Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants Inc. News

BakerRisk Acquires Haines Fire And Risk Consulting

Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants (BakerRisk®), an employee-owned risk management consulting firm that specializes in process safety, structural and blast effects engineering, and research and development, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Haines Fire and Risk Consulting (Haines). Haines specializes in fire protection engineering, water supply analysis, emergency response planning, and fire/explosion investigations. BakerRisk’s commitment “This acquisition undersc...

NFPA Standards Council Announces Awards For Development Of Codes And Standards At 2018 NFPA Conference And Expo

Every year the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Standards Council recognizes individuals for outstanding service to the organization in the development of codes and standards. Awards will be presented to 17 individuals at the NFPA Conference & Expo taking place in Las Vegas. 2018 Recipients for Special Achievement Award. Russell B. Leavitt Telgian Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona Automatic Sprinkler Systems Technical Committees on: Sprinkler System Installati...
