Frequentis News

Frequentis Enhances Emergency Response In Malaysia

Frequentis marks the debut of its LifeX3020 solution in Southeast Asia, improving emergency call handling and response coordination across three major centers and nationwide blue light agencies. This effort supports Malaysia’s Next Generation Emergency Services 999 (NG999) project, an upgrade designed to replace the current Malaysian Emergency Response System (MERS999). The initiative underscores Malaysia’s strong commitment to enhancing public safety across the nation. Responses f...

Hamburg Fire Brigade Boosts Efficiency With Frequentis

The Hamburg fire brigade is increasingly challenged by a temporary rise in emergency calls during extreme weather events. In total, the Hamburg fire brigade receives around one million calls per year. In crisis situations, such as severe weather conditions, the number of callers can rise significantly within a short period of time. With Frequentis' LifeX communication system, the organization is better equipped to respond faster and more precisely during critical situations. This system is also...

Frequentis Transforms West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service With Cloud-Based Mobilization, Communication, And Incident Solution

West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (WYFRS) has selected edge control room solutions from Frequentis to enhance service delivery for the communities it safeguards through better resource allocation and coordination between emergency services when responding to emergencies. WYFRS WYFRS is the fourth largest fire and rescue service in the country, responsible for the safety of over 2.2 million residents and the protection of 800 square miles of land, covering five major metropolitan distric...

Frequentis Provides LifeX Platform To Enhance Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service For Airservices Australia

Airservices Australia, the nation’s Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), has selected Frequentis for a continent-wide solution for its Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS). The solution will be made up of two components: the Frequentis’ multimedia collaboration and communication platform LifeX, extended by the messenger, incident and resource management module, OnSite.  “Emergency service organizations must have the most effective tools available to process cr...

Siemens And Frequentis Supplies ICCS Technology For Oldenburg Joint Regional Control Centre

The KGO deploys units from 30 ambulance stations, 156 fire stations, and 116 police stations, and Siemens and Frequentis were chosen to supply the associated technology. 1,200 emergency calls for the police and 550 for the fire and ambulance services: just an average working day for the three emergency services in the Oldenburg region. “The police alone received 680 emergency calls between midnight and 6 am on New Year’s Day 2013,” recalls Chief Superintendent Heiko...

Frequentis’ Successful Project Progression For FDC (Fire Brigades Dispatch Center) Vietnam

The FDC Vietnam project is the first large-scale Frequentis project in Vietnam, generating an order value of EUR 8 million. It is the worldwide biggest fire brigade project of the Vienna-based high-tech company so far and another story of success regarding the cooperation with the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank (OeKB). construction phase After nearly 10 years of preparation, the contract covering the first construction and modernization phase of dispatch centers for the fire brigade and emerge...

Successful Launch Of Frequentis PROTECT™ NG 911 In Jacksonville, FL

The city of Jacksonville, FL installed 60 seats of the Frequentis PROTECT™ NG 911 Call Taker platform replacing an aging system and bringing the city’s police and fire agencies into the Next Generation of map-centric call processing PROTECT™ allows agency Call Takers to see a caller’s location prior to answering which significantly improves situational awareness for call center supervisors. The mapping feature allows Call Takers to rapidly identify areas of high call vo...

Essex And Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Services Collaborate Using Frequentis Technology

The Fire and Rescue Services of Essex and Bedfordshire awarded Frequentis the contract for providing its latest version of its 3020 Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS) for their new joint control rooms project. Essex has been using Frequentis solutions for some seven years. A new collaborative control center in a brand new facility will be established. This contract when completed will enable the combined team of Essex and Bedfordshire FRS to have one of the pioneer and highly reli...

Austrian Federal Minister Alois Stöger Inaugurates Fire Brigade Dispatch Center In Vietnam, States Frequentis

With an order value of EUR 8 million, the FDC (Fire Brigades Dispatch Center) project in Vietnam is the biggest fire brigade project the Vienna-based high-tech company has worked on so far. Within the framework of an economic mission in Vietnam, Alois Stöger, Austrian Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation, and Technology, took part in the official inauguration of the fire brigade central in Hanoi. The event leads over into the project’s second phase, where further dispatch cent...

Oldenburg Joint Regional Control Center (KGO): Digital And Fail-Safe Technology By Frequentis

The KGO deploys units from 30 ambulance stations, 156 fire stations, and 116 police stations, and Siemens and Frequentis were chosen to supply the associated technology. 1,200 emergency calls for the police and 550 for the fire and ambulance services: just an average working day for the three emergency services in the Oldenburg region. “The police alone received 680 emergency calls between midnight and 6am on New Year’s Day 2013”, recalls Chief Superintendent Heiko von Deetzen...

FREQUENTIS Equips Co-Located Police And Fire Control Rooms In Norway

The Norwegian police reform has been in the process of integrating 27 police districts into 12 for the past two years and co-locating fire control centers, as part of restructuring to create a more efficient emergency response. The control center in Ski, in Øst (East) police district in Norway, is the fourth to be successfully co-located and was officially opened by the Minister of Justice at the end of March 2018. Frequentis had previously equipped all 27 legacy police districts in Norw...

Improved Response Times And Resource Management For Norway’s Fire Services with the help of Frequentis solution

Norway’s new digital TETRA network (Nødnett) is designed to improve communication between the major emergency services. But it has an additional benefit for fire and rescue services: greater cooperation and shared resource use between independent municipal fire departments. “Before Nødnett there were several different radio communication systems”, recalls Øyvind Arntzen, Head of Vestviken Fire Control Center in Drammen. Now service borders are less of a b...

Evonik Industries Relies On FREQUENTIS Solutions

Based on a long history of relevant expertise and many years of experience with safety-critical communication systems, Frequentis provides solutions to support corporate safety and security, threat management and protection, and civil protection and emergency management. Evonik Industries, one of the world’s pioneer specialty chemicals companies, has equipped its sites in Darmstadt/Weiterstadt and Worms (Germany) with a networked and integrated command and control center as well as with a...

FREQUENTIS USA, Inc. To Unveil Application Centric Control Room® At NENA 2012

For over 60 years, FREQUENTIS has earned the reputation as the pioneer in command and control solutions for Police, Fire, and EMS rescue services, as well as for other affiliated Department of Homeland Security agencies and organizations in Public Safety Emergency Operations Centers. FREQUENTIS dedication to advanced, robust, and highly scalable solutions has allowed to specifically align and adapt to its technologies to serve the most demanding communications and control environments. Public...

FREQUENTIS – Communication And Information Solutions For A Safer World

Frequentis is an international supplier of communication and information systems to two core markets: air traffic management (civil and military applications) and public safety and transport (police, fire & ambulance services, inland and maritime shipping, and rail). Fail-safe connectivity, connection set-up in milliseconds, and user-friendly design are core elements of Frequentis products. The systems and products developed and sold by Frequentis are key components of a control center solu...

Rolf Unterberger To Succeed Christian Pegritz As The Frequentis AG Executive Board Member With Responsibility For Sales And Marketing

As of 1 February 2012, Rolf Unterberger (45) will join the Frequentis AG executive board as the successor to Christian Pegritz, taking responsibility for sales and marketing. As a sales professional with strong international experience, Mr. Unterberger will build on the success of Mr. Pegritz, who has played a key role in driving both the growth and internationalization of the Frequentis group of companies over the past 20 years. Frequentis AG is an international supplier of communication and i...

International System Safety Society Elects Gabriele Schedl As Regional Vice-President Europe, States Frequentis

Frequentis is an international supplier of communication and information systems in safety-critical markets and the company is a global market pioneer in air traffic control. Frequentis solutions are in operation in over 100 countries, and its customers include police, fire, and ambulance services, as well as organizations and public authorities in civil/military air traffic management, rail, and maritime shipping markets. The safety expertise In order to provide the safety expertise required...

Frequentis Conducts Successful Final Tests For Pilot Phase Of Horizon 2020 Broadway Project

Frequentis concludes pilot phase tests in Malaga for a pan-European safety-critical, interoperable, mobile broadband network. After several years of development work, the Frequentis-led BroadPort consortium successfully completed the Ferry Fire Trial in Malaga to prove the practicality of its multi country, safety critical broadband communication network solution in a real-world scenario. The large-scale exercise brought together more than 40 Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPD...

FREQUENTIS Strengthens Market Position In Public Safety Sector With Orders For Integrated Control Centers - Lübeck And Rostock

"With the Frequentis product line ASGARD, which is specifically designed for use in fire brigade and industry control center in the German market, we offer a flexible, highly reliable software solution for safety-critical control center. ASGARD strengthens Frequentis' strong position in the German public safety market," says Frequentis CEO - Norbert Haslacher. Frequentis was awarded the contracts for the projects in the context of EU-wide tenders. Frequentis Germany will be responsible for the...

Frequentis Gets The Contract To Harmonise The Systems Used By The Bochum And Herne Fire Brigade Control Centres

“Frequentis’ ASGARD product line, which is specifically designed for use in fire brigade and industrial control centers in Germany, is a flexible and highly reliable software solution for safety-critical control centers. ASGARD therefore reinforces our strong position in the German public safety market,” says Frequentis’ CEO Norbert Haslacher. Frequentis has secured this contract under an EU-wide tender to harmonize the systems used by the Bochum and Herne fire brigade c...

Frequentis 3020 Lifex™ Secures Hamburg Fire And Police Control Centers

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany, after Berlin, and home to approximately 1.8 million inhabitants, with its metropolitan region home to over five million. More than one million incoming calls must be handled by the control centers of fire services and police. The control room renewal project (in German Projekt ERneuerung LEitstellen - PERLE) will provide the two emergency services with a modern technical control room solution, in order to meet the organizations current and future re...

Modernization Of Hamburg`s Police And Fire Control Rooms With State-of-the-art Software Platform By Frequentis

With a population of around 1.8 million, Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany - over five million people live in its metropolitan region. As part of the project PERLE (in German: Projekt ERneuerung LEitstellen, project renewal control room), the city of Hamburg, represented by the Ministry of the Interior and Sport, selected Frequentis to install a new harmonized communication system for both the police and fire services of the district. "With PERLE we are gaining a future and technol...

Frequentis LifeX And ASGARD Solutions Facilitate Use Of Drones In Public Safety Applications

Frequentis has developed an application which allows location data and video from drones to feed directly into workstations in the control center, through its LifeX and ASGARD solutions. The integrated solution will be presented at the global trade fair for professional mobile communications and control centers, PMRExpo, in Cologne from November 27, 2018. UAVs/Drones Application In Emergency Situations Video and sensor data provided by drones could vastly support rescue forces in their mission...

FREQUENTIS Control System Supports Pilot Emergency SMS Service For Users Who Are Deaf Or Have Speech Disorders In Norway

eSMS is a pilot project led by DSB in cooperation with the National Police Directorate and the Norwegian Directorate of Health Emergency SMS (eSMS) is a newly launched safety service for text-based communication in an emergency, providing the ability to send an SMS directly to 110, 112 and 113 in Norway. The service is designed for users who are Deaf, hard of hearing or impacted by speech disorders. The Frequentis integrated communication and control system (ICCS) has been op...

Frequentis TETRA Gateway Connects Fire Brigade And Medical Emergency Control Centres In North Rhine-Westphalia

Thanks to the digital radio connector, the same radio network is available to all non-police control centres & emergency services The state-wide emergency services digital radio now connects 17 control centres of the fire brigade and emergency medical services of North Rhine-Westphalia, via the NRW concentrator developed by Frequentis. The remaining 43 non-police emergency control centres are planned to be connected during the course of the expansion...
