FIRE AID and International Development News

WYFRS Donated Kit To Help Firefighters In Ukraine

More than 400 items of firefighting kit are traveling from West Yorkshire to Ukraine in a bid to support those battling on the frontline.  West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) has contributed hundreds of items to the latest convoy, which leaves the UK (May 3rd, 2023). Among the items are 120 fire helmets and over 300 items of structural fire kit, which includes firefighting clothing, to offer as much protection as possible to firefighters in Ukraine. appliances and eq...

WYFRS Firefighters Donate To Ukraine Equipment Convoy

Vital equipment has been donated by West Yorkshire firefighters to help those battling to save lives in Ukraine.  West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) has added to the special convoy that left the UK this weekend to head to Poland. Once it arrives the equipment will be handed over to the Polish State Fire Service, with support from Germany en route, to help support firefighters in Ukraine. boats and PPE Among the equipment are six inflatable boats and a box of PPE equipment don...

NFCC Reports That A Further Convoy Of UK Fire Service Kit Is On Its Way To Ukraine

A further convoy of UK fire service kit and equipment has now left the UK and is on its way to Ukraine to provide vital support to the Ukrainian firefighters who are hard-pressed dealing with the throes of war. The convoy which has been supported by the Home Office has been organized by UK charity FIRE AID and International Development, the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), and the wider fire industry. Difficult conditions imaginable This second deployment to provide life-saving kit and eq...

The National Fire Chiefs Council Announces UK Fire Service Convoy Now In Poland, On Its Way To Hand Over Life-Saving Equipment To Ukraine

The biggest UK fire service convoy – made up of 22 vehicles and more than 5,000 items of kit and equipment, donated by UK fire and rescue services, has been deployed to support firefighters in Ukraine, on Saturday, March 19, 2022.  More than 60 volunteers from FIRE AID and fire and rescue services are taking the convoy into Poland. It will then make its way into Ukraine, providing vitally needed equipment to support firefighters, emergency services and volunteers, battling together o...

West Yorkshire Fire And Rescue Service Donates Equipment To Ukrainian Firefighters

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is joining fire services across the UK in donating items of kit and equipment to Ukraine to support firefighters on the frontline. UK charity, FIRE AID and International Development (FIRE AID), and the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) are coordinating donations of more than 5,000 items of fire and rescue equipment and PPE which will be sent in convoy to Ukraine.   West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is sending: 12 pallets of fire kit 12 pallets...

MSA Safety Incorporated Partners With FIRE AID To Help Protect Firefighters In Developing Countries

MSA Safety Incorporated, the pioneer in the development, manufacture, and supply of sophisticated safety solutions that protect people and facility infrastructures, announces a new partnership with UK-based non-profit FIRE AID to help protect firefighters in developing countries. The program will help deploy repurposed Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) to firefighters in developing countries, who oftentimes may have limited access to protective equipment. “MSA's mission is to see...
