Fire Sector Federation News

NFCC Reports That A Further Convoy Of UK Fire Service Kit Is On Its Way To Ukraine

A further convoy of UK fire service kit and equipment has now left the UK and is on its way to Ukraine to provide vital support to the Ukrainian firefighters who are hard-pressed dealing with the throes of war. The convoy which has been supported by the Home Office has been organized by UK charity FIRE AID and International Development, the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), and the wider fire industry. Difficult conditions imaginable This second deployment to provide life-saving kit and eq...

The Scottish Government, RICS, And The Fire Sector Federation Release New Forms And Guidance

The Scottish government, RICS, and the Fire Sector Federation have each issued new forms and guidance in relation to aspects of fire safety and building evacuation. Multiple new fire safety guides have been introduced in Scotland, including practical fire safety advice on how to prevent fires and reduce the risks in a variety of settings. Published by the Scottish government, the guidance provides practical guidance for existing high-rise domestic buildings, existing non-residential premis...

The National Fire Chiefs Council Announces UK Fire Service Convoy Now In Poland, On Its Way To Hand Over Life-Saving Equipment To Ukraine

The biggest UK fire service convoy – made up of 22 vehicles and more than 5,000 items of kit and equipment, donated by UK fire and rescue services, has been deployed to support firefighters in Ukraine, on Saturday, March 19, 2022.  More than 60 volunteers from FIRE AID and fire and rescue services are taking the convoy into Poland. It will then make its way into Ukraine, providing vitally needed equipment to support firefighters, emergency services and volunteers, battling together o...

West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service Donates Equipment To Ukrainian Firefighters

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is joining fire services across the UK in donating items of kit and equipment to Ukraine to support firefighters on the frontline. UK charity, FIRE AID and International Development (FIRE AID), and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) are coordinating donations of more than 5,000 items of fire and rescue equipment and PPE which will be sent in convoy to Ukraine.   West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is sending: 12 pallets of fire kit 12 pallets...

Fire Services Across The UK Are Donating Thousands Of Items Of Kit And Equipment To Be Sent To Ukraine, To Support Firefighters On The Frontline

Fire services across the UK are donating thousands of items of kit and equipment to be sent to Ukraine, to support firefighters on the frontline. UK charity, FIRE AID and International Development (FIRE AID), and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) are coordinating donations of more than 5,000 items of fire and rescue equipment and PPE which will be sent in convoy to Ukraine. Eighteen fire engines, thermal imaging cameras for finding victims, generators, lighting, hoses, rescue eq...

FPA Looks Back At Significant Fires That Have Affected The Sector Over The Years

In the latest episode of Assembly Point, Howard Passey, director of operations at the FPA, Dennis Davis, executive officer at the Fire Sector Federation, Adrian Dobson, secretary of the RIBA EAG, and Peter Caplehorn, CEO at the Construction Products Association look back at the key milestones and turning points in fire safety in the UK, as well as looking ahead to the next 75 years.  Episode 10 of the podcast marks the 75th anniversary of the FPA and began with a look back at significant...

BAFE Fire Safety Register Bolster 'Don’t Just Specify, Verify' Campaign With Increasing Industry Support

BAFE continues to stress the importance of verifying appropriate UKAS-accredited third-party certification with growing industry support. 'Don’t just Specify, Verify' campaign As the nation moves towards stronger responsibility and accountability for fire safety measures, the BAFE Fire Safety Register reiterates their message on the significance of UKAS-accredited third-party certification. BAFE’s 'Don’t just Specify, Verify' campaign launched in March 2020 identifies the im...

New Building Safety Regulator Ensuring Fire Risk Oversight

On Monday 5th July 2021, the Building Safety Bill was published. In their press release, the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Lord Stephen Greenhalgh, and The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP state this “will create lasting generational change and set out a clear pathway for the future on how residential buildings should be constructed and maintained.” Building Safety Regulator The newly established Building Safety Regulator “will oversee the new regime and w...

BAFE Announces Passing Of Paul Fuller CBE, Former Fire Sector Federation Chairman

BAFE is sad to hear of the passing of Paul Fuller CBE, former Fire Sector Federation Chairman. Paul Fuller died on Monday 7th June 2021. Paul’s contribution Dennis Davis, Executive Officer of the Fire Sector Federation, states “Paul, who was serving as Chief Fire Officer Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and Chief Executive Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Authority, died early this morning in hospital whilst receiving treatment for a recently diagnosed illness.” BAF...

FIA Hosts A Digital Webinar For Industry Pioneers To Share Their Views On The Effects Of COVID-19 On Fire Industry

Leaders from across the fire safety sector offered their expertise on how they believe the industry has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and what their various associations have been doing to support their members. Presentations come from the heads of the Fire Industry Association (FIA), Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP), Fire Sector Federation and Fire Protection Association. Social distancing rules Following the presentations, speakers took audience questions, coverin...

Fire Safety Event Online Highlights Fire Safety Reactions Required To Accommodate COVID-19 Measures

Instead of the Fire Safety Event, which was meant to take place in late April 2020 (postponed until September 2020), Nineteen Group hosted an online webinar event (15/05/2020) to discuss current fire topics. Several notable fire safety specialists discussed different topics, but the overarching topic was how the coronavirus pandemic will affect fire safety and any additional changes it will require. COVID-19 safety measures Niall Rowan, CEO - ASFP, noted Dame Judith Hackitt’s comments t...

Nineteen Group Discusses Current Fire Topics In An Online Webinar Event To Tackle Spread Of COVID-19

In lieu of the Fire Safety Event which was meant to take place late April this year (now postponed until September), Nineteen Group hosted an online webinar event to discuss current fire topics. A number of notable fire safety specialists discussed different topics, but the overarching topic was how the coronavirus pandemic will affect fire safety and any additional changes it will require. Niall Rowan, CEO - ASFP, noted Dame Judith Hackitt’s comments that the previously thought difficult...

BAFE As A Member Of Fire Sector Federation Works With The Home Office To Develop Legislation

In the Fire Sector Federation’s latest newsletter (Spring 2020), they state, that the Federation has continued to work with the Home Office to address some of the implications arising from the proposed amendment of the Fire Safety Order. Most recently this has involved concerns on updating fire risk assessments to include the external walls of multi-occupied residential buildings. The Bill’s impact assessment suggests around 1.6 million buildings may be affected by this clarificatio...

BAFE Provides Information From Fire Sector Federation On The Work Undertaken To Reform Building Safety Regulation

Fire Sector Federation provides an update on the work undertaken to reform building safety regulations. The early April announcements of the results of the Building Safety Proposals consultation linked to the two published outcomes, Response and Economic Impact BSP Response BSP Impact offer considerable insight into the government's intent to: improve the current system; advance remediation of unsafe cladding, and update Approved Document B. New building safety system More recently in an...

BAFE’s Campaign Featured In Fire Safety Matters Magazine New Podcast

Fire Safety Matters Magazine has launched a new podcast for the fire safety industry. Fire Safety Matters (FSM) launched their inaugural podcast episode featuring the new BAFE campaign.    The Don’t Just Specify, Verify! campaign focuses on the important verification stage of Third Party Certification when sourcing a competent provider to help meet fire safety obligations.    Verification is extremely important, as BAFE Registration or any Third Party Certification...

Fire Sector Federation Update Regarding Key Worker Status In Light Of COVID-19

During the national emergency, many in the Fire Sector will be concerned regarding what work should or shouldn’t go ahead.  The government advice is most importantly to all “Stay Home-Stay Safe-Protect the NHS”. This is for an initial three-week period as all play their part by limiting contact with others to reduce the virus’s opportunity to spread. There are exceptions which have raised multiple questions within the wider sector.  Key worker status  Th...

FPA’s Building A Safer Future Seminar Discusses Updates From The Public Inquiry Into The Grenfell Tower Fire

FPA’s first Building a safer future seminar of 2020 attracted over 150 delegates to London to hear the latest updates from the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire. The expert speakers discussed competency, governmental and regulatory changes ahead, third party certification (TPC), dilemmas for the fire and rescue service (FRS) and toxicity. FPA’s managing director Jonathan O’Neill opened by ‘tracking the progress’ of the government’s recent announceme...

Fire Protection Association’s Building A Safer Future Seminar Held In London With ‘Competency’ As Key Focus Area

The Fire Protection Association’s (FPA) Building a Safer Future Seminar, held on Monday, January 27th, 2020 in London (sponsored by BAFE), played out the on-going discussion of competency within both the combined construction and fire safety industries. Chair of the event and Managing Director of the FPA, Jonathan O’Neill OBE, opened the seminar affirming his continued “whole-hearted” support for Third Party Certification, stating “I have been banging the drum for...

Fire Sector Federation Acknowledges The Governments’ Step Change Into Action On Building Fire Safety

The Fire Sector Federation acknowledges and welcomes the announcement made by the Government in advance of a debate in Parliament on the Grenfell Tower fire. The delay in positive action has been a deep cause of concern to Federation members so the outlined steps, particular of the role of Health and Safety Executive and a new Act, are seen as helping move the whole process forward. Developing third party assurance Federation members have with many others been working together for over two ye...

BAFE Endorses FSF’s Response To Grenfell Review And Calls For A Decade Of Change After A Decade Of Neglect

BAFE endorses the response to the Grenfell Review by the Fire Sector Federation and their call for action that this sort of tragedy never happens again. They must look ahead, including into Phase 2 of the Inquiry, to ensure that competent providers, at every stage of a building’s construction and use, keep residents and occupiers safe and that all means of fire protection are regularly monitored, with the full co-operation of owners, managers and residents. Making fire safety a priority...

Construction And Fire Industries Set Out Sweeping Proposals To Raise Competence And Make Buildings Safer

BAFE welcomes the publication of Raising the Bar, the summary and reports from the Working Groups established after the Hackitt review following the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy. They have contributed significantly to a number of the Working Groups and supported the Fire Sector Federation with the work of the Competence Steering Group, which has brought this work together. The ongoing need for competence and third party certification of contractors for fire protection is a priority from this rep...

BAFE And Other Fire Sector Federation Members Express Disappointment At The Progress To Prevent Future Fires Like Grenfell Tower

"BAFE fully endorses the call by the FSF for rapid progress to be made with the implementation of the recommendations from Dame Judith Hackitt’s report. We support the many calls for third party certificated competence to become the recognized measure for building and fire safety providers.” says Stephen Adams, BAFE Chief Executive. Fire Sector Federation Chairman Michael Harper recognizes second Grenfell Tower Fire anniversary calling for “action”. A “refresh and...

The Emergency Services Show 2017 Focuses On Spreading Awareness And Training For Tall Building Fires

Two psychological therapists from The Fire Fighters Charity will also be speaking on the the emotional impact of emergency medical response Responding to fires in tall buildings will be a key focus at this year’s Emergency Services Show which returns to Hall 5 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK from 20th to 21st September 2017. Russ Timpson, founder of the Tall Building Fire Safety Network will present a session in the Lessons Learnt seminar theatre (sponsored by UCLan) on tall...
