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American Fire Protection Group (AFPG) is sharing a daily fire protection guideline designed to educate on different aspects of the fire protection system that one may not be aware of.

  • Day 1: Fire Alarm Monitoring Uses Analog Technology

A lot of facilities utilize telephone lines for alarm monitoring. Plain Old Telephone Systems lines (POTS) are being sunset very soon, leaving the fire alarm monitoring at risk. This technology will leave thousands of facilities without monitoring capabilities.

Upgrading to cellular or radio alarm monitoring is very easy. In some cases, cellular monitoring is even cheaper than what one is paying now since one can eliminate the need for a dedicated monitoring phone line.

  • Day 2: Prepare Dry Pipe Sprinkler System For Winter Freezes

With the winter months, the dry fire sprinkler system is at risk of possible freeze damage. Residual water can become trapped in isolated sections of the dry pipe sprinkler system.

Special winterization precautions need to be taken. As part of the routine maintenance, AFPG encourages to take preventative measures against this. Freeze damage consists of residual water being trapped in isolated sections of sprinkler piping throughout the system.

Not taking preventative action could lead to property damage, loss of productivity, and costly system repairs. The life safety system could even become inoperable.

  • Day 3: Know The Fire Alarm Equipment Location

A fire alarm system has many elements. The best way to stay knowledgeable about the fire alarm system is to know where all equipment is located in the building.

There are several aspects of a typical fire alarm system. Below is a list of in-building emergency alarm equipment that one should know where it’s located. Ask Life Safety experts to identify each piece of equipment:

  • Fire Alarm Panel
  • Manual Fire Alarm Boxes
  • Annunciator
  • Smoke detectors
  • Carbon monoxide detectors
  • Heat Detectors
  • Duct Detectors
  • Bells
  • Horns
  • Strobes


  • Day 4: Fire Extinguishers Self-Inspected Monthly

Monthly inspections are in addition to annual fire extinguisher inspections expert According to OSHA standard 1910.157, employers must perform a visual inspection on portable fire extinguishers at least once per month.

Keep a log of these monthly inspections and provide them to the Fire Marshal upon request. These internal monthly inspections are in addition to the required annual fire extinguisher inspections that are required to be performed by a certified fire extinguisher expert.

  • Day 5: Know Where Fire Protection Inspection Reports Are Saved

Like the fire extinguisher inspection log, know where the certified inspection reports are saved. A Fire Marshal can ask for these reports at any time.

Most fire protection companies have portals in a place where customers can access these inspection reports. Knowing where these reports are saved will help keep the inspections organized, on-time, and ready to access with a moment’s notice.

  • Day 6: Fire Pump To Be Tested Weekly

NFPA 25 requires a weekly no-flow churn test for the fire pump. This allows the fire pump to maintain an optimal running speed and helps prevent overheating.

An electric fire pump should be run for 10 minutes each week, while a diesel fire pump should be run for 30 minutes each week.

Have the fire protection experts demonstrate how to run these weekly tests the next time they are on location.

  • Day 7: Know The Location Of The Fire Sprinkler Shut Off Valve

Turning the fire sprinkler shut-off valve will stop water from flowing through the system Knowing how to quickly turn off the fire sprinkler system could come in handy one day. If there is ever a leak or a malfunction, turning the fire sprinkler shut off valve will stop water from flowing through the system.

This will limit any potential water damage while one waits for the fire protection team to arrive on-site. To learn exactly where the fire sprinkle shut off valve is located and how to turn it off, ask the certified sprinkler expert for a demonstration.

  • Day 8: Remove Grease And Oil From Kitchen Hoods

The NFPA has strict guidelines for keeping cooking ventilation systems clean. Frequently cleaning the grease and oil that can build up from cooking will help keep the kitchen hood safe and in-compliance.

Also, depending on how much cooking is performed in the kitchen, the ventilation system may require semi-annual inspections by a certified inspector.

  • Day 9: Emergency Exit Lighting And Signs To Be Inspected Monthly

NFPA 101 requires all exit and emergency lights to be inspected each month. This inspection can be performed by an internal employee or a certified Inspector. These monthly inspections are in addition to the required annual inspection by a certified Inspector.

The monthly inspection consists of a 30-second test of all battery-operated emergency and exit lighting. This inspection is designed to ensure maximum visibility in the event of smoke or fire.

  • Day 10: Conventional Or Addressable Fire Alarms?

Conventional fire alarm systems activate with smoke detection, Addressable fire alarms identify which devices activated Know the type of fire alarm system. It largely depends on the size of the facility. Smaller buildings most likely have a conventional fire alarm system. These systems are activated when smoke is detected.

An addressable fire alarm system is best utilized in larger facilities. Addressable fire alarms have an annunciator panel that identifies exactly which devices have been activated. Giving a better idea of how to evacuate personnel and giving the fire department a better idea of exactly where the fire is located.

  • Day 11: What Do The Different Fire Sprinkler Inspection Tags Mean?

All states have different inspection tag requirements for sprinkler systems, but most states have similar color codes.

These colored tags allow the Fire Marshal to quickly identify the compliance of the fire sprinkler system:

  • Blue/Green Tag – Signals that the system is fully compliant with the appropriate NFPA standard.
  • Yellow Tag – Signals that the system can operate appropriately, but there are areas of the system that may not meet full NFPA compliance.
  • Red Tag – Signals that the system should not be operational until any deficiencies can be repaired and brought up to compliance.


  • Day 12: Plan Fire Protection Inspections

December is the perfect time to plan all of the next year’s fire protection inspections. Staying organized and knowing when each of the inspections are due will save time and money next year.

Contact the Life Safety experts to get next year’s inspections on the schedule.

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