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Users have all seen the reports recently of the wildfires seen around the UK. Although these incidents have been seen before, the level of reports this year has been unprecedented.

Risk of fire spreading 

As temperatures are set to continue to rise in the UK, reports like those seen on 19.07.22 may become more frequent. Dry spells recently make for perfect conditions for a fire to start & spread quickly. The ground is dry and any plant life is dryer too, making it perfect fuel for a fire.

Add to that, the better weather means users are more inclined to be out and about, having barbeques, camping, fire pits, and the list goes on. All of these activities run the risk of the fire getting out of control. Following are some tips to follow to reduce the risk of fire and manage fires effectively and safely to prevent them from getting out of hand.

  • Dispose of cigarette ends properly - don't drop them whilst still lit. Make sure they’re fully extinguished and disposed of properly. Not only is it littering and unsafe for the environment and wildlife for cigarette ends to be dropped on the ground, but if they are still smoldering when dropped or put in the bin, they can reignite and cause materials around them to catch too.
  • Never throw lighted cigarettes from a car window. As above, they could cause fires in fields and moorland. Not only that, but they could also land on farmland, destroying crops and causing thousands of pounds in damages.
  • Make sure all litter goes in the bin - glass can magnify and focus the sun's rays causing ignition & paper, etc. to be combustible.
  • Pay attention to rules regarding BBQs & campfires - the rules in public spaces are there for a reason. If an area does not allow these items/activities, respect that rule.
  • If users use a disposable BBQ or have a campfire, ensure to do it safely.
  • If users see a fire, dial 999 & report it immediately, providing as much detail as possible, don't assume someone else has already reported it. The chances are they haven't. If the fire requires more than a bucket of water to extinguish it, do not attempt to tackle the fire yourself.

BBQs and Campfires

  • Ensure it’s on a fire-resistant base, such as bricks, paving slabs, or similar, raised from the ground.
  • Clear the surrounding area to prevent any sparks from igniting. Creating a surrounding barrier, particularly with campfires, will help slow the spread of the fire.
  • Keep a bucket of water or hose to hand. Should the fire start to get out of hand, this will help instantly dampen it down.
  • NEVER leave any flame unattended. It only takes seconds for a fire to get out of control.
  • Ensure the fire is fully extinguished and cold before disposing of the BBQ or leaving the fire site. Drowning the flames and flammable materials will help cool them and prevent them from reigniting.

Fires have a huge impact and can cause thousands of pounds of damage, not to mention a significant risk to life. Not only do our firefighters have to put themselves at risk to tackle them, but whilst attending fires on moorlands, roadsides, etc. they are unable to leave and attend further reports of fire until the site is deemed safe to be left.

In this dry weather, fire will spread more quickly than normal. Remember, fire can kill and should be taken seriously. Enjoy yourselves this summer but please do it safely.

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