Thameside Fire Protection News

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights The Benefits Of Fire Safety Training Programs

Fire safety training for all staff is essential to ensure the utmost safety of the business. There are countless reasons why integrating fire safety training into business practice is essential.  Such training is typically required by law and can help to reduce the company’s liability in the event of a fire incident. Additionally, fire safety training constitutes a crucial component of the overall safety protocols, effectively reducing the likelihood of workplace injuries or fataliti...

Complete Guide To Marine Fire Protection By Thameside Fire Protection

Although it may not seem necessary at first glance, marine fire protection is vital for a safe and secure vessel. Learn more about marine fire safety, and discover how the team at Thameside Fire Protection can help. Importance of fire protection Users might not think fire protection is important onboard a boat, considering they sit on water. Fires, however, are one of the most dangerous problems while in open waters. As technology advances, more beneficial electrical additions can be made to...

Fire Risk Assessments: Everything They Need To Know

Fire risk assessments are very important for all businesses to do. Fire safety risk assessments are part of the fire safety procedures and they help keep everyone safe by avoiding fires and knowing what to do when one does break out. If they are a business owner, a fire safety risk assessment is something that can help keep them, their employees and their customers safe. Here is everything they need to know about fire risk assessment. What is the purpose of a fire risk assessment? Fir...

Thameside Fire Protection Preventing Electrical Fires: Top Hazards To Look Out For

Homes and businesses are stuffed full of technology and depend on electricity for the completion of numerous daily tasks. As the 21st century progresses, they are becoming more and more reliant on digital devices to streamline work processes, and provide with entertainment, and keep everyone connected. As such, electrical fires are always a possibility, especially if equipment is outdated or neglected. It is important to look out for potential electrical hazards and rectify them promptl...

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights Fire Safety Training In The Workplace: Key Points To Cover

Fire is a complex force of nature that can quickly wreak havoc throughout a modern building, putting lives and property at risk. But proper fire prevention and preparation can help to manage this threat and in turn, keep employees safe in an emergency. Proper fire preparation means more than just installing the correct extinguishers and sprinkler systems. It's about giving people the tools to act calmly and practically in a crisis, where this can be taught through a comprehensive fire safety tr...

Thameside Fire Protection Shares A Complete Guide To Fire Sprinkler Systems And Installation

Fires are, as users might expect, one of the most severe threats to any kind of building. Whether they own their own home or an office building, users should always take the risk of fire extremely seriously. As they’re sure users know, there are many different types of fire mitigation items, from extinguishers to fire blankets. Though there is no question that sprinklers are one of the most effective safety items, which is why they are so common. So, Thameside Fire will run through all th...

Thameside Fire Protection Shares Three Fire Reduction Methods

Fires are an extremely dangerous risk and there is no question that they do happen every once in a while. Therefore, over the years many different companies and inventors have tried to create systems that reduce the risk of fire or help to tackle the fires if they do start. So, what system is the right one for a user? Thameside Fire Protection is going to run through some of the most common fire safety items from extinguishers to sprinklers. So, keep reading to find out more about how t...

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights The Importance Of Regular Fire Drills In The Workplace

As an employer or building owner, fire safety should be a top priority. While fire protection systems are essential, they alone are not enough to protect employees or property. One of the most crucial steps that can take toward fire safety is to conduct fire drills regularly. This blog post will discuss the importance of fire drills in the workplace and how they can benefit businesses and their employees. Improve Fire Safety Fire drills are an essential aspect of fire safety services as they...

Thameside Fire Protection Shares A Simple Guide To Essential Fire Protection Systems

Fire protection is an essential aspect of any building's safety measures. Every year, many people lose their lives and suffer injuries due to fires that could have been prevented. Here at Thameside Fire Protection, they offer a range of fire protection systems to help prevent and contain fires in a variety of commercial buildings. Thameside Fire Protection will guide users through the essential fire protection systems that can help safeguard the property and save lives. Network of smoke detec...

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights The Common Fire Safety Hazards At Homes

To ensure the best fire safety at home, it’s essential to have at least some basic fire safety equipment. Fire alarms, some firefighting apparatus, and escape ladders are a must. However, it is equally important to be aware of, and attend to, any potential fire-related dangers. This article takes a quick look at some of the most common fire safety hazards to keep an eye out for at home. They include: Cooking Equipment Cooking appliances are by far the biggest source of domestic fire...

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights The Most Essential Fire Safety Equipment For Homes

Fire safety precautions are essential for any living situation. However, installing extensive emergency features can be off-putting, or expensive to procure all at once. This article takes a look at the five most essential fire safety equipment that every home should have installed, in order to facilitate at least a good and basic level of safeguarding of the property. To be adequately prepared in case the worst should happen, be sure to have at least these fire protection features installed in...

Thameside Fire Protection Highlights The Staple Fire Safety Items That People Should Have In Their Homes

Fire safety is important to implement everywhere, including the home. Yet, many people may not realize how many fire protection items are available and practical to keep in the house in the unfortunate event that a fire does break out. Mentioned below are some essential fire safety items to consider keeping at home. Fire Alarm System Every home should have a smoke detector in place as the most basic level of fire protection. Though it is not a legal requirement to have a smoke alarm in place...

Thameside Fire Protection's Guide To The New Building Safety Act

The Building Safety Bill received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022, becoming English law under the name of the Building Safety Act. The Act has been introduced as a response to the Grenfell Tower Fire and aims to improve residential safety across the nation. fire safety: a priority The new Act is based on the recommendations offered by Dame Judith Hackitt in her independent assessment of residential building and fire safety standards - 2017 Building a Safer Future Report. The new safety regime ou...

Thameside Fire Protection's Fire Safety Plan

A fire safety plan is essential to any business, whether a small shop or a large office building. Every single employee should know what to do in the event of a fire, from evacuation routes to where all the fire doors in the building are. For a business owner who needs help crafting their fire safety plan, read on for some helpful guidance. Fire Protection With A Safety Plan Fire can be devastating and can lead to loss of earnings, damage to property, injury, and even death. While damage and...

Thameside Outlines The Four Main Fire Extinguishers Users Will Need To Protect Their Business

Having the right fire extinguishers for the business or commercial property is important in ensuring users are protecting their business and the employees, as well as ensuring they abide by current regulations. Below Thameside outlines the four main fire extinguishers users will need to protect their business and meet current fire safety regulations. The most common fire extinguisher type for class A fires, water fire extinguishers are essential for most premises. Providing a cooling effect on...
