Bryland Fire Protection Limited, News

Bryland Fire Introduces Li-Ion Tamer® Rack Monitoring System

Lithium-Ion (or Li-Ion batteries) are crucial for providing portable power for modern-day electronic devices including server racks, laptops, power tools, medical equipment, and electric vehicles. On the plus side, lithium-ion batteries provide energy-efficient storage, but they are inherently flammable and if used incorrectly are at risk of exploding, or short-circuiting. With this in mind, Honeywell has launched the Li-ion Tamer® Rack Monitoring System, a plug-and-play device tha...

Bryland Fire's Gaseous Suppression For 10MW Data Center

BAFE Registered Company, Bryland Fire Protection, designed and installed fire detection and gaseous fire suppression systems to safeguard the 10MW data center. Bryland announced their completion of a 2-year multi-million-pound project designing and installing fire protection systems for a new 10MW data center. gaseous suppression system In news from Bryland, Graham Turner, Managing Director - Bryland Fire Protection, explained "As this client specializes in providing telecommunications, prote...

BAFE Registered Company Design And Install Fire Safety System To Protect 10MW UK Data Center

Bryland announced their completion of a 2-year multi-million-pound project designing and installing fire protection systems for a new 10MW data center. In news from Bryland, Graham Turner, Managing Director - Bryland Fire Protection, explained “As this client specializes in providing telecommunications, protecting ‘uptime’ which is the number of time servers stay operational, was critical." gaseous suppression system "Water sprinklers may be one of the most economical soluti...
