Brewer & Company of WV, Inc. News
Thermo Fisher is a biotechnology company that is the result of a 2006 merger between Thermo Electron and Fisher Scientific. Since the merger, the company has gone on to become a multinational corporation with offices all over the world. Recently, the Middletown, Virginia office had a new fire protection system installed. Brewer Fire, a contractor based out of Charleston, West Virginia was chosen to head the project. Brewer decided to utilize Potter’s PFC-6800 Fire Alarm Control Panel, and...
The Green Bank Observatory is located in Green Bank, West Virginia and is home to the world’s largest fully steerable radio telescope. The area is an ideal location for the telescope because mountains surrounding the satellite act as a natural funnel, pushing radio signals towards the large dish. The observatory’s purpose is to act as surveillance for a potential meteor collision, to measure the distance between stars, and search for intelligent life forms in the universe. The expan...
Browse fire protection news
The New Future For Fire Agencies
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