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Houston, TX Local 341 (Houston Fire Department) President, Marty Lancton is back on the job, after an independent arbitrator ruled the city had violated his rights and had no cause or authority to indefinitely suspend him in January.

Houston Fire's President re-instated

The independent arbitrator went even further and ordered the immediate reinstatement to his special assignment, working full time as the Local 341 President and ruled he must be welcomed back with full back pay and benefits.

The truth will always come out,” said Marty Lancton, adding “The city’s action against me was nothing more than retaliation and union busting for my criticism of Mayor Sylvester Turner and his mishandling of our labor contract. I am grateful for the ruling and the opportunity to restore my standing as a city of Houston employee.

Marty Lancton, Houston Local 341 President and Firefighter

Marty Lancton is the Houston Local 341 President and Firefighter by rank

Marty Lancton is the Houston Local 341 President and Firefighter by rank, but is assigned to the union per a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the city of Houston. Houston Fire Chief, Samuel Pena claims Lancton never signed the MoU and that the memo was void.

As Marty Lancton provided Samuel Pena with several copies of the signed document, the facts were not on the Fire Chief’s side and neither was the law. Under Texas law, Marty Lancton should have been given proper notice and the right to due process, neither of which occurred.

Independent arbitrator

The independent arbitrator took all of this into consideration and made his ruling in favor of Marty Lancton. Houston members have been embroiled with the City of Houston, since Mayor Sylvester Turner walked out of collective bargaining negotiations, four years ago.

Mayor Turner has since rejected all invitations to bring in an independent arbitrator and chose to fight Houston, TX Local 341 in court. Every court decision has been in favor of Houston, TX Local 341.

Houston voters call for city charter amendment

Most recently, the City Secretary was handed more than 20,000 pre-validated signatures from registered Houston voters calling for a city charter amendment, allowing for binding arbitration, in the case of collective bargaining negotiations reaching an impasse.

Houston City Mayor Sylvester Turner has yet to place the issue on the November ballot.

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