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In a world where people often focus on themselves, it's important to remember that people naturally want to help each other. Twiceme's goal is simple: it wants to turn people who witness accidents into helpers.

Twiceme is a company dedicated to making a difference. Whether people have ever felt unsure about helping during an accident or not, Twiceme's mission is about bringing out the helper in everyone.

why people should be help more

  • The Impact of Kindness: Doing kind things isn't just nice; it's also good for people. It reduces stress, makes them happier, and even helps the body stay healthy. Plus, it brings people closer together and inspires others to be kind too.
  • From Stress Relief to a Happy Brain: Helping out isn't just about feeling good; it also helps people stay healthy, especially when it comes to stress. When people do good things for others, the brain rewards them with a good feeling.
  • Compassion: It's in Nature: People are naturally wired to want to help others. Science tells that it's not just a choice; it's something that's built into who they are.
  • Feeling Good by Doing Good: Helping others leads to less sadness, more emotional balance, less physical discomfort, and better overall health. It's like a recipe for a longer, happier life.
  • Improving Teams and Workplaces: When people at work help each other, things go better for everyone. Teamwork isn't just important; it's essential.

Twiceme's tech empowers bystanders to help more

Its easy-to-use app helps people become a helpful person in emergencies and gives important safety information

Sometimes, people hesitate to help during accidents, a social-psychological phenomenon called ‘bystander apathy’. Twiceme tackles this issue with Help the Helpers (HTH) technology. 

Its easy-to-use app helps people become helpful person in emergencies and gives important safety information. Twiceme mixes technology with compassion to make a difference.

In Conclusion

Helping out isn't just a saying; it's a big part of making the world a better place. It's good for people and good for others. 

So, let's embrace the power of helping and let kindness guide everyone to a happier, healthier life for themselves and those around them.

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