Fire & Emergency Manufacturing. & Services Association (FEMSA) News

18th Annual Illinois Fire Service Home Day Highlights Important Issues To The Attention Of State And Federal Legislators

Over 100 representatives from across Illinois’ fire service organizations gathered in River Grove, IL, for the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association of Illinois’ 18th Annual Fire Services Home Day, held this year at Triton College’s EMT/Fire Science Program Building. The fire professionals were joined by elected officials and staffers from a number of state and federal offices with 18 fire service vendors displaying key equipment used in the fire service. Various pieces of equ...

National Campus Fire Safety Month 2010 For Campus-related Fire Deaths

National Campus Fire Safety Month 2010 for campus fire safety education. Five people died in the 2009/2010 academic year, continuing a downward trend National Campus Fire Safety Month 2010 started on September 1 and marks the lowest period since 2000 for campus-related fire deaths. Five people died in the 2009/2010 academic year, continuing a downward trend. All of the fatalities occurred in off-campus housing which is where over 80% of the 140 fire deaths since 2000 have...

U.S. Fire Administration Kicks Off Public Fire Safety Campaign On Home Smoke Alarms And Residential Fire Sprinklers

USFA launched an effort to encourage everyone to install and maintain home smoke alarms and sprinklers The nationwide ‘Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign' will emphasise how important smoke alarms are to the saving of lives. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) has launched an effort to encourage everyone to install and maintain home smoke alarms and, if possible, sprinklers. More than 3,000 people die in home fires each year, and the majority of them have...
