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Apollo spoke to those in the field about emergency call-outs, and the most common causes of them. The research, supported by over 130 engineers, led to similar conclusions as BRE.

What are False Alarms, and how do they occur?

The term false alarm is used widely throughout the industry to describe an unwanted activation of a fire alarm system.

False alarms can be caused by:

  • The build-up of dust on the detector
  • Steam and other fumes activating the detector
  • Burnt food e.g. burning toast
  • Incorrect system testing procedures
  • Unwanted Manual Call Point activations

Manual Call Point related false alarms:

  • User error (incorrect testing)
  • Malicious activation
  • Accidental activation
  • Opportunistic activation

Malicious activation

Malicious activation, i.e. vandalism, is an incredibly small percentage of the false alarms generated from MCPs

Manual Call Points (MCPs) and their misuse are also significant factors. Malicious activation, i.e. vandalism, is an incredibly small percentage of the false alarms generated from MCPs.

This may be contradictory to what users might think, but in fact, the more common false alarms are made from accidentally knocking into them or confusing them for electronic door switches. 

How much do False Alarms cost a year?

False alarms cost the UK industry an estimated £1 billion a year.  Fire and Rescue services don’t know whether an alarm is genuine or not, which means they must respond to every one of them as if they were a real fire. This is costly, a waste of time, and dangerous. Time spent dealing with a false alarm is time spent away from a real fire.

Unwanted MCP activations count for approximately 12.7% of all false alarms: around 37,000 a year. That costs about £127 million. Every single year. This is an incredibly high amount, and with a little extra thought and care, this number could be reduced or even eliminated.

How do reduce MCP false alarms?

People knocking into the devices is one of the most common causes, this can be alleviated with a Protective Cover

There are several ways to help prevent MCP-activated false alarms. People knocking into the devices is one of the most common causes, this can be alleviated with a Protective Cover (Hinge Cover); these are clear plastic covers that need to be moved, often lifted, to gain access to the frangible element.

This stops activations occurring if someone bumps into the device, as the cover stops the button from being pressed. This protection doesn’t prevent someone from activating it in the event of a real fire. It isn’t locked down or restricted, and triggering the alarm is done the same way as any other MCP. All users have to do is simply lift the cover and activate it.

Color-coded adjustment

One action turned into two, a straightforward adjustment, but one that could potentially save millions of pounds a year.

Education of staff, residents, and regular visitors could aid in reduction. As mentioned, sometimes it might not be clear which button represents fire and which opens the door. Although color-coded, some extra clarification may be needed.

Fire risk assessment

If users have had frequent false alarms due to people pressing the wrong button, then consider re-siting the device.

It may be better for it to be placed in a more suitable position, to either prevent misunderstanding or to avoid high traffic / high potential collision areas. This should be undertaken in line with a fire risk assessment.

Protective cover

Other protective covers on the market emit a sound when the cover is lifted, immediately bringing attention to it

Schools are a good example of Opportunistic activations. Kids see a big red button and that unwavering urge to cause a little mayhem takes over. A protective cover could deter this behavior, at least marginally.

Extra education could also help, making clear what pressing that button costs the fire department and school, and how each false call-out could result in disaster elsewhere. Other protective covers on the market emit a sound when the cover is lifted, immediately bringing attention to it. This is another way to deter opportunists.

Testing procedures

Adhering to correct testing procedures is paramount to reducing unwanted alarms. Technical Support is inundated with calls on how to reset an MCP and the system.

All the while the sounders are ringing in the background. Understanding the testing and resetting methods for users' MCP devices will make sure that users will not be stuck wondering what to do when everything alarms.

Maintenance/alarm testing

Make sure to inform all parties when starting maintenance, or performing an alarm test

Another common mistake is not informing the appropriate response centers when undergoing maintenance/alarm testing.

This miscommunication can lead to responders being dispatched when routine maintenance is undergone. Make sure to inform all parties when starting maintenance, or performing an alarm test.

Sensitive fire detection, transient signal rejection

The road to eliminating false alarms is a long one. It involves product innovation, education, and sturdy regulation. Finding the balance between sensitive fire detection and transient signal rejection is the ultimate goal.

However, Manual Call Points take up a large percentage of unwanted activations, and with a little education and understanding of the issue, these could be prevented.

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