National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) News

Stay Safe, Make Use Of The Fire Corps Smoke Alarm Donation Programme

Smoke alarm donation programme can help Fire Corps to prevent fires Fire Corps teams can help by utilising the Fire Corps smoke alarm donation programme sponsored by First Alert. If smoke alarms are needed in your community, Fire Corps teams can help by utilizing the Fire Corps smoke alarm donation program sponsored by First Alert. Your registered Fire Corps program may apply for these free smoke alarms by simply filling out the Smoke Alarm Request Form. Please keep in mind t...

Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award Goes To NVFC

The leadership award is named after Paul S. Sarbanes, a retired senator who stood for US firefighters CFSI and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation selected NVFC for its work on the national level to establish and promote the Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) received the Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Safety Leadership Award on April 29 during the Congressional Fire Services Institute's (CFSI) annual National F...

NVFC Creates New Emergency Medical Service Section

EMS would concentrate its resouces on improving emergency medical service at a national level The new EMS section of the NVFC will more effectively address the needs of the volunteer emergency medical services. The Board of Directors for the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has voted to create a new EMS section of the Council. This new section would consist of members of the NVFC but would be its own separate group dedicated to representing the interests of the vol...

NVFC Updates Legislative Priorities At Annual Spring Board Meeting

Broadband for First Responders (H.R. 5081) has been introduced as a top new priority in NVFC The new set of NVFC legislative priorities would enhance the standards of safety and security across the U.S. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Board of Directors updated the NVFC's Legislative Priorities at the annual Spring Board Meeting. This included re-ordering the priorities and adopting a new top priority: the Broadband for First Responders Act (H.R. 5081), which...

Collect Hair For The Gulf Coast Clean-up Efforts

Fire Corps teams can coordinate with salons and groomers to set up a hair donation system Fire Corps teams across the nation can assist in the clean-up effort by collecting a resource most everyone possesses: hair.  The Gulf Coast oil spill is an environmental disaster that will negatively impact the region for decades. Fire Corps teams across the nation can assist in the clean-up effort by collecting a resource most everyone possesses: hair.  Hair naturally a...

NVFC Junior Firefighter Of The Year Award Goes To Michelle Alyssa Carilli

Michelle Carilli won the  2010 Junior Firefighter of the Year Award for her exemplary service Carilli received the award during a special ceremony at the NVFC Spring Board Meeting in Alexandria, VA, on April 30, only a few days before her 18th birthday.The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and Tyco International bestowed the 2010 Junior Firefighter of the Year Award to Michelle Alyssa Carilli, a Junior Firefighter Captain at the Coventry (CT) Volunteer Fire Asso...

NVFC To Raise Awareness On Pet Fire Safety Day

Cute suspect? Pet Fire Safety Day will remind people to keep a watch on pets and prevent pet started home fires Pet Fire Safety Day is designed to educate pet owners about potential risks when pets are left home. Pet Fire Safety Day is on July 15, and the National Volunteer Fire Council is partnering with ADT Security Services to raise public awareness about pet fire hazards. NVFC is seeking examples of pets that have started home fires to use in the public safety a...

“IGCC: Safe And Sustainable By The Book”

The new green building code is meant for traditional and high performance buildings The International Code Council (ICC) recently unveiled the IGCC Public Version 1.0 at its Washington, D.C., world headquarters office with participants from the fire safety community in attendance. In an answer to the public demand for more energy-efficient and renewable technologies in schools, hospitals, and worksites of all types, the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) is...

NVFC Survey On First Responder Health And Safety Risks Closes May 1

NVFC is seeking inputs from first responders about health and safety concerns The NVFC is conducting a survey to identify new or changing health and safety issues facing the fire and emergency services. America's firefighters and emergency services personnel save lives and property as first responders to man-made and natural disasters, but these responders face great health and safety risks. In order to identify and address these risks, the National Volunteer Fire Coun...

Volunteer Firefighter And EMS Responder Tax Increment To Be Prevented With The Introduction Of New Act

Volunteer emergency responders would benefit from the new act Volunteer Responder Incentive Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 3136), would extend income tax exemptions on property tax benefits and up to $360 per year of other benefits. On March 18, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) along with original co-sponsor Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced the Volunteer Responder Incentive Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 3136), which would extend income tax exemptions on property t...

Earth Day To Be Marked By Going Green Initiative On April 22

Earth Day will bring issues like energy saving, greenhouse emissions and recycling on the global front Environmentally beneficial steps can save your department money in the long-run by lowering energy costs and reducing waste. April 22 marks the 40th anniversary of the Earth Day, and first responders can do their part to promote a healthy, sustainable environment by taking simple steps to "go green" in your department. The following Earth-friendly chang...

Campus Fire Safety Promoted By NVFC At Hill Day Participation

Campus Fire Safety Education is of utmost importance in today's educational infrastructure Over the course of Hill Day, groups of advocates met with dozens of House and Senate offices to promote several pieces of legislation that are vitally important to campus fire safety. On March 23, National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) staff participated in Campus Fire Safety Hill Day, along with a number of individuals and representatives of other fire service organizations. Over the...

National Volunteer Fire Council Announces 2010 Award Winners

NVFC awards outstanding individuals and programs in the fire industry Recipients of this year's awards will receive a trip to Alexandria to attend the award ceremony, a personalized award, and complimentary one-year membership to the NVFC, among other items. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has named the recipients of its five national awards. Outstanding individuals and programs from across the country were nominated for the Lifetime Achieveme...

Department Of Homeland Security Gives NVFC Grant To Support Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program

Fire Prevention and safety grant will help NVFC to concentrate on firefighters' health issues The Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant is meant for supporting programmes like Health Fair, Health and Wellness Advocate Workshops, and National Firefighter Health Week.The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has received a Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant from the Department of Homeland Security to support the Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program. The grant will...

NVFC Wins Fire Service Safety Leadership Award

NVFC will be honoured with the award for its services towards fire industry NVFC is committed to the health and safety of first responders and has established many initiatives to promote firefighter health and safety. The Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) have selected the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) as one of three recipients of the 2010 Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award. The N...

Fire Corps Successfully Concludes Grassroots Roundtable Forums

 Grassroots Roundtable Forum in Texas At both events, representatives from local Fire Corps programs, the Fire Corps State Advocate Network, Citizen Corps, and other key stakeholders were present.Fire Corps hosted its final two Grassroots Roundtable Forums at the San Antonio Fire Training Academy in Texas on February 5 and the Hermiston Fire Department in Oregon on February 12. These forums concluded a series of four meetings which were held to identify best practices,...

Firehouse World 2010 And NVFC Join Hands To Promote Health And Wellness In The Fire Industry

Firehouse partners with NVFC to encourage health and wellness among Fire Service Firefighters are encouraged to visit the Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program in booth 504 at Firehouse World, March 2-4. Cygnus Expositions, a division of Cygnus Business Media, have announced that they will provide resources and space for the National Volunteer Fire Council's (NVFC) Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program at Firehouse World 2010 in San Diego, CA, February 28-March 4, the country's larg...

Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act S. 2947 Introduced By Senators Carper And Collins

Senators Carper and Collins have introduced the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act (S. 2947) The NVFC strongly supports the House and Senate versions of the bill.On January 22, Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE) along with original co-sponsor, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced S. 2947, the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act, which would reduce the tax depreciation time on fire sprinklers installed in non-residential property from 39 years to only five years. Senators Carper and Collins...

Volunteer Fire-rescue Recruiting Station To Help Recruit Volunteers In Montgomery County

  MD Volunteers launch Volunteer Fire-Rescue Recruiting Station in Montgomery county   The new volunteer fire-rescue recruiting station will meet the needs of the 19 volunteer fire and rescue departments in Montgomery County.Many departments across the country are struggling with a decline in fire-rescue and EMS volunteers while at the same time facing higher call volumes and increased demands on the department. The Montgomery County (MD) Volunteer Fire Rescue...

State And Federal Initiatives Carry On Fight Against Sale Of Hazardous Novelty Lighters

Ten states have passed laws limiting or outright proscribing sales of novelty lighters On February 2, Maryland's House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on House Bill 191, which would prohibit novelty lighter sales in that state.Toy-like or novelty lighters have been responsible for injuries, deaths, and accidents across the country. Children are attracted to novelty lighters because they look like toys. A number of accidents involving novelty lighters have been documented,...

National Volunteer Fire Council Releases Its 2009 Annual Report

The National Volunteer Fire Council has released its 2009 Annual Report The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has released its 2009 Annual Report. The Report, which is also available on the NVFC web site, highlights all of the NVFC's initiatives over the past year and looks at the many ways the organization is working for you. The NVFC had a very busy year in 2009. It worked hard to advocate for the volunteer on Capitol Hill, and saw many victories and positive st...

President’s FY 2011 Budget Request Reduces AFG And SAFER Funding

The President's budget request proposes funding allocations for all federal departments The President's budget request proposes funding allocations for all federal departments, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through which the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program, the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program, and other programs vital to the emergency services are funded. For FY 2011, the...

NVFC Releases White Paper On Training In The Volunteer Fire Service

The NVFC white paper focuses on the need for proper training of firefighters The NVFC has released a white paper concerning training in the volunteer fire service and the need for improvement.The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is committed to ensuring that volunteer firefighters have an appropriate level of training to safely and effectively carry out their responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities of the fire service have evolved over the years. As the bre...

Nominate An Outstanding Member Of The Fire Service For A National Award

The NVFC offers four awards to nationally recognize the invaluable contributions of first responders The NVFC invites you to nominate an exceptional member of the fire service for one of four prestigious awards. Every day, the men, women, and youth of the fire service provide an essential service to communities nationwide. Individuals offer a lifetime of service, provide crucial fire prevention training, and support their local department as a junior firefighter, Explorer, o...

NVFC Health And Safety Priorities Featured On Fire Department Network News

The NVFC released the Health and Safety Priorities to outline best practice for fire department Fire Department Network News has released a series of video news stories highlighting the National Volunteer Fire Council's (NVFC) Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities. Each segment in the four-part series looks at a different focus area set forth in the Priorities. The NVFC released the Volunteer Firefighter Health and Safety Priorities to outline best practices ev...

Operation Ranger Grant Programme Application Period Now Open

USSTC is now accepting applications for the 2010 Operation Ranger grant program USSTC is now accepting applications for the 2010 Operation Ranger grant program. Founded in 2002, this program awards rugged, off-road utility vehicles to the nation's first responders. The application deadline is January 29. Since its inception, more than 460 vehicles have been awarded through Operation Ranger across all 50 states. Through this program, USSTC is able to recogn...

Call For Nomination Entries For The NVFC’s Annual Awards

NVFC is introducing additional awards to honour a junior firefighter and an exemplary junior firefighter program Each year, the NVFC honors one firefighter who has provided a lifetime of service to the volunteer fire service, as well as one volunteer firefighter whose accomplishments exemplify the philosophy of fire prevention. New in 2010, the NVFC is introducing two additional awards to honor an outstanding junior firefighter and an exemplary junior firefighte...

International Code Council And NVFC Join Hands To Improve Firefighter Safety

ICC and the NVFC will work together to improve firefighter safety through building and fire prevention codes To further the relationship and their joint efforts, the two Councils signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) during the ICC's Annual Conference and Code Hearings in Baltimore in October. The International Code Council (ICC) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) will work together to improve firefighter safety through building and fire prevention codes,...

Fire Corps National Advisory Committee Met Last Month

Fire Corps is administered through the National Volunteer Fire Council The 2009 Award of Excellence was presented during the meeting to the Mesa (AZ) Fire Department. The Fire Corps National Advisory Committee (NAC) met on October 26 at the Fire Corps national office in Greenbelt, MD. The NAC, which is comprised of representatives from many national fire and emergency service organizations as well as other prominent leaders in the industry, came together to provide e...

U.S. Fire Administration Kicks Off Public Fire Safety Campaign On Home Smoke Alarms And Residential Fire Sprinklers

USFA launched an effort to encourage everyone to install and maintain home smoke alarms and sprinklers The nationwide ‘Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign' will emphasise how important smoke alarms are to the saving of lives. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) has launched an effort to encourage everyone to install and maintain home smoke alarms and, if possible, sprinklers. More than 3,000 people die in home fires each year, and the majority of them have...
