Ardent Fire Protection News

Ardent Receives P-Mark SPCR 199 Certification

Ardent is proud to announce that they have now obtained the latest version of P-Mark SPCR 199 certification for the Ardent Dual Agent Fire Suppression Systems. The P-Mark SPCR 199:2021 certification assesses the performance of fire suppression systems against realistic fire conditions and vehicle environmental aspects in engine compartments with combustion engines. The 2021 certification standard presents a new rating classification system over the previous 2017 version. SPCR 199:2021 certific...

Ardent Fire Protection Explains BS 6164:2019 – Fire Suppression For Tunnelling

The British Standard (BS) 6164:2019 came into effect on 31 October 2019. This British Standard is a full revision of the now-superseded BS 6164:2011 with regards to health and safety in tunneling in the construction industry. Clause 13 of BS 6164:2019 Clause 13 of BS 6164:2019 contains guidance and recommendations regarding fire protection of plants and equipment used in tunneling. It refers to the protection of both mobile and static equipment, including specialized tunnel pla...
