Fire Industry News for February 2022

NFCC Congratulates Three Fire And Rescue Services For Getting Recognized As Most LGBTQ+ Inclusive Workplaces

The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) sends its congratulations to three fire and rescue services who featured in the Stonewall Top 100 Employers list. Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Services ranked alongside fellow local government organizations such as Sussex Police as well as household names such as Unilever, Sky, and Aviva. Public sector organization The Stonewall Top 100 Employers list is compiled from t...

Nittan Announces The Launch Of The New CPC-4 Industrial System Control Panel, As Successor To The CPC-3 Control Unit

Forming part of the CPC-4 / 0KB-3 Integrated Fire Detection System, for use in electrical control gear, machinery and other risk spaces, Nittan’s latest CPC-4 control unit and 0KB-3 smoke detectors offer a dedicated system to detect a fire that occurs in equipment, such as large-scale computers, electrical control panels, along with industrial plant and machinery equipment. CPC-4 Control Unit While externally similar to the outgoing CPC-3, the internal CPU and other components have bee...

IAFC Safety, NVFC, NFPA, FDSOA Together Organize Safety Stand-Down Program

Situational awareness is a critical component of emergency response operations. It is a process that helps firefighters solve problems, prevent bad outcomes, and make better decisions in high-stress environments. In recognition of its importance, the theme of the 2022 Safety Stand-Down campaign is “Situational Awareness: The Foundation for Good Decision-Making.”  Focus on Training and education  A joint initiative of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) Sa...

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Approves Funds For All Of The Fire Department Bureau’s Recovery Projects

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved the projects for which the Fire Department Bureau requested funds under the Agency’s Public Assistance Program. These represent a total of 21 emergency and permanent work projects for a total of US$ 15.4 million. Of those, about US$ 10.7 million will be distributed in 18 permanent work projects, which will be used for upgrades to the structures belonging to the Bureau and for content replacement as a result of damage from Hurrica...

Mayor Of London Launches New Fire Safety Planning Guidance Proposal

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has launched a public consultation on draft guidance that puts fire safety at the center of the planning process for new developments. Sadiq Khan’s London Plan sets out guidance for development and building across London, with Khan stating that existing building regulations are ‘not fit for purpose’ and the progress of reform is too slow. London Plan Guidance The London Plan Guidance (LPG) relating to fire safety sets out how applicants seeki...

NFCC Working Patterns Project Delivers Case Studies To Benefit Fire And Rescue Services

The Working Patterns project team announces the launch of the working patterns case studies and case study implementation tool. NFCC People Programme The NFCC People Programme worked with services to identify new and innovative working patterns, which have been compiled into nine case studies. Case studies include supporting information about the whole time and on-call duty systems for UK services with useful information about international working patterns. The case studies provide examples...

Nittan Launches New Visual Alarm Base For Its Leading Evolution Photoelectric Smoke Detector

Nittan Europe, a manufacturer of fire detection products sold globally, has launched the EV-PYSVAD Visual Alarm Base for use with its EV-PYS Photoelectric smoke detector. Performance and installation The new EV-PYSVAD is a Type A Indoor Beacon Base VAD with enhanced performance. It features 12 high-power white LEDs which provide the required light output to meet the EN 54-23 Category C (Ceiling) certification requirements with a rating of C 3.0 x 5.0. As a slave device taking its commands from...

National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Announces The Winners Of Its 2022 Fire Service Achievement Awards

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2022 fire service achievement awards. Steven Klein will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award, sponsored by ADT, Chief John Buckman III will receive the Chief James P. Seavey Sr. Health and Wellness Leadership Award, co-sponsored by VFIS and Ward Diesel Filter Systems, Kaylee Gianforte will receive the Junior Firefighter of the Year Award, sponsored by California Casualty, and the Rowlett Explorer Post One wil...

SMART SHOOTER Receives An Order Form The Dutch Military To Provide SMASH AD Solution For Operational Use

SMART SHOOTER, a world-class designer, developer, and manufacturer of innovative fire control systems that significantly increase the accuracy and lethality of small arms, has received an order from the Dutch military and will provide them with its SMASH AD solution for operational use. The Dutch military has tested the system during the recent year and decided to purchase it and use the systems immediately, mainly for C-UAS purposes. Fire Control solution SMASH is a combat-proven Fire Contro...

Dahua Technology’s Fire Prevention Solution Helps Protect Mountainous Region Of Rizhao In China Against Forest Fire

A forest fire (also known as wildfire) is an unplanned and uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation, such as forest, grassland or prairie. It is often caused by human activities or natural phenomenon, like lightning. Nevertheless, according to a World Health Organization report, in 50% of wildfires recorded, the cause that triggered them is unknown. Mountainous regions, like Rizhao in Shandong Province of China, are vulnerable to forest fire. Recognized by the United Nations in 20...

VIKING Brings Walk-To-Work Lightweight Immersion Crew Transfer Suit To Make Crew Transfer Easier

VIKING Life-Saving Equipment launches a new Walk-to-Work crew transfer suit that overcomes a cumbersome feature of offshore wind turbine maintenance procedures without compromising safety, further strengthening its reputation for innovation in the renewables sector. The new VIKING YouSafe™ Walk-to-Work is a one-size immersion suit airtight packed into a bag that is attached to the user’s lifejacket instead of being worn during the transfer between support vessels and offshore instal...

VPS's New Over-Height Vehi­cle Detec­tion Sys­tem Prevents Low-Bridge Strikes

Low Bridge Advance Warn­ing Detec­tion sys­tems has been brought into sharp focus, as a lor­ry strike to a rail­way bridge halt­ed all trains in and out of Corn­wall on Bank Hol­i­day Monday. A large refrig­er­a­tion lor­ry struck a bridge at Man­namead, in Ply­mouth, dam­ag­ing the stonework and rais­ing the lev­el of the bridge. The HGV became wedged under the arch and took more than 24 hours to re...

VPS SmartEyes Launch Brings Feature-Laden AI To Outdoor Security

The prop­er­ty secu­ri­ty spe­cial­ists, VPS announce a for­mi­da­ble addi­tion to their range of secu­ri­ty solu­tions. The VPS SmartEyes detec­tor is a pow­er­ful, wire­less, video ver­i­fi­ca­tion sen­sor with in-built arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduces false alarms. Simple to install detectors “This rugged detec­tor enables...

VPS Shares Their Range Of Detector-Based Monitoring Systems To Enhance Surveillance During Fire Incidents

Over sev­er­al decades now, a key com­po­nent for pro­tect­ing a loca­tion from a breach of secu­ri­ty or safe­ty has been a net­work of closed-cir­cuit TV cam­eras, or CCTV. And whilst the cam­eras are most­ly clear­ly vis­i­ble, what goes on behind the scenes, in the remote video mon­i­tor­ing centers, has large­ly been an untold area of the secu­ri­ty sec­tor...

VPS Gets Shortlisted For Separate Categories In The Prestigious Constructions News Specialists Awards

Three judges pan­els have each short­list­ed VPS for sep­a­rate cat­e­gories in the pres­ti­gious Con­struc­tions News Spe­cial­ists Awards: Equip­ment Spe­cial­ist of the Year, for their safe­ty zone team’s work help­ing to keep road­work­ers safe and traf­fic flow­ing with wire­less CCTV Tow­ers and Vari­able Mes­sage Signs. Tack­ling Cli­mate Chang...

Hi-line Industries Unveils Expanded Line-Up Of Class-Leading HPSA Series Desiccant Air Dryers

Hi-line Industries, an established and reputable UK manufacturer of high-quality compressed air purification equipment, announced that the company is now offering a fully-featured range of desiccant air dryers. The company’s series of class-leading HPSA heatless dryers includes new standard models, the recently launched HPSA-CT (Carbon Tower) version, plus the bespoke HP-HPSA (High Pressure) model. As a result, Hi-line Industries can fulfill the needs of any company that needs dry, clean...

The American Red Cross Offers Key Insights And Tips On How To Ensure Home Fire Safety Effectively

Home fires are the most common disaster in this country and sadly, these fires claim seven U.S. lives every day. This year is proving no different. Tragically, since the beginning of 2022, 431 people have lost their lives in home fires. Since January 1, 2022, the American Red Cross has already responded to more than 10,000 home fires, providing help to more than 37,000 people. Home fire safety The American Red Cross highlights the key steps that residents can follow to help them stay safe, sh...

MSA, DuPont Personal Protection, And NVFC Collaborate For Gear Giveaway Program

MSA, DuPont Personal Protection, and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) are teaming up again in 2022 to provide volunteer fire departments with four sets of new, state-of-the-art Globe turnout gear through MSA and DuPont’s annual Globe Gear Giveaway program. A total of 52 jackets, 52 pants, and 52 helmets will be awarded to 13 volunteer fire departments in need in 2022 to increase firefighter safety. Eligibility criteria To be eligible to apply, departments must: Be over 50%...

BAFSA Reviews The National Occupational Standards (NOS) For Mechanical Fire Protection

The National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Mechanical Fire Protection have recently been reviewed by professionals across the fire industry. These standards relate to any non-electrical device used for fire protection such as, sprinklers; gas systems; water mist and powder; foam and chemical systems; dry and wet risers; fire mains. Industry best practice A consultation on the content of the National Occupational Standards to determine whether they reflect industry best practice and what so...

Survitec Supports Female Firefighters On Epic Antarctic Trek

A team of female firefighters is preparing for a record-breaking trek to ski Antarctica coast-to-coast with global Survival Technology pioneer Survitec as one of its sponsors. The six-strong Antarctic Fire Angels are undertaking the grueling expedition to showcase women's empowerment and tackle the stigma of talking about mental health. Gender equality awareness Martin Whittaker, Survitec CEO – Aerospace and Defence, said, “Protecting lives is at the forefront of everything we do...

Coopers Fire Highlights The Key Points And What To Remember To Ensure Hotel Fire Safety

With constant footfall, regular cooking and many employees switching up on irregular shifts, hotels require a dedicated focus on fire safety, in order to keep everyone and the building safe at all times. If a fire breaks out in a hotel, many people will find themselves in danger. Hotel owners, managers and employees must recognize the importance of hotel fire safety, so as to prevent hundreds of people from an emergency. To keep a hotel, its staff and visitors safe, regulations need to be in pl...

NFCC Launches The Safeguarding Fire Standard

The National Fire Chiefs Council is delighted to welcome the publication of the Safeguarding Fire Standard by the Fire Standards Board. The Safeguarding Fire Standard aims to ensure that fire and rescue services are doing all that they can to support and promote the safeguarding of those within their communities, employees, and volunteers. The standard accompanies the NFCC Safeguarding Guidance for Children, Young People and Adults, and the NFCC Self-Assessment Toolkit.   ass...

VIKING gets ETSO Approval For An Integrated Emergency Breathing System Together With A Helicopter Lifejacket

VIKING Life-Saving Equipment has launched the first aircrew lifejacket to secure approvals under the latest European Aviation Safety Agency ETSO for an emergency breathing system. The VIKING YouSafe™ Crew Pro (PV9366) lifejacket’s innovative Emergency Breathing System (EBS) is the first complete system to merit the European Technical Standard Order stamp. The approval verifies that the new lifejacket’s compact and lightweight system surpasses the technical standards from the C...

Albert Ziegler Delivers A TLF 3000 To The Fire Department Of Bockenem

On 14th February, 2022, Albert Ziegler delivered a TLF 3000 to the fire department of Bockenem. Technical data of the vehicle DIN: 14530-22 Wheelbase: 4,250 mm Engine power: 290 HP permissible weight: 16,000 kg Vehicle dimensions (LxWxH): 8,050 x 2,500 x 3,300 mm Cabin / crew: Z-Cab / 1+8 Pump type: FPN 10-2000 Water tank: 4,000 l Special features of TLF 3000 ALPAS® superstructure of the latest generation Rearview camera Hygiene Board PUSH Z-Control of the latest generati...

Detector Testers Participates At The Fire Safety Event

After a successful return last year, Detector Testers is pleased to again be part of the Fire Safety Event taking place in April 2022 at Birmingham’s NEC. The show, which runs from 5th – 7th April, will feature hundreds of exhibitors promoting the latest innovation in Fire Safety and will be supported by a comprehensive conference program featuring leading figures within the industry. Electronic solutions Detector Testers' marketing and sales team will be on hand throughout the sh...

Delta Township Fire Department Gets Sutphen Rescue-Pumper

The Delta Township (MI) Fire Department is running two Sutphen front-line pumpers out of two stations and is so pleased with the rigs that it recently took delivery of a Sutphen custom side-mount rescue-pumper to replace its oldest rigs. After receiving the new rescue pumper, the department liked the rig’s layout and performance, so it placed another order with Sutphen for an identical rescue pumper, as well as an SPH100 aerial platform. Compartment space Gregg Ginebaugh, chief of Delta...

BAFSA Announces The International Fire Protection Community Will Meet At The Fire Sprinkler International 2022 Event

Nothing beats a conference, when it comes to making new contacts or re-establishing old ones. The British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association Ltd (BAFSA) has announced that the internationally renowned Fire Sprinkler International 2022 (FSI 2022) exhibition, taking place in London, from May 31 to June 1, 2022, will bring the international fire protection community together once again. Fire Sprinkler International 2022 At Fire Sprinkler International 2022 event, attendees will hear from renown...

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service Moves From Papworth To Cambourne To Improve Fire Cover In The Area

Firefighters currently based in Papworth Everard will soon be relocating to the fire station in Cambourne. Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service believe that moving the fire engine will improve its fire cover in the area as there are more people in Cambourne to become on-call firefighters, who live or work within five minutes of the fire station. Delayed fire emergency response On-call firefighters are not based at a fire station, they go about their normal lives and wear an alerter which goe...

Norfolk Fire And Service Appoints Tim Edwards As Their New Interim Chief Fire Officer

Tim Edwards has been appointed as Norfolk’s new interim chief fire officer. The appointment follows existing Chief Fire Officer Stuart Ruff’s announcement of his intention to retire from the service, which he has been at the helm of since the Spring of 2019. Chief Fire Officer Edwards joined Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service at the age of 16 in 1988 and served on various watches as an operational firefighter before rising up the ranks. Most recently he was appointed Assistant Chief Fi...

Warringtonfire Significantly Invested In Their High Wycombe Testing Facility Before UKCA Mark Deadline

Warringtonfire, the pioneer in fire testing, inspection and certification services, has significantly invested in its High Wycombe testing facility to meet the anticipated growth in demand ahead of the UKCA Mark deadline. The transformation of the facility includes the refurbishment of its onsite fire resistance and smoke laboratories. This comprises new smoke testing equipment, a complete re-lining of two test furnaces as well as installation of a new cold abatement system to extract test fume...

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