Rescue/RIT Accessories news
Columbia Southern University has teamed up with the National Volunteer Fire Council to offer scholarships Columbia Southern University (CSU) has teamed up with the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) to offer two two-year scholarships to members of the NVFC to attend CSU. This is the second year that CSU has offered scholarships to NVFC members. One scholarship will be awarded towards a Bachelor’s Degree and the other for an Associate’s Degree. "We thank...
NLB Corp. is a global leader in high-pressure and ultra-high pressure water jet technology NLB Corp. President Forrest Shook has said that patent infringement allegations by StoneAge, Inc. of Durango, Col. are warrantless, and that NLB would seek damages. “Our Typhoon™ series nozzles do not infringe on any StoneAge patent,” he said. “They follow the same rotating water jet technology path that NLB has used for nearly 40 years, with enhancements tha...
ESC is committed to reducing deaths and injuries caused by electrical accidents at home or the workplace The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) has just announced the successful projects in its 2010 Fire Safety Fund Awards scheme. Twenty three organisations throughout the UK will share over £100,000 of funding for specific regional initiatives to reduce the incidence of fires relating to electricity in homes. With around half of all domestic fires in the UK caused by...
Ten Cate manufactures functional materials for four major industrial sectors including firefighting industry Royal Ten Cate (multinational producer of functional materials) is to install an International Advisory Board as a strategic and advisory body to the Executive Board. The International Advisory Board of Ten Cate will comprise: Prof. J.G. de Hoop Scheffer, among other positions, Professor at University of Leiden, Co-President of the Security and Defence Agenda (Brussel...
The net profit of TenCate doubled in just the first quarter this year Loek de Vries, Executive Board Chairman and CEO of TenCate said: "The net profit has doubled compared to the first half of 2009, after adjustment for over €5 million of net non-recurring income during the period." The interim results demonstrate the positive effects of the measures taken, particularly in the Geosynthetics & Grass sector. On a lower volume of sales, the operating result...
Second deadliest fire for firefighters in U.S. history has 100th anniversary The Great Fire of 1910 ranks second on the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) list of deadliest incidents in the U.S. During the summer of 1910, forest fires burned an estimated 3 million acres in Idaho and Montana. The incident, known as The Great Fire of 1910, killed 78 firefighters on August 20 of that year and ranks second on the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA...
Formal consultation process with theFBU on its future changes to start and finish times of shifts for firefighters London Fire Brigade began the process of formal consultation with the Fire Brigades Union on its proposed changes to start and finish times of shifts for London firefighters. Discussion and negotiation on the proposed changes have been going on for five years but have not yet resulted in a collective agreement. London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson has written to...
New addition to SigTEL disabled refuge/EVC system C-TEC launches new additions to its disabled refuge/EVC range. C-TEC launches new additions to its disabled refuge/EVC range. C-TEC has launched four new outstations for its popular SigTEL disabled refuge system/emergency voice communication system. The new EVC302GS green disabled refuge outstation is surface mounting, strikingly bright, easy-to-clean and 10% cheaper than its stainless steel cousin. A flush mount version is a...
NVFC has always been committed to the emergency medical and rescue services The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has launched a new EMS/Rescue (EMS/R) Section to provide volunteers in an EMS or rescue delivery system with information, education, services, and representation to enhance their professionalism. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has launched a new EMS/Rescue (EMS/R) Section to provide volunteers in an EMS or rescue delivery system with information, e...
DHS and FEMA are hosting a NationalDialogue on Preparedness National Dialogue on Preparedness open through September 10 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are hosting a National Dialogue on Preparedness to supplement the mission and recommendations of the Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Preparedness Task Force. Through the National Dialogue, the Task Force is seeking input from stakeholders on what works, what needs...
Elimination of Riverside county volunteer firefighters brought by fire department is continuing to unravel It appears the case for the elimination of Riverside County Volunteer Firefighters brought by the Fire Department is continuing to unravel. Two official Proclamations from the County Board of Supervisors have surfaced which directly contradict allegations contained in the August 10th proposal submitted by Fire Chief John Hawkins. The Board's "Volunteer Firefighter Week"...
The green makeover of ten London Fire Brigade stations cuts down almost 40 percent of electrical energy consumption Some of the features fitted at the ten stations included solar panels that turn the sun’s rays into electricity, motion censored lights and energy efficient boilers. These have resulted in electrical energy consumption coming down by nearly 40 per cent. Figures released today show that carbon emissions have plummeted by as...
The Plaistow team won the London Life Challenge competition held at the London Fire Brigade HQ The gruelling ‘London LIFE Challenge’ was held at Brigade HQ in front of over 200 spectators. Ten teams representing 13 London boroughs competed against each other in a series of gym based exercises. The capital’s youngsters have been pitting their speed, strength, teamwork and firefighting skills against each other in a borough-wide London Fire Brigade competition...
DRIFIRE's wares are to appear on Inside Business Review, hosted bySenator Fred Thompson DRIFIRE, manufacturer of comfortable flame resistant (FR) clothing for U.S. military and commercial markets, will be featured on Inside Business Review, a TV program hosted by actor and U.S. Senator, Fred Thompson, that features the most innovative and groundbreaking companies driving the global economy. The first national airing on Fox Business News is scheduled for August 22nd&...
If the proposal is accepted, the county will face a major shortage of firefighters when need arises Cumbria firefighters will take longer to get to traffic accidents involving heavy goods vehicles, and at times will be unable to handle water rescues, if the Cumbria Fire Service carries out its plan to cut down the crewing of sophisticated rescue equipment.Cumbria FRS proposes to get rid of eight firefighter jobs, which will leave insufficient firefighters to crew the county&rs...
Fugate made the use of social media and mobile technology a priority in FEMA's outreach to the public Craig Fugate, Administrator of FEMA addressed the American Red Cross Emergency Social Data summit on the use of social media in emergency management. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate addressed the American Red Cross Emergency Social Data Summit on the growing use of social media in emergency management. Fugate discussed ways social media c...
The survey respondents expected quick response to an online appeal for help A new American Red Cross survey shows many web users would turn to social media to seek help for themselves or others during emergencies and they expect first responders to be listening. The online survey asked 1,058 adults about their use of social media sites in emergency situations. It found that if they needed help and couldn’t reach 9-1-1, one in five would try to contact responders through...
El Mirage Fire Department guarantees the City two responding units in the event of emergency, when fully operational El Mirage Firefighters claims layoffs directly impacts the safety of residents. After failing to apply for a tax reimbursement that could have provided the city of El Mirage with nearly $50,000, officials including City Manager, BJ Cornwall ignored calls for negotiation and elected to lay off five firefighters; El Mirage Firefighters claims layoffs directly imp...
MCS Fire & Security's SAFETY Act protection extends to customers for the security system installation and integration services U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have awarded SAFETY Act Certification and Designation to MCS Fire and Security, a service and solutions provider in the commercial security and fire detection industry. MCS Fire & Security, a service and solutions provider in the commercial security and fire detection industry, announced that the U.S....
FLAME-SIM is excited to offer the opportunity to win a free FRI 2010 Expo pass FLAME-SIM participates in Fire Rescue International 2010 as an exhibitor. FLAME-SIM is excited to announce that it will be a part of Fire Rescue International 2010 as an exhibitor in the Technology Pavilion. All FRI attendees will have the opportunity to get hands-on with FLAME-SIM at Booth Number 3009. Visit the FLAME-SIM booth to see how the simulation software is providing departments acros...
Heavy smog in Kriusha, Ryazan, 155 miles south of Moscow Emergency action is reported to have 'stabilized' the situation at Sarov, the now-closed town where first Soviet nuclear bomb was built. Forest and peat fires have killed at least 52 people, made more than 4,000 homeless, diverted many flights and pushed air pollution in Moscow to six times its normal level. Russia's Emergencies Minister Sergei Shoigu has warned that wildfires raging in the west of the...
Pipe-cleaning has claimed a number of lives in recent times Statement by CSB chairperson Dr. Rafael Moure-Eraso has urged OSHA to adopt the CSB recommendation prohibiting flammable gas blows during pipe cleaning operations. On June 28, 2010, at a public meeting in Portland, Connecticut, the Chemical Safety Board voted to issue eighteen urgent recommendations to various recipients, including OSHA, aimed at halting the dangerous practice of releasing larg...
Bushfire research institute established for the findings of Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission A national bushfire research institute is to be established in response to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.A national bushfire research institute is to be established to build upon the gains of the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre and the findings of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. The Royal Commission final report released indicates how much more...
To date, Hurricane Alex has caused$1.8 billion of damage FEMA encourages disaster victim to apply for disaster assistance. Both a toll-free registration telephone number and online registration are now operational for homeowners, renters and business owners in the Texan counties that have suffered property damage or loss from Hurricane Alex. These counties include Cameron, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Starr, Val Verde, Webb and Zapata. Officials from the U.S. Departmen...
USFA made available new NFIRS web-based data entry tool known as the Data Entry Browser Interface The FEMA’s United States Fire Administration (USFA) has recently made available a new National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) web-based data entry tool known as the Data Entry Browser Interface. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) United States Fire Administration (USFA) has recently made available a new National Fire Incident Reporting System (NF...
Firex will be live in Manchester this October After a success of Firex South, the roadshow it is now looking forward to Firex North, the roadshow from 27th – 28th October 2010. After a successful Firex South, the roadshow is once again travelling up north from the 27-28 October 2010. This year sees us move to the new venue of Manchester Central and also co-locate alongside the SME event, Business Northwest. Firex North is the ultimate event for fire safety professional...
The new campaign initiated by DHS and TSA would help in providing better and effective security measures Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano and Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator John S. Pistole launched two major enhancements to general aviation security the general aviation component of DHS's nationwide "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign, and a streamlined system for vetting passengers and crew on general avia...
Fire Minister for England, Bob Neill MP EADS Defence and Security welcomes Fire Ministers comments on FiReControl programme.EADS Defence & Security (DS) has welcomed the comments made by Fire Minister for England, Bob Neill MP, with reference to the ongoing FiReControl programme. The comments were made in a recent speech to the Fire and Rescue Conference in Harrogate.The Minister said: “It was time to put FiReControl on a sound and stable footing, and that the projec...
New operating zone vice presidents will aid Rural/Metro Corporation Rural/Metro is an excellent and experienced operating company with a long track record as an industry leader. The company has appointed industry leaders as zone vice presidents. Rural/Metro Corporation, a leading provider of ambulance and private fire protection services, announced that it has implemented a new regional zone structure in order to enhance its strategic and organic growth o...
Since 1989 YLD has awarded more than $103,000 in scholarships to emergency responders The Yvorra Leadership Development Foundation is accepting applications for the 2010 scholarship awards competition. The application deadline is September 30, 2010. Since 1989 YLD has awarded more than $103,000 in scholarships to emergency responders throughout the United States. Any active duty career or volunteer member of the Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services may apply. In 2009,...
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