The Fire Service College News

West Yorkshire Firefighter Gets Top Score In National Challenge

A team from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) took part in The National Breathing Apparatus Challenge, which saw Michael Gumeniuk receive an award for his quick-thinking actions during one of the real-life scenarios. The challenge, which takes place at the Fire Service College at Moreton-in-Marsh in Gloucestershire, was jointly founded by WYFRS Assistant District Commander, David Cookson. He said: “In 2006 I was working as an instructor and there were a number of high-profil...

Steve Skarratt Joins FireQual As Qualifications Manager

FireQual is pleased to announce its latest appointment to the Senior Management Team. Steve Skarratt, in their new position as Qualifications Manager, joins the organization from his former role as Head of Prevention and Protection Training at The Fire Service College. Throughout his career, Steve has been heavily involved in training and development including acting as Interim Head of Learning and Development at the College, and before that, Curriculum and Qualifications Manager at the Fire Pr...

Urban Search And Rescue Supports Emergency Response Resilience Training

A team from West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service joined together with partners to help train new National Ambulance Resilience Unit (NARU) technicians last week. The multi-agency training exercise, held at the Fire Service College in Gloucestershire, was part of a training course for new Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) technicians, to increase response resilience in the event of an emergency. Urban Search and Rescue Team A group of 11 staff from West Yorkshire’s Urban Search and...

UK's Fire Service College Appoints New Chief Executive

The Fire Service College has appointed Kim Robinson as Chief Executive New appointee will head UK's leading fire training organisation Fire Minister Shahid Malik today announced that Kim Robinson has been appointed as Chief Executive of the world renowned Fire Service College at Moreton in Marsh. Mr Malik also announced the appointment of two non-executive members of the College management board: Bill Griffiths as the new Chair and Martin Bryant as a board member. Kim R...
