European Fire Sprinkler Network News

Euralarm Co-Signs Manifesto Keeping EU Citizens Fire Safe In All Buildings

Euralarm is one of the co-signers of the Manifesto Keeping EU Citizens Fire Safe in all buildings. The undersigned organizations, representing the European fire safety sector, call for the European institutions to prioritize fire safety in buildings and to develop and promote a consistent strategy with Member States for the fire safety of all people who live and work in buildings. In 2024, almost 450 million citizens from across the European Union will have the opportunity to elect their repres...

BAFSA And FIA Host A Half-Day Seminar In Scotland – Offering An Essential Update For The Fire Protection Tool Box

Delegates attending this free to attend seminar, which is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023, in Hamilton, Scotland, will participate in an intense 3 hours of presentation, delivered by experts, focusing on automatic fire suppression standards and regulations. Water Mist Roadshows This is the second in the series of Water Mist Roadshows hosted by the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) and the Fire Industry Association (FIA). Earn valuable CPD hours for fr...

BAFSA And EFSN Partner To Host The Fire Sprinkler International 2022 Conference In London, United Kingdom

In partnership with the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA), the European Fire Sprinkler Network (EFSN) will host the Fire Sprinkler International 2022 event, a two-day conference at the Park Plaza London Riverbank, in London, United Kingdom, on 31st May and 1st June 2022, providing an unmatched forum for knowledge and understanding of the sprinkler industry. After two years of travel restrictions, commercial restraints and limited opportunities to network and interact personal...

Rapidrop Builds Strong Working Relationships With Clients To Fully Understand Client Requirements

Rapidrop is the UK manufacturer and supplier of fire sprinkler system products serving the needs of the fire detection and suppression industry worldwide. From their headquarters in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Rapidrop manufacture fire sprinkler heads to suit commercial applications. Now exporting to over 75 countries’, Rapidrop provides tailored solutions and dedicated support from a worldwide sales and distribution network. They are proud to have been involved in many prestigious cons...

BAFSA, NFCC, Business Sprinkler Alliance And EFSN Highlight Key Points In Zurich Municipal’s Research Data On Fire Risks Posed By UK Schools

As part of a continuing campaign, the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA), Business Sprinkler Alliance, the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) and European Fire Sprinkler Network (EFSN) have been involved in to influence the Review of BB100 Sprinklers in Schools in England. Zurich Municipal analysis of data on over 26,800 schools in England shows the average fire risk in schools is almost double when compared to that of non-residential buildings. Schools in England are nearly...

Government Mandates Sprinklers For High-Rise Buildings Over 11m In Amendments To ADB

The government announced the publication of its response to the consultation it undertook on ADB, publishing at the same time an amendment to ADB that ‘extends the provision of sprinklers in blocks of high-rise residential buildings to those buildings with a top floor height of 11 meters above ground level’. This announcement also contained ‘new guidance on consistent wayfinding signage’ for fire and rescue service (FRS) personnel in such buildings. mixed-use and reside...

IFSA Highlights The Global COVID-19 Pandemic As Cause Of Postponement Or Cancellation Of Virtually All Fire Industry Events

International Fire Suppression Alliance, Ltd. (IFSA) recognized that the emergence of the COVID-19 virus spread, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), has resulted in the postponement or cancellation of virtually all industry events over the next few months, as countries struggle to contain it.  Fire Industry events cancelled The list of international events and trade shows cancelled and postponed includes: 17-18 March 2020 - ABSpk conference in Sao Paulo –...

International Fire Sprinkler Association Shares Its Journey And Experiences From Inception To Date

On May 18, 1999, the inaugural meeting of the International Fire Sprinkler Association was held in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Representatives of ten companies along with staff from the National Fire Sprinkler Association agreed on the establishment of a new organization that would work to increase global awareness of the effectiveness of automatic sprinklers and other water-based fire suppression systems. From the start, the IFSA founders envisioned a supporting role for IFSA: it would be an org...
