SRS Alert Fire News

Fire Marshal Training: Essential Guide For Workplace Safety

A fire warden, sometimes referred to as a fire marshal, is an employee within a company entrusted with the crucial responsibility of managing all aspects of fire safety and promoting awareness within the workplace. A fire warden A fire warden or fire marshal is significant in ensuring workplace safety and security, involving tasks such as conducting risk assessments and promoting fire safety to maintain a safe and protected work environment.  As one of Ireland's premier providers of Fi...

AOVs For Enhanced Fire Safety By SRS Alert Fire Systems

At SRS Alert Fire Systems, they believe that every building should be equipped with the best fire protection solutions. Automatic Opening Vents (AOVs) are an integral part of the commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of occupants in case of a fire emergency. Imagine a fire breaking out in a building – the smoke and heat generated can quickly become life-threatening. Automatic Opening Vents are specialised ventilation systems designed to facilitate the safe evacu...

Abrasive Wheels Training: Ensure Safe Operations

They offer an extensive range of safety courses that will ensure the staff are confident enough to deal with an emergency, in any situation. They offer: Basic Fire Awareness Fire Warden & Fire Marshal Training Abrasive Wheels Training Basic First Aid Training Chemical Safety Awareness Training Emergency Response Team Training Manual Handling Occupational First Aid Patient Handling Working At Heights Basic Fire Awareness Training & Fire Warden Training The chosen staff me...

Fire Extinguisher Servicing Guidelines-Ireland Regulations

As one of Ireland's most established providers of fire extinguishers, they often get questions on these essential pieces of fire safety. In commercial buildings, it's a legal requirement to have fire extinguishers available. Therefore it's understandable that clients have a variety of different questions. To make this information more accessible to clients and the curious, they have included some of the most common questions below. How often should fire extinguishers be serviced? Fire extingu...

Effective Fire Safety Training In Ireland By SRS Alert Fire

SRS Alert Fire remains one of Ireland's most experienced and established fire safety training and product providers. For decades they have helped businesses make their premises that much safer. They achieve this by providing regulatory-compliant fire safety products and training. The fire safety training courses include basic fire awareness, fire warden and fire marshal training, etc. As experts in the training field, they regularly get questions on fire training. For the convenience of th...
