Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service News

CLM Fireproofing Explains Emerging Fire Protection And Suppression Technologies

The fire protection industry is amid some exciting technological developments. While the core tenets of fire protection remain the same, new products allow for solutions that are more efficient and sustainable, not to mention safer. In this article, CLM will highlight some of the most recent advances in fire protection technology, and how they can transform the industry. SCot in fire protection The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to revolutionize everyday objects. In essence, the t...

FPA Announces Super Thursday Elections Could See Changes In Who Runs Fire Services

The number of Police Fire and Crime Commissioners could rise after the PCC elections on 6 May, as the UK Government indicates strong support for this type of governance. Currently, there are four Police Fire and Crime Commissioners in England: Staffordshire Essex Northamptonshire North Yorkshire Julia Mulligan is stepping down in North Yorkshire and Mathew Ellis is likewise in Staffordshire. PCC elections Other PCCs have shown interest in taking on governance in the fire but have bee...

BAFSA Conducts A Workshop On Automatic Water Based Fire Suppression Applications

Every fire safety professional choosing to register for this one day, free to attend the seminar, organized by BAFSA and hosted by Staffordshire Fire & Rescue at their HQ in Stone on 18th March, will experience a day packed with information regarding automatic water based fire suppression applications and local case studies; design standards and solutions. All presentations will be delivered by fire sprinklers experts and fire safety practitioners.

BAFSA Announced The Postponement Of Their Joint Sprinkler Seminars Due To COVID-19

BAFSA is disappointed to report that, along with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service & BAFSA, the organizations have made the difficult decision to postpone their joint sprinkler seminars on 18th and 24th March respectively due to the current Covid-19 fears. While disappointing for everyone involved, they have taken this step in line with NFCC guidance as far as reducing the chance of spreading the virus as much as is reasonably practic...

APE Shares A Beginner’s Guide To Fire Sprinkler Systems

From commercial and industrial settings to local authorities, schools & universities, and residential properties, users are all required to strive for the highest standards of fire safety. Thankfully, there are many ways in which users can reduce the risk of fire thanks to a whole host of innovative fire safety systems. fire sprinkler systems When it comes to effectively containing a fire, an overwhelming body of evidence supports the use of fire sprinkler systems in effectively containing...

Infographics Announces Staffordshire FRS To Become The First Fire Company To Adopt An Integrated Solution

Infographics announce that Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) will become the first FRS to adopt an integrated solution that seamlessly joins up their work and data flows across Resource Management departments, Emergency Response, and Prevention and Protection. This ground-breaking project will include the implementation of Infographics’ latest ‘off-the-shelf’ integrated solutions and interfaces in order to achieve, Infographics believes, a UK (and most likely global)...

Staffordshire Fire And Rescue Advises Businesses To Review Fire Risk Assessments In Light Of COVID-19

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue is advising businesses to review fire risk assessments following the Prime Minister’s announcement to restrict movement and close businesses.  "The fire safety measures within buildings are designed for their specific use and often do not include people sleeping. It may therefore not have the necessary fire safety measures installed to make this a safe practice," said Fire Safety Lead Matt White.  Isolating electric items  The advice comes af...

BAFSA Postpones Key Sprinkler Seminars Jointly Held With Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, Dorset And Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

BAFSA (British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association Ltd.), along with Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service, Dorset Fire & Rescue Service and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, announced that they are disappointed to report that they have made the difficult decision to postpone the joint sprinkler seminars slated to be held on 18th and 24th March respectively due to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic fears. Joint sprinkler seminars postponed The organizations stated in a joint...

Recent Study Reveals That 54% Of UK Fire & Rescue Services Struggle To Record Social Media Response Times

According to a recent study, just over half (54%) of UK Fire and Rescue Services struggle to record their response times to inbound messages and enquiries across their social media channels. With inbound enquiries from residents and other stakeholders increasing overall and the number of social media accounts being managed by the services also on the rise, tracking KPIs such as response time is key to effectively serving stakeholder needs on social. Social media is a vital channel to communicat...

Staffordshire Fire And Rescue Service Plans To Save £500k By Cutting False Call-outs

Fire services are anticipating savings of £500,000 by not attending 2,000 calls, which cost them £250 each Staffordshire fire and rescue chiefs plan to cut costs and enhance savings by reducing the number of engines they send to attend the false call-outs. Fire and rescue chiefs in Staffordshire plan to make savings by reducing the number of engines they send to false alarms. The services in the West Midlands county has planned the moves to make efficiency saving...
