GF Fire Solutions Ltd. News

Do Users Really Need A Fire Risk Assessment?

Possibly the most common question asked. The simple answer is quite probably, yes. Every property (excluding a single occupancy domestic home) from an HMO to a block of flats, care home, nursery, school, community center, warehouse, hotel the list goes on MUST by law, have a “regular” fire risk assessment completed.  Fire risk assessment Under the “Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005” it is law that "The responsible person must make a suitable and sufficient...

G.F. Fire Solutions Asks Businesses In London To Comply With Fire Safety Legislations

G.F. Fire Solutions is an approved independent fire risk assessor with the Institution of Fire Engineers Following the recent spate of high profile fires, G.F. Fire Solutions Ltd, is asking small and medium-sized businesses in London and the south east to check that their business complies with Fire Safety legislation. Many companies are not aware of the risks to the business, whether or not a fire takes place. Those companies which have not carried out a fire risk assessment...
