Wireless Communication AS News

Norwegian Road Administration (NRA) Benefit From Sepura TETRA Radios On Nodnett

The Norwegian Road administration are benefiting from coverage even in mountainous parts of Norway thanks to Sepura TETRA radios and the Norwegian TETRA network, Nodnett. The upgraded system and terminals were implemented by Sepura partner, Wireless Communications AS. The Norwegian Road Administration (NRA) is part of the Directorate of Public Roads and is responsible for maintenance, expansion and control of the public roads in Norway. The NRA now relies on communications through Sepura STP900...

Wireless Communications AS Implements Sepura TETRA Radios For Sogn And Fjordane Energy Group In Norway

Sepura partner in Norway, Wireless Communication AS, has successfully implemented Sepura TETRA radios for Sogn and Fjordane Energy (SFE) utilizing Norway's Nodnett TETRA network. Sogn and Fjordane Energy (SFE) are a major regional energy group in Norway. They produce, distribute and convert power across more than 4200 km of power lines, delivering to 32,000 electricity customers. Headquartered in Sandane in Nordfjord, SFE operate across Sogn and Fjordane. Need of robust communication solutions...
