The Heinze Select event series offered two exclusive cultural and culinary days to invited top architects and planners at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg on March 9 and 10, 2017.
WAGNER, the installer of the aspirating smoke detection system in the concert hall, accompanied the event for architects and specialist planners.
TITANUS® aspirating detectors
The participants had the chance to ask for data about the systems used in the Elbphilharmonie
In addition to a look behind the scenes of the spectacular Elbphilharmonie building of the century, a varied program awaited the 75 owners and managing directors of well-known architecture and planning offices: This included the premiere of the musical theater piece "Just Call Me God," a harbor tour, a celebratory dinner as well as architectural lectures and tours.
In addition, the participants had the opportunity to ask for information about the systems used in the Elbphilharmonie and their range of services. Experts from the respective companies were available for technical discussions. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Kock, Head of Plant Engineering DACH, and Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kind, Branch Manager Hamburg, answered questions from interested parties about the invisibly installed TITANUS ® aspirating smoke detectors from WAGNER.
TITANUS ® convinces experts in function and appearance
A total of 67 TITANUS TOP∙SENS ® aspirating smoke detectors are installed in the foyer, the Great Hall, the Small Hall and Hall 3 of the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie. TITANUS ® ensures highly sensitive and false alarm-proof fire detection in accordance with Class A+ according to DIN EN 54-20.
The aspirating smoke detectors actively and continuously take air samples from the monitored protection area via suction openings and analyze them for the smallest smoke aerosols. Fires can thus be detected early in their development phase and, thanks to the unique, intelligent LOGIC.SENS signal processing, are safe from false alarms.
Standard point detectors
The suction openings of the TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors are positioned invisibly of the architects
In the event of a fire, the operator secures the maximum time advantage for timely action and, in the event of deceptive scenarios such as dust development, expensive false alarms and operational interruptions. The suction openings of the TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors can be positioned almost invisibly-much to the delight of the architects.
They are significantly smaller and less conspicuous than standard point detectors and also allow concealed installation in light strips, behind panels, or other architectural elements.
Fire protection solution
"We are delighted that we were able to equip a prestigious building such as the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie with our aspirating smoke detectors."
"The decision to use WAGNER shows how important a well-thought-out fire protection solution is, especially in the public sector," said Dipl.-Ing. Markus Kock at the celebratory Heinze event.