National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) News

New Resources For Fire Services Released By NVFC

NVFC Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg believes that new resources will make situations more manageable New NVFC resources are meant to help fire and emergency service departments to meet challenges and awful situations which are quite stressful and disturbing at times for the firefighters. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has released several new resources to help fire and emergency service departments meet the challenges of a broad range of situations, including the...

National Volunteer Fire Council Launches Environmentally-friendly Guide For Fire Workers

NVFC is advising fire departmentson the adopting of green practices  National Volunteer Fire Council released the Guide for Going Green in the Fire Service to reduce their impact on the environment. People all across the nation are taking steps to decrease their impact on the environment, and there are many ways the fire service can do its part. The National Volunteer Fire Council released the Guide for Going Green in the Fire Service to highlight sustainable practices a...

Scholarships Offered To NVFC Members By Columbia Southern University

Columbia Southern University has teamed up with the National Volunteer Fire Council to offer scholarships Columbia Southern University (CSU) has teamed up with the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) to offer two two-year scholarships to members of the NVFC to attend CSU. This is the second year that CSU has offered scholarships to NVFC members. One scholarship will be awarded towards a Bachelor’s Degree and the other for an Associate’s Degree. "We thank...

EMS/Rescue Section Membership Offered By National Volunteer Fire Council

NVFC has always been committed to the emergency medical and rescue services The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has launched a new EMS/Rescue (EMS/R) Section to provide volunteers in an EMS or rescue delivery system with information, education, services, and representation to enhance their professionalism. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has launched a new EMS/Rescue (EMS/R) Section to provide volunteers in an EMS or rescue delivery system with information, e...

Department Of Homeland Security Seeks Stakeholder Input On Preparedness

DHS and FEMA are hosting a NationalDialogue on Preparedness National Dialogue on Preparedness open through September 10 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are hosting a National Dialogue on Preparedness to supplement the mission and recommendations of the Local, State, Tribal, and Federal Preparedness Task Force. Through the National Dialogue, the Task Force is seeking input from stakeholders on what works, what needs...

New ‘Sound The Alarm’ Website Launched To Reduce Fire Hazards In Residential Homes

Home safety checks, installation of smoke alarms and the like are made easy with Sound the Alarm website The International Code Council (ICC) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) have announced the release of the Sound the Alarm website. Sound the Alarm is a community outreach and education program designed to reduce rural community fire hazards and other potential dangers in residential homes. The ICC received a Fire Prevention & Safety Grant to implem...

National Junior Firefighter Academy A Great Baltimore Success Story

The junior firefighter program is open to all youths aged between 13 and 18 The National Junior Firefighter Program serves as an umbrella program  for junior firefighter schemes nationwide to promote youth participation within the fire and emergency services community. The National Volunteer Fire Council's (NVFC) National Junior Firefighter Program, in partnership with Spartan Motors, Inc., California Casualty, and Firehouse Expo, presented the inaugural National Junior...

DHS House Appropriation Bill To Fund AFG, SAFER And USFA

The new appropriation bill approves the much required funding for AFG, SAFER and USFA    On June 24, the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee marked-up legislation that would fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in FY 2011, including the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program, the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program, and the United States Fire Administration (USFA). The bill provides $420 milli...

Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade Grant Application Period Now Open

Georgia Pacific Grant Program has helped small fire departments with necessary monetary funds The Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade is a national program that recognizes firefighters in communities that have Georgia-Pacific facilities - or communities where Georgia-Pacific employees reside - for their contributions in making their communities, homes, and workplaces safer. The application period for the 2010 Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade grant program is now open. Fir...

Registration Open For National Junior Firefighter Academy

The training session will boost up the knowledge and skills of junior firefighters The session for junior firefighters is open to youth ages 13-18 and will cover topics such as youth leadership, future paths in the fire service, and youth-led activity ideas. The National Volunteer Fire Council's (NVFC) National Junior Firefighter Program has partnered with Firehouse Expo, Spartan Motors, Inc., and California Casualty to hold the National Junior Firefighter Academy on Saturday...

Submit Your Favourite Recipe To Participate In The Fire House Cooking Competition

Final cook-off will be on August 20, with the winner receiving $10,000 If you have a recipe that promotes good health and tastes great, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) encourages you to submit it for your chance to win. Help promote healthy eating in the fire service while entering for a chance to win $10,000. Television show LIVE! with Regis and Kelly is holding a Coast-to-Coast Fire House Cook-Off this summer. Firefighters can submit their favourite recipe,...

Amy Tarte Joins NVFC As Director Of Health And Safety

Amy Tarte will boost the working of NVFC's Health and Safety machinery Amy previously worked for the City of Alexandria where she coordinated the Medical Reserve Corps program (a sister program of Fire Corps) and served as the emergency preparedness and response coordinator. Amy Tarte has joined the NVFC team as the Director of Health and Safety. In this role, she will be the point of contact for the NVFC's health and safety initiatives, including the Heart-Healthy Firefighte...

Training And Education For Fire Service Professionals At Firehouse Expo 2010

Firehouse Expo has been supporting America's bravest for over 25 years New courses specifically developed for junior firefighters will focus on youth leadership, future paths in the fire service, and youth-led activities. In an effort to promote and provide the best education and training available to industry professionals, the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and Firehouse Expo have partnered to offer NVFC members a discounted admission rate to Firehouse Expo 2010. NV...

July 15 Set For National Pet Fire Safety Day

Be careful regarding activities of pets at fire prone places in home to avoide fire accidents Fire departments across the country are encouraged to utilize Pet Fire Safety Day on July 15 to spread pet fire safety messages in your community. An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by home fires, and a new data analysis by the National Fire Protection Association shows that nearly 1,000 house fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets. The Na...

Illinois Bans Novelty Lighters

 Illinois will become the 13th state to ban sales of novelty lighters to prevent fire accidents A woman in Ash Flat, AR, shot and killed herself with a Derringer pistol that she apparently thought was a cigarette lighter.On May 28, the Illinois legislature passed House Bill 5139, the Retail Sale and Distribution of Novelty Lighters Prohibition Act, which imposes fines of up to $500 on store owners who sell novelty cigarette lighters. According to the United States Fi...

The National Fire Service Resource Guide: An Encyclopedia Of The Fire Industry

Development of the fire industry guide was supported by VFIS and Provident Agency The National Fire Service Resource Guide covers topics like health & safety, fire service awards, governance etc. The National Fire Service Resource Guide is a one-stop reference source designed to provide fire and EMS departments with quick information regarding topics of importance to the fire and emergency services. The guide includes a compilation of available resources and tools t...

The College Fire Prevention Act Has Been Approved

Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) introduced the College Fire Prevention Act On May 19, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2136, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones College Fire Prevention Act, by a voice vote. The bill, which is supported by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), was introduced on April 28, 2009, by Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH).H.R. 2136 is named for Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a Congresswoman from Cleveland, OH, and the original sponsor of the College...

American Recovery And Reinvestment Act Funding Needs Early Applications

The USDA funding is a one-time opportunity Utilizing ARRA funding, USDA has developed a special vehicle and equipment initiative for rural communities that has $600 million available nationwide. Through its Community Facilities Program, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided assistance to rural communities and services, including fire and EMS for the past three decades. In recent years the amount of funding available through this program has remained...

NVFC In Favour Of Qualification Standards For Emergency Responders On Roadways

The NVFC endorses proposed NFPA Standard on Professional Qualifications for Emergency Responders on Roadways The creation of the proposed standard, and subsequent adoption of that standard by local fire and emergency services agencies, will lead to a reduction in injuries and deaths. On May 17, National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg sent a letter to the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Codes and Standards Administration expressing...

Be Prepared For Atlantic Hurricane Season With NVFC Hurricane Preparedness Resource Center

NVFC resource will help people to check out for proper resources in the time catastrophes The NVFC created the resource center to help communities tackle and overcome aftermaths of hurricane disasters. Hurricane season is from June 1-November 30, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season will be active to extremely active. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) wants to help communities be ready...

Rebuild A First Responder's Life With The Volunteer Firefighter Support Fund

The Belleville Wisconsin Volunteer Firefighters The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) created the Volunteer Firefighter Support Fund to help volunteer first responders in the aftermath of devastating events. Over the past few months, many areas in the U.S. have been affected by severe storms, tornadoes, flooding, and other natural disasters. Many communities rely on volunteer first responders when natural disasters such as these strike. However, often the homes and...

National Junior Firefighter Academy Courses Registration Open Now

The firefighter program will cover topics like youth leadership, the future in fire service and youth activities National Junior Firefighter Academy courses are limited to 75 junior firefighters and 50 program advisors. The National Volunteer Fire Council’s (NVFC) National Junior Firefighter Program has partnered with Firehouse Expo, Spartan Motors, Inc., and California Casualty to provide two courses targeted for junior firefighters and junior firefighter program advis...

Nomination Period For Fire Corps Excellence Awards Now Open

Eligible programs include auxiliaries, junior firefighter programs, and other non-emergency support programs     Nominate an outstanding Fire Corps program for the 2010 Fire Corps Award of Excellence. The award, which is sponsored by the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) and Fire Protection Publications, honors a Fire Corps program whose remarkable achievements in the fire and emergency services and the community exemplify outstanding...

Are You Fit For Duty? Find Out At The Safety, Health And Survival Week 2010

Safety, Health and Survival Week is in partnership with more than 20 national fire service organizations Safety Week’s Fit for Duty theme will cover a variety of topics that are extremely important to all firefighters and EMS personnel.The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) have announced the theme for the 2010 Safety, Health and Survival Week (Safety Week): Fit for Duty. Safety Week, which w...

Apply For The Firefighters 'Bucket List': Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade Grant Program

Grants have been used to fund turn-out gear, extrication equipment, water pumps, hoses and nozzles The application period for the 2010 Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade™ grant program is now open. Fire departments located in communities that have a Georgia-Pacific facility are eligible to apply for a grant to help purchase needed gear and equipment. The deadline for applications is August 9.The Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade is a national program that recognizes firefig...

Speakers Shed Light On Multiple Topics At NVFC Spring Board Meeting

The NVFC spring board meeting was held in Alexandria, VA, with 38 fire associations in attendance The Board members heard from speakers on a variety of topics from grant programmes to partnerships, to recruitment ideas. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Board of Directors heard from a wide array of distinguished speakers during its annual NVFC Spring Board Meeting in Alexandria, VA, April 27-May 1. Thirty-nine state fire associations were represented at the meeting....

NVFC's Lifetime Achievement Award Goes To John McAuliffe

John McAuliffe truly exemplifies outstanding lifetime achievement in the fire and emergency services Chief John McAuliffe was awarded the NVFC Lifetime Achievement Award during the NVFC Spring Board Meeting on April 30 in Alexandria, VA. With over fifty years in the fire service and an abundance of leadership roles and accomplishments to his credit, McAuliffe truly exemplifies outstanding lifetime achievement in the fire and emergency services. McAuliffe joined the Wethersfiel...

NVFC Legislator Of The Year Award Goes To Senator Christopher Dodd

Senator Dodd has been honoured for the support he provided to volunteer emergency responders Dodd was the Senate sponsor of the Volunteer Responder Incentive Protection Act (VRIPA), which was enacted in 2007. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) named Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) the 2010 Legislator of the Year at the Spring Board Meeting. The NVFC Legislator of the Year award is given annually to a member of the U.S. House or Senate for their support...

E. James Monihan Director’s Award Bestowed On Chief Jeff Cash

Jeff Cash was honoured for setting high standards and values at NVFC The National Volunteer Fire Council’s (NVFC) Board of Directors honored Chief Jeff Cash with the E. James Monihan Director’s Award. Cash, who is the Second Vice Chairman of the NVFC and the Director from North Carolina, was recognized for his extraordinary involvement in the NVFC and for going above and beyond in his service and commitment to the Council. The award was presented during the N...

Westhampton Beach Fire Department Awarded Junior Firefighter Program Of The Year By NVFC

The junior firefighter program was founded in the year 2004 The Westhampton Beach Junior Fire Company is an outstanding example of what a junior firefighter program can achieve. The Westhampton Beach (NY) Fire Department’s Junior Fire Company has received the 2010 NVFC Junior Firefighter Program of the Year Award. The award, which is sponsored by Tyco International, was presented on April 30 during the NVFC Spring Board Meeting in Alexandria, VA. Paul Hoyle, junior fir...
