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The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is celebrating the adoption of a House of Commons motion that calls on the Canadian Government to strengthen the nation’s airport firefighting regulations as an important step toward improving air passenger and fire fighter safety at Canada’s major airports.

Motion M-96 points out shortfalls in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) requirements for airport firefighting and asks the Canadian Government to bring them up to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards, including the specification of rescue as a required function of airport fire fighters and the ability for fire fighters to reach all areas of operational runways in three minutes.

IAFF celebrates adoption of Motion M-96

Prior to the vote, the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) urged key MPs to support the M-96 motion

Introduced in September by B.C. Liberal MP, Ken Hardie, in response to IAFF lobbying, M-96 was adopted on Wednesday by a vote of 211-112, with IAFF representatives and members of Ottawa Airport Local 3659 and Ottawa Local 162 watching from the gallery.

Prior to the vote, the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) urged key MPs to support the M-96 motion. 

The adoption of the motion signifies that a majority of MPs representing a majority of Canadians agree that the government should act on the issue.

Gratitude for MPs who spoke in favor of the motion

During a House of Commons debate on Tuesday before the vote, Ken Hardie thanked those MPs who spoke in favor of his motion and said he was glad the issue was getting long overdue attention.

The commentary has been really thoughtful and has illuminated an issue that has been hidden, it seems, for at least 25 years, and that is the gap between Canada’s current aviation regulations and the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization,” said Ken Hardie.

Regulatory amendments to ensure fire fighters safety

The regulatory amendments they want are simple and, above all, essential"

Bloc Québécois MP, Louise Chabot said during the debate, “I think the time has come to listen to the fire fighters. The regulatory amendments they want are simple and, above all, essential. It is high time we took action to improve everyone’s safety.

B.C. NDP MP Alistair MacGregor confirmed his party’s support for M-96. He stated, “We should meet international standards for safety and should make sure the government is providing our fire fighters the proper resources to accomplish that goal.

Strengthen Canada’s airport firefighting regulations

Delegates lobbied MPs and Senators to strengthen Canada’s airport firefighting regulations in March during the 31st Canadian Legislative Conference.

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) also met with federal Transport Minister Pablo Rodriguez in early December to advance the issue.

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