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Norfolk residents keen on exploring a hot new job opportunity are invited to taster sessions to find out more about becoming a full-time firefighter. Residents from across the county are invited to have a go to see if they want to take the plunge and apply for the whole time posts when applications open in August.

Taster sessions are being held at Norwich (Bowthorpe), Kings Lynn and Gorleston later this month and in July. Daytime and evening sessions are planned to try and ensure people can attend at a time to suit them.

Physical and written tests for firefighter aspirants

The taster slots will allow people to find out more and see if a career as a firefighter could be for them. Participants will have a chance to have an informal chat with current staff about both the recruitment process and what to expect during a career with Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service. As well as finding out more about what the physical and written tests later on in the process involve.

During the taster sessions, people can have a go at some of the physical tests to see if they need to improve their fitness in order to meet the required standard. These tests include a ladder climb, equipment carry, ladder lift and ladder extension and casualty evacuation. These tests simulate just some of the situations faced by firefighters. In addition, participants will be given some sample questions from the written tests to take away and try at home. These tests include working with numbers, understanding information and problem solving.

The firefighters assist with rescuing people and animals from a wide variety of situations, responding to flood and storm threats"

Roles and responsibilities of a firefighter

Councillor Margaret Dewsbury, Chairman of Norfolk County Council’s Communities Committtee, said: “The work of the modern firefighter is much more varied than just tackling blazes. Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service is committed to keeping our county safe. The firefighters assist with rescuing people and animals from a wide variety of situations, responding to flood and storm threats, providing emergency medical care and educating the public on fire safety. And anything else that comes their way, it’s certainly not your average nine to five job.

We particularly welcome applications from groups that are currently under represented in the service. At present, there is a shortage of women in the service and people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds.”

Locations of taster sessions

Anyone interested in attending one of these sessions can complete the Expression of Interest Form available on the website at:

Those interested will then be contacted to confirm that a place has been booked.

Taster sessions are being held as follows:

NFRS Bowthorpe Training Centre, Barnard Road, Bowthorpe:

Monday 18 June 6-9pm

Saturday 21 July 10am to 1pm or 2-5pm

King’s Lynn Fire Station, Kilhams Way:

Tuesday 26 June 6-9pm

Wednesday 27 June 6-9pm

Gorleston Fire Station, High Road, Southtown

Saturday 28 July (10am to 1pm)

Saturday 28 July (2-5pm)

Norfolk Fire & Rescue Service is also recruiting for on-call firefighters who work part-time, often alongside other careers, at 39 of the county's 42 fire stations. To find out more about these opportunities, visit

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