VPS Site Security Ltd. News

VPS's New Over-Height Vehi­cle Detec­tion Sys­tem Prevents Low-Bridge Strikes

Low Bridge Advance Warn­ing Detec­tion sys­tems has been brought into sharp focus, as a lor­ry strike to a rail­way bridge halt­ed all trains in and out of Corn­wall on Bank Hol­i­day Monday. A large refrig­er­a­tion lor­ry struck a bridge at Man­namead, in Ply­mouth, dam­ag­ing the stonework and rais­ing the lev­el of the bridge. The HGV became wedged under the arch and took more than 24 hours to re...

VPS SmartEyes Launch Brings Feature-Laden AI To Outdoor Security

The prop­er­ty secu­ri­ty spe­cial­ists, VPS announce a for­mi­da­ble addi­tion to their range of secu­ri­ty solu­tions. The VPS SmartEyes detec­tor is a pow­er­ful, wire­less, video ver­i­fi­ca­tion sen­sor with in-built arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduces false alarms. Simple to install detectors “This rugged detec­tor enables...

VPS Shares Their Range Of Detector-Based Monitoring Systems To Enhance Surveillance During Fire Incidents

Over sev­er­al decades now, a key com­po­nent for pro­tect­ing a loca­tion from a breach of secu­ri­ty or safe­ty has been a net­work of closed-cir­cuit TV cam­eras, or CCTV. And whilst the cam­eras are most­ly clear­ly vis­i­ble, what goes on behind the scenes, in the remote video mon­i­tor­ing centers, has large­ly been an untold area of the secu­ri­ty sec­tor...

VPS Gets Shortlisted For Separate Categories In The Prestigious Constructions News Specialists Awards

Three judges pan­els have each short­list­ed VPS for sep­a­rate cat­e­gories in the pres­ti­gious Con­struc­tions News Spe­cial­ists Awards: Equip­ment Spe­cial­ist of the Year, for their safe­ty zone team’s work help­ing to keep road­work­ers safe and traf­fic flow­ing with wire­less CCTV Tow­ers and Vari­able Mes­sage Signs. Tack­ling Cli­mate Chang...

VPS Site Security Ltd. Recognized As ‘Equipment Specialist Of The Year’ At 2021 Construction News Specialists Awards

In front of hun­dreds of indus­try lead­ers, the win­ners of the Con­struc­tion News Spe­cial­ists Awards were revealed at The Brew­ery, in Lon­don, United Kingdom, in Octo­ber 2021. Site secu­ri­ty spe­cial­ist, VPS Site Security Ltd. (VPS) tri­umphed dur­ing a rig­or­ous judg­ing process in front of an expert pan­el of judges, to win ‘Equip­ment Spe­cial­ist of the Ye...

VPS Site Security Ltd. Recognized As A Major Integrated Security Solutions Provider Globally

Glob­al research com­pa­ny, JCMR con­firmed that the VPS Site Security Ltd. (VPS) was one of a select group of companies that leads the mar­ket world­wide in pro­vid­ing con­struc­tion site secu­ri­ty systems.  VPS is the only UK site secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny to have been short­list­ed every year since 2014 for the peer reviewed IFSEC Secu­ri­ty and Fire Excel­lence Awards, win­ning a ra...

VPS Security Services Guides Property Owners On How To Reduce The Risks Of Arson

The Arson Awareness Week highlights that almost half (47%) of all fires attended to by the fire services are started deliberately, sometimes with a tragic cost of lives, and with a bill for insurance claims of £1.2 billion. Last year 76,000 fires were as a result of arson - that's over 200 a day across the UK - and vacant properties in particular are often targets. Rigorous Inspection Procedure VPS Security Services specialize in protecting properties that are temporarily vacant or unoc...

VPS Site Security Introduces VPS FireAlert Wes+ Wireless Emergency System To Boost Construction Site Security

The VPS FireAlert Wes+ solution is certified to the European EN54 standard for fire alarms Construction site protection experts, VPS Site Security, have added a wireless emergency system (WES) early warning fire safety and evacuation network to their range of specialist rental products and services. Enhanced fire safety The VPS FireAlert Wes+ has already built a substantial track record, with over 50,000 units operating on some of the biggest and most high profile constructi...
