NVFC Training Summit 2023 news
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) joined its signature Health & Safety Training Summit and Recruitment & Retention Experience conferences into one expanded NVFC Training Summit in 2023 to focus on critical issues impacting the volunteer fire and emergency services. The sold-out event was held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on June 23-24. The two-day training and networking conference drew over 150 firefighters, EMS providers, and fire service leaders from 37 states. The NVFC was a...
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is excited to announce that the 2023 Training Summit will feature tracks focusing both on first responder health and safety topics as well as volunteer recruitment and retention. Training Summit venue Taking place June 23-24 in Oklahoma City, OK, this signature conference provides an opportunity for firefighters and EMS providers to participate in valuable classroom training, idea sharing, and networking. This expanded Training Summit incorporates th...
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is excited to announce that the 2023 NVFC Training Summit will feature tracks focusing both on first responder health and safety topics, as well as volunteer recruitment and retention. Taking place from June 23 to June 24, 2023, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OK), USA, this signature conference provides an opportunity for firefighters and EMS providers to participate in valuable classroom training, idea sharing, and networking. Expanded NVFC Training Sum...
The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is pleased to announce that it will host its signature health and safety focused educational conference, the NVFC Training Summit 2023, from June 23 to June 24, 2023, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. The NVFC is now accepting proposals from qualified instructors and speakers for presentations to educate first responders about critical issues in the fire and emergency services. Submit proposal by September 30, 2022. NVFC Training Summit 2023 The theme...
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