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NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg has praised the new Cap wiz resource
NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg has praised Cap wiz which would connect emergency responders with senators

Cap Wiz will deliver the e-mails to the appropriate elected officials and generate reports on which offices receive e-mails.

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) recently subscribed to Cap Wiz, a grassroots advocacy outreach tool that will allow us to enhance our ability to influence members of Congress, primarily by making it easier for our members and supporters to communicate with their Representatives and Senators.

Through Cap Wiz, the NVFC can post draft letters to elected officials and federal agencies on a special section of our web site and then send an alert that includes the web site link to individuals that sign up to receive the NVFC's legislative updates (including all NVFC E-update subscribers) to let them know that the letter has been posted. Individuals can follow the link, read the draft letter, and send it to their elected officials simply by entering their contact information and clicking 'send.' Cap Wiz will deliver the e-mails to the appropriate elected officials and generate reports on which offices receive e-mails so that NVFC staff can follow up to ensure that the message was received and answer any questions that the Congressional office may have.

"I am extremely excited that we are able to offer this new resource to our members and subscribers to make it easier for them to contact their members of Congress," said NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg. "In order to get things done in Washington, DC, we need to have good arguments and broad-based, vocal support that creates a sense of urgency in Congress to address our concerns. With Cap Wiz we have a tool that will make it easier for hundreds of thousands of volunteer emergency responders to communicate with their Representatives and Senators, while at the same time providing NVFC with information about the level of grassroots support for our various legislative priorities."

The NVFC's Cap Wiz site can be accessed at this link. There is a Featured Alert currently posted regarding S. 3756, the Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act of 2010. S. 3756 would allocate 10 MHz of radio spectrum in the 700 MHz band to public safety to build a nationwide broadband communications network. Go to the NVFC's Cap Wiz site to learn more about this issue and send letters to your Senators asking them to co-sponsor S. 3756.

Anyone can sign up to receive legislative alerts from the NVFC, either by registering to receive the NVFC E-update or by signing up to receive legislative alerts through the NVFC's Cap Wiz site. Please send a link to this article to anyone you know who supports volunteer emergency responders so that they can register to receive information from NVFC. 

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