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After spending a large amount of the year 2020 and first half of 2021 confined in homes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is safe to say that there are lots of people who are excited to get back out into the world.

As lockdown restrictions are easing and things begin to open again, it is important that everyone knows how to keep their homes safe, in the return to normality.

APE Fire & Security have put together a quick list of things that residents can do to secure their homes:

  • Do not leave a key outside the door

 After a time of not going out as much, there may be a chance that residents forget or lose their keys. This should not resort to leaving a key outside the front door. Whether under a mat, flowerpot, or rock, this is not secure at all. For those who feel like they must leave a key outside, invest in a box that is locked with a code.

  • Ensure windows and doors are locked, when leaving the house

This may seem like an obvious point, but while staying at home for months, residents may have been accustomed to leaving windows open and even possibly backdoors, to let children and pets into the garden.

  • Set the intruder alarm

Having not left the house in months may mean that residents have forgotten to utilize their intruder alarm system. An intruder alarm system increases security greatly and only takes a couple of seconds to set.

For residents who don’t have a security system on their property, it may be worth investing in one.

  • Buy some timer lights

These systems will make it looks as if someone is home, when it gets dark and the lights will automatically turn on. 

  • Keep valuables out of sight

This means not leaving valuable, such as laptops, iPads, phones and jewelry in sight of a window, where a passer-by could see. Most burglars are opportunists and will break in, if there is something worth taking.

Another tip is not to put boxes and wrappers of valuable items in recycling for everyone who passes by to see in the bin.

  • Install a CCTV system

CCTV systems can increase the security of the property majorly. Not only can these systems capture crimes or anti-social behavior, CCTV cameras can also work as a visual deterrent.

  • Get the alarm monitored

Many people do not realize the benefits of having their alarm monitored. Having a monitored system means that the alarm is connected to a monitoring center that constantly watches over the system. If the alarm gets activated, the monitoring center will take appropriate action.

For many people, this can give them peace of mind about their home or business security, wherever they are. Even when they are away or abroad, the monitoring center will be watching over their property’s alarm.

This is a simple way to upgrade the existing security system.

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