Vigilant Hose Company News

VHC Eliminates $1.3M In Debt

At the October 2021 monthly meeting of the Vigilant Hose Company, the membership voted upon a recommendation from the organization’s Board of Director’s to pay off the remaining mortgage on the Fire Station located at 25 W. Main Street and the balance remaining on the loan for the recently purchased Engine 61. The total debt removed from the books was over 1.3 million dollars was officially completed over the last two weeks. Community service The ability to achieve this reduction...

Why Suicide and Mental Health Issues Plague the Fire Service

More firemen die of suicide each year than are killed in the line of duty. For example, in 2017, at least 103 firefighters and/or Emergency Medical Services (EMS) workers in the United States committed suicide, but only 93 firefighters died in the line of duty. Mental Health Disorder Effects The grim statistic is a wakeup call to the tragic effects of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide on firefighters and EMS workers. Between 14.6 and 22% of firefighters experience P...
