Industry News

FIA Apprenticeship Scheme Starts In September

The FIA works with Skills for Security on the Apprentice Scheme which is aimed at candidates aged 16-24 Now in its third year, Skills for Security on the Apprentice Scheme is designed to bring young people into fire protection.  Graham Ellicott, CEA of the FIA, comments: "In the UK we are justifiably proud of our fire safety record and the expertise that we have here. But we know the vital importance of attracting new blood to ensure that this continues. ...

Hurry! May 28 Last Day For Submitting Assistance To Firefighters Grant Applications

An online tutuorial provides information on firefighters grant applications About $390 million will be distributed through the current AFG grant cycle. The application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) opened on April 26, and applications must be received by May 28. AFG meets the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations by funding critically needed equipment, protective gear, em...

NVFC Updates Legislative Priorities At Annual Spring Board Meeting

Broadband for First Responders (H.R. 5081) has been introduced as a top new priority in NVFC The new set of NVFC legislative priorities would enhance the standards of safety and security across the U.S. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Board of Directors updated the NVFC's Legislative Priorities at the annual Spring Board Meeting. This included re-ordering the priorities and adopting a new top priority: the Broadband for First Responders Act (H.R. 5081), which...

Don't Rely On Rumors About Disaster Assistance

Disasters officials often stress on the need to prevent rumors and false information among disaster hit people During the first few weeks following a disaster, survivors, still dazed by the trauma, may be easily misled by half-truths and rumors. Common misconceptions can lead to slow recovery and possibly prevent some eligible survivors from getting help. Stresses and uncertainties caused by the tornadoes that stormed across Mississippi in April and May make it easy for rumor...

Collect Hair For The Gulf Coast Clean-up Efforts

Fire Corps teams can coordinate with salons and groomers to set up a hair donation system Fire Corps teams across the nation can assist in the clean-up effort by collecting a resource most everyone possesses: hair.  The Gulf Coast oil spill is an environmental disaster that will negatively impact the region for decades. Fire Corps teams across the nation can assist in the clean-up effort by collecting a resource most everyone possesses: hair.  Hair naturally a...

Craig Fugate Welcomes Appointment Of Donald R. Boyce

Boyce is an experienced emergency manager both at state and local level Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate has applauded President Obama's appointment of Don R. Boyce as FEMA Regional Administrator for Region I, which encompasses Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.  "Regional Administrators are crucial to our ability to respond effectively to emergencies based on the needs of the communities we s...

Survey Shows Causes For Kleen Energy Explosion Common Across Gas Energy Industry

39 respondents (63%) said their companies had at some time used flammable gas to blow out piping A CSB public meeting is planned next month in Connecticut to consider new safety recommendations. The practice of using flammable natural gas to clean power plant piping, which led to the fatal explosion at Connecticut-based Kleen Energy on February 7, has been commonly used across the gas-fired power generating industry, CSB investigators have said. The explosion,...

Next Generation SCBA Tested By IAFF And Prince George’s County Fire/EMS

The new SCBA is expected to improve the safety of fire fighters on the frontlines. Photo: Justin DiPierro The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and the Prince George’s County, Md., Fire/EMS Department have conducted a field test of a new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). “These important field tests give us the information we need to ensure that this cutting-edge technology is safe, reliable and ready to be deployed. This is one of th...

NVFC Junior Firefighter Of The Year Award Goes To Michelle Alyssa Carilli

Michelle Carilli won the  2010 Junior Firefighter of the Year Award for her exemplary service Carilli received the award during a special ceremony at the NVFC Spring Board Meeting in Alexandria, VA, on April 30, only a few days before her 18th birthday.The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and Tyco International bestowed the 2010 Junior Firefighter of the Year Award to Michelle Alyssa Carilli, a Junior Firefighter Captain at the Coventry (CT) Volunteer Fire Asso...

New Schools Will Get Fire Sprinklers, Pledges Kent County Council

New schools in Kent will be fitted with fire sprinklers Kent Fire and Rescue Service is working with council planners and architects to promote installation of sprinklers. New schools in Kent are to be fitted with sprinkler systems, following a decision by Kent County Council to improve fire safety. The move will see officials from Kent Fire and Rescue service working with council planners and architects to encourage the installation of systems in all new or large renova...

DHS Announces $790 Million Towards Critical Infrastructure And Preparedness Grants

The annual preparedness grants will go towards preparation for meeting disasters and emergencies The critical infrastructure and preparedness grants announced include specific steps undertaken by DHS to improve the ability of grant applicants to maximize funding and also incorporate inputs. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the fiscal year 2010 Preparedness Grants for nine federal programs including critical infrastructure-related gran...

Community Link Between London Fire Brigade And Islington’s Diverse Business Class

Regulatory Reform Order was discussed at Community Link with London's business community London Fire Brigade will outline how important it is for businesses to understand the law and their role in fire safety. Forging stronger community links and explaining important fire safety legislation were top of the agenda when London Fire Brigade hosted a reception for an organisation that represents Islington's minority business community on Friday 23 April. The event, called Commun...

FEMA Invites Applications For Assistance To Firefighters Grant

AFG applications must be received by May 28 The grant meets the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations. The application period for Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) has opened. Applications must be received by May 28. AFG meets the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations by funding critically needed eq...

Don't Miss The Deadline For The Assistance To Firefighters Grant

AFG funds boost up equipments, facilities, training materials and resources AFG would provide a huge sum of $390 million to fire departments and non affiliated emergency medical service organizations. The Department of Homeland Security opened the 2010 Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) application period on Monday April 26, 2010. Nationally AFG awards will provide fire departments and non affiliated emergency medical service organizations with approximately $390 million...

NVFC To Raise Awareness On Pet Fire Safety Day

Cute suspect? Pet Fire Safety Day will remind people to keep a watch on pets and prevent pet started home fires Pet Fire Safety Day is designed to educate pet owners about potential risks when pets are left home. Pet Fire Safety Day is on July 15, and the National Volunteer Fire Council is partnering with ADT Security Services to raise public awareness about pet fire hazards. NVFC is seeking examples of pets that have started home fires to use in the public safety a...

Emergency Management Coordination Agreement Signed Between U.S And Australia

Secretary of U.S Homeland Security was present at the historic agreement to battle natural disasters The historic event to cope up with natural disasters is an important step forward in bolstering collaboration between the United States and Australia in preparing for and responding to natural disasters. U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Australian Attorney-General Robert McClelland today signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to s...

Navistar Truck Experts Show Their Skills At Customer Solution Competition

Phil Jhonston emerged as the winner of Customer Solutions Rodeo Developed by Navistar's dealer education group, the Customer Solutions Rodeo enjoyed outstanding participation from the dealer channel.Six International brand truck dealer sales representatives went head-to-head last week to highlight their expertise and working knowledge of International brand commercial trucks, as well as OnCommand by Navistar, the company's newly branded suite of customer service offerings. Th...

Disaster Assistance Grants Should Be Used Wisely, Advise FEMA Officials

FEMA has advised recipients to use disaster grants for intended purposes only.  Photo: Bdelisle Nearly $9 million in recovery assistance has been approved for disaster affected areas. State and federal disaster assistance payments are bringing needed financial help to homeowners, renters and business owners who suffered damages in the severe storms and flooding of mid-March. However, those payments come with some words of advice from the Federal Emergency Manag...

CSB Invites Public Opinion On Use Of MIC And Safer Alternatives

Use of Methyl Isocyanate is a big security concern for workers and people living in its proximity The Congressionally mandated study was initiated after the 2008 explosion at Bayer’s Chemical Complex in Institute, West Virginia. Congress has also appropriated $600,000 to CSB for current fiscal year. In a Federal Register notice published on April 23, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) announced it is seeking public comment on the design of a Congressionally manda...

FEMA Suggests A Few Simple Steps To Protect Yourself From Volcanic Activity

Follow simple emergency measures to protect against volcanic eruptions. Photo: Mark A. Wilson Potentially active volcanoes in the U.S. exist mainly in Hawaii, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. With the recent eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, it is important to remember that the United States also has the potential for volcanic activity.  When pressure builds up within a volcano's molten rock, it has the potential to erupt, sending forth lava...

London Fire Brigade Acquires New Vehicles To Tackle City's Emergencies

Bulk foam units will ward off emergency fire situations across London The highly specialised vehicles introduced in London Fire Brigade enable firefighters to tackle emergencies like aircraft crashes, chemical spills or fires on large industrial sites with large amounts of foam.   Three bulk foam unit appliances go on the run in London this week backed by new training and staffing capabilities dramatically improving London's ability to fight major fires or spil...

CSB Investigation Uncovers Causes Of Oklahoma Oil Site Accident

The site of the fire and explosion lacked warning signs CSB investigators determined that a lit cigarette or lighter was the likely ignition source for explosion.A fiery explosion that took the life of a 21-year-old member of the public in Weeletka, Oklahoma, on April 14 occurred at an unattended oil and gas production site that was unsecured and likely lacked fire or explosion warning signs, CSB investigators have determined following a four-day field assessment. Investiga...

'Cancer Among Firefighters' Research Undertaken By USFA And NIOSH

NIOSH and USFA have joined to study cancer-related issues among fire service professionals The United States Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are partnering on a study to examine the potential for increased risk of cancer among firefighters due to exposures from smoke, soot, and other contaminants in the line of duty. This multi-year USFA supported NIOSH study will include over 18,000 current and retire...

CSB Calls For Protection At Oil And Gas Sites After Examining Weleetka, Oklahoma Oil Site Explosion

Oil and Gas sites are prone to explosions and mishaps due to their highly inflammable property On April 13, 2010, CSB released a safety video aimed at educating young people on the hazards of socialising at oil sites, a common phenomenon in rural areas. The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) announced it has sent investigators to a fatal explosion which occurred on April 14, 2010, at an oil site in Weleetka, Oklahoma. The CSB team is headed by Investigations Supervisor...

“IGCC: Safe And Sustainable By The Book”

The new green building code is meant for traditional and high performance buildings The International Code Council (ICC) recently unveiled the IGCC Public Version 1.0 at its Washington, D.C., world headquarters office with participants from the fire safety community in attendance. In an answer to the public demand for more energy-efficient and renewable technologies in schools, hospitals, and worksites of all types, the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) is...

FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate Endorses Appointment Of Andrew Velasquez III As Regional Administrator

Andrew Velasquez brings his work experience in emergency management to the new post Andrew Velasquez III brings extensive experience in emergency management at the state and local level. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate today applauded President Obama's appointment of Andrew Velasquez III as FEMA Regional Administrator for Region V, which encompasses Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. "Regional Administrators...

Harvard’s State And Local Government Programme Selects Six Fire Officials For Fellowships

The programme will analyse policy options and examine the responsibilities of leadership The fellowship programme for fire service leaders is a joint effort between the USFA, IFSTA, IAFC, NFPA, and Harvard. Kelvin J. Cochran, Administrator of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), announced that six senior fire officials have been selected for fellowships to attend the Harvard University's Senior Executives in State and Local Governm...

NVFC Survey On First Responder Health And Safety Risks Closes May 1

NVFC is seeking inputs from first responders about health and safety concerns The NVFC is conducting a survey to identify new or changing health and safety issues facing the fire and emergency services. America's firefighters and emergency services personnel save lives and property as first responders to man-made and natural disasters, but these responders face great health and safety risks. In order to identify and address these risks, the National Volunteer Fire Coun...

FEMA Administrator Emphasises The Need For Coordination In Hurricane Emergency

Craig Fugate discussed the coordination of local and state officials during hurricanes Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate addressed the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando, discussing the importance of coordination with state and local officials in preparing to respond recover from hurricanes. Fugate also talked about ways to better engage the public as part of the nation's emergency management team. "FEMA is only one part of the n...

Earth Day To Be Marked By Going Green Initiative On April 22

Earth Day will bring issues like energy saving, greenhouse emissions and recycling on the global front Environmentally beneficial steps can save your department money in the long-run by lowering energy costs and reducing waste. April 22 marks the 40th anniversary of the Earth Day, and first responders can do their part to promote a healthy, sustainable environment by taking simple steps to "go green" in your department. The following Earth-friendly chang...

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