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Checkmate is ‘dedicated to changing the stereotypes that women face when it comes to careers by giving them new opportunities’ although heavily male-dominated, the construction industry has many places where women can advance and build a career for themselves.

Following both ‘International Women’s Day’ and ‘Women in Construction Week’, Checkmate decided to catch up with 2 of their newest team-mates; Contracts Manager, Sarah Robertson, and Checkmate’s first-ever female Site Supervisor, Charlene Clarke. Both joined the southern team a few short weeks ago, Checkmate welcomes these successful and talented individuals to the Checkmate family.

Sarah Robertson

With over 16 years of experience as a ‘problem solver’ in the construction industry, Sarah began her career in sales and marketing for Stoke Park, before being recruited by PropertyServe UK as an account manager in 2007.

Rapidly climbing through the ranks as both business development and project manager, Sarah worked across all 4 divisions of the company, latterly building a strong interest in the fire-based contingent.

First female contract manager

Sarah is already fully immersed in multiple fire-stopping contracts across all the sectors

Taking maternity leave in July 2021, having reached the highest level of progression possible at PropertyServe, Sarah honed her BMTrada qualifications and passion for fire safety, along with her managerial experience in the sector, and was offered a job at Checkmate last month.

As one of the first female contract managers hires, Sarah is already fully immersed in multiple fire-stopping contracts across all the sectors and doing a fantastic job.

Being a Woman in Construction

Speaking on her experience as a female in construction, Sarah said, “there’s been a lot of change for women across the last few years, and there’s no denying that slowly, gender equality is becoming more prevalent. However, in terms of site-based roles, it’s a rare occurrence when I see another woman out there, and I think that is a shame."

"So far, being at Checkmate is amazing, and I feel as though I am treated the same as my male counterparts but I know this isn’t reflective industry-wide."

Independent, stronger, and tougher

I believe in equality both ways; we must get to a point where hiring is based on the person, irrespective of gender"

While I’ve never been intimidated or threatened to be the only woman on a construction site, I know this is the exception, not the rule."

"I think women, in general, are becoming more independent, stronger, and tougher and we need our colleagues to celebrate this, whoever they are. I truly believe in equality both ways; we must get to a point where hiring is based on the person, irrespective of gender." Sarah is a mum to 3 children and 2 rescue dogs, as well as being a keen dog trainer, and a full-time manager.

Charlene Clarke 

Beginning her management career in the retail sector, Charlene’s first foray into construction was in 2017, when she joined one of the UK’s infrastructure maintenance and property services businesses.

Progressing to the position of team leader within 6 months, Charlene rapidly developed a passion for client resolution and resident liaison, moving on to oversee 1500 properties as a company call manager.

Site Supervisor

Charlene is already expertly overseeing a wide range of fire door contracts across the hospital and healthcare sectors

With a widely celebrated ‘human approach’ to problem-solving, Charlene excelled in her role, but realized further progression wasn’t easy, particularly as a female operating within a culture that placed women ‘in the office’.

Feeling that she’d reached her potential, she was headhunted by Checkmate, where she was put forward for the site supervisor role by one of the contract managers. Joining the family in March, Charlene is already expertly overseeing a wide range of fire door contracts across Checkmate's hospital and healthcare sectors in the south.

What Women Bring to the Table – in Charlene’s Words

Explaining her experience in construction, Charlene said, “To date, I’ve only ever had male managers. Because I’ve always wanted to progress and lead collaboratively, without autocracy, I’ve made it my goal to take one positive and one negative from each, so that I can improve my leadership skills."

"Having worked with my current manager, Rod, at a previous company, he didn’t hesitate to recommend me for this job. Females are frequently overlooked for promotion within the construction industry, so I was delighted that my tenacity had paid off, and Rod recognized that."

Empathy, attention to detail

"In a nutshell, I genuinely believe men and women offer different things, and it is remiss of companies and managers not to provide employees with the best and most diverse combination of people. In my experience, women tend to provide greater empathy and attention to detail, and we have the determination to excel that can only be instilled by being part of a minority group."

"Recruiting only from a male pool of applicants restricts companies from growth and development, and I’m pleased to see Checkmate is ahead of the curve on this. Learning from each other is fundamental to business success.” Charlene is also involved in Checkmate's sustainability endeavors.

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