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Simply being allowed to burn their own certificate – students experience an exciting future day at WAGNER.

21 girls and boys aged 10 to 16 used the Future Day at WAGNER to go on a journey of discovery in the field of fire protection. The Lower Saxony Future Day helps students in grades 5 to 10 to learn about careers that they would not necessarily consider for themselves. WAGNER employees from various departments have once again come up with interesting activities and tasks for the potential fire protection trainees.

Early fire detection

As every year, the Future Day started in the WAGNER World with a popular tradition: Rolf Wendt (experimental assistant) set fire to Timo's (12) report card. The sixth-grader was delighted to discover that the paper cannot catch fire at all when the oxygen content is reduced to 13.7% by volume.

As every year, the Future Day started in the WAGNER World with a popular tradition

After the students learned more about the theory of fire prevention and early fire detection in the WAGNER World, they were allowed to be productive at various stations and demonstrate their intuition. With the support of Niklas Möller (technical editor) and his colleagues, the students built their own levitation device that can even make balls float. They soldered, worked and experimented down to the smallest detail. The highlight of the day? "Definitely the building!" said Sebastian (10) with joy-filled eyes.

New impressions and experiences

Finally, the students visited the marketing department and learned with the help of the team how to market their own product. "Marketing is more than just a newspaper," Jette (11) summed up happily. After a long but exciting day, the students left WAGNER with many new impressions and experiences that will hopefully help them later when choosing a career.

One thing is certain: They are already looking forward to the next Future Day on March 26, 2020 at WAGNER.

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