unde...

CFOA Protocols On False Alarm Reduction Applauded By BSIA

Fire and security industry will benefit a lot from the new guidelines of CFOA on reducing false fire alarms and signals The guidelines aim to ensure that effective measures are implemented and maintained, ensuring the reduction of false fire alarms and unwanted fire signals. The British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has welcomed the recent publication of a series of best practice guidelines by the Chief Fire Officers' Association (CFOA). The CFOA Protocol for the Redu...

IAFF United In Support Of Joe Manchin Ad And Its Members

IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger has replied against the claims of state Republican Party The IAFF is the leading advocate in North America for the health and safety of first responders. International Association of Fire Fighters General President Harold Schaitberger issued the following statement in response to the West Virginia Republican Party's false claim that a political ad produced and paid for by our union's federal political action committee and supporting...

Japanese Firefighters Association Delegation Meets NVFC Board Members

? Firefighting in Japan has reached to new level of safety and security   Over the past few years, the NVFC has also met with fire service leaders from England, Finland, Greece, and South and Central America. A delegation of fire service leaders from the Japan Firefighters Association met with board members and staff from the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) on October 16. The NVFC is committed to fostering relationships and encouraging idea-ex...

Faulty Fire Detection Equipment Needs To Be Kept Away, Announces Hereford Fire Chief

The complete process of responding to a faulty fire alarm is a waste for professionals and the resources Earlier in the month, the Fire Industry Association advised business owners to regularly test their fire detection equipment following a blaze at a hotel. The Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service have announced plans to cut back on the number of times it attends false alarms. According to figures released by the service, its firefighters answer around 9,000 call-...

Grassroot Advocacy Efforts On A High As NVFC Subscribes To Cap Wiz

NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg has praised Cap wiz which would connect emergency responders with senators Cap Wiz will deliver the e-mails to the appropriate elected officials and generate reports on which offices receive e-mails. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) recently subscribed to Cap Wiz, a grassroots advocacy outreach tool that will allow us to enhance our ability to influence members of Congress, primarily by making it easier for our members and suppor...

FLAME-SIM User Base Expanding Rapidly

FLAME-SIM also offers training mobility with the FLAME-SIM Rugged Mobile Center September proved to be FLAME-SIM’s most successful month yet. September proved to be FLAME-SIM’s most successful month yet! The cutting edge training simulation software was purchased by numerous fire departments, technical/community colleges and military bases; those that purchased are from a variety of different states including North Carolina, Florida, Texas and Montana. In addition...

New Firefighter Pension And Retirement Provisions Anger Fire Brigade Union

Increased retirement age and pension proposals are not being accepted by the fire service professionals Firefighting is a very physical profession. To suggest increasing retirement ages, is an ill thought out idea which is not in the public interest. Firefighters are appalled to learn of the Hutton proposals on pensions, which suggest cuts in their pension provision, increasing their retirement age and upping their pension contributions. Firefighters already pay up to11...

Heating Season Safety Tips Announced By Equitable Gas Company

The area which is exposed to natural gas in home and other places should be vacated immediately for safety Equitable Gas Company reminds that remaining fire safe should be the priority of people while dealing with fires at home. With cooler autumn weather upon us, Equitable Gas customers are starting to use their home heating equipment for the first time this heating season. Equitable Gas reminds its customers to remain safe by following a number of safety tips now and throug...

2011 Edition Of The National Electrical Code® Available Now From Delmar,Cengage Learning

National Electrical Code® is among the most important tools for electrical professionals Updated Suite of reference guides for Electrical Industry Professionals complementing the NEC® 2011 by NFPA is now available from Delmar, Cenage Learning. Delmar, part of Cengage Learning and a leading provider of learning solutions for ongoing career development and education, today announced they are again distributing the National Electrical Code®, now in...

Social Security Or Taxes Not To Be Affected By FEMA State Grants

Disaster relief grants for Illinois severe storms and flooding are free from taxes Grants are also not counted as income in determining eligibility for any income benefit programs funded by the U.S. government. Recipients of state and federal disaster assistance grants will not have to pay taxes on those funds. Disaster relief payments provided to survivors of the Illinois severe storms and flooding are not subject to income tax, self-employment tax, or employment taxes such...

Buckinghamshire FRS Advances Ahead With Gazetteer Management System & GIS

Gazetter Management Software and GIS will enhance and boost the working of fire and rescue services world over  GGP Response is a powerful address based intelligence solution specifically designed to meet the needs of emergency service organisations. Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service has procured award winning Gazetteer Management Software and Geographic Information System (GIS) from GGP Systems. Designed to provide easy access to centralised address data, integra...

Shropshire Fire And Rescue Service Makes Savings Worth £100,000

Chief Fire Officer Paul Raymond has welcomed additional savings due to good safety record and management Shropshire has one of the smallest and most poorly funded fire and rescue services, despite this it has come out as one of the best performing brigades in the UK. Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has made a further £100,000 savings in reduced insurance costs because of its excellent safety record and good management practices, it has been revealed. The cost of pu...

Aerial Vehicle From Pierce To Serve At Conocophillips Site In Kuparuk, Alaska

The aerial view of one of the most harsh terrains, the Conocophillips site in  Kuparuk, Alaska The unit features proprietary TAK-4 independent front suspension and an airbag rear suspension for enhanced vehicle control and ride quality on the rugged roads. Pierce Manufacturing, an Oshkosh Corporation company, has received an order from ConocoPhillips Alaska for an industrial aerial platform vehicle built on an Arrow XT chassis. In May 2011, the firefighting ve...

New ADPRO Security Solutions From Xtralis

Xtralis is the global provider of solutions for the early detection of fire, gas and security threats The company has extended its market leading VESDA air sampling smoke detection system.The company offers safety and security products which are high in quality and performance. Xtralis, a leading global provider of powerful solutions for early threat detection, has launched the next generation of ADPRO multi-site security solutions: ADPRO V3100 Hybrid Video and Audio Transm...

Toll Free Helpline From FEMA Still Assisting Flood Survivors

Flood survivors can get support through Helpline if recovery centers are closed Helpline is an important resource for all registrants and can provide many services. Survivors of the summer floods who have registered for assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency have easy access to a toll-free Helpline that can answer many of their questions. To access the Helpline, call the registration number, 800-621-FEMA (3362); select language, enter a ZIP code, and then se...

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