Within just 48 hours of the government announcing the acceleration of the national vaccination program, fire and rescue services are already supporting the effort and have vaccinated hundreds of people.  

Almost half a million vaccinations have been given by fire and rescue service staff this year – and this figure is set to rocket in the coming days as more services will be administering the boosters. Up to 2,500 fire and rescue services, staff could assist with the effort, as referenced by the Prime Minister in yesterday’s press conference.  

This is in a bid to help meet the government’s target of offering everyone aged over 18 a booster jab by the end of the year.  


Fire and rescue service staff are operating four walk-in COVID-19 booster clinics and are proud to be hosting NHS partners at fire stations around the county to support the booster program. These are about to move to seven days a week and are looking to operate 12 hours a day, to help support their partners. 

300 vaccinations were delivered on the first day alone in one clinic and a number of stations to support the effort

An incredible 300 vaccinations were delivered on the first day alone in one clinic and they are opening their doors at a number of stations to support the effort.  

And at one station, three brothers who are firefighters - Philip, Tom, and John Benbow ( with their father getting his booster) - are helping at a Covid vaccination walk-in center to support the NHS. In addition, a community fire safety Outreach Vehicle was in attendance to offer advice. More than 150 vaccinations were administered here in just one day.  

Assistant Chief Officer at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service, Dan Quinn, says: “People have already been using the service and he is hoping to be able to continue this right through until the new year, as long as we need to help out and deliver these vaccines."  

Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service

In response to the national guidance around booster vaccinations, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service staff has once again committed to the vaccination program. Since December 14th, several firefighters, prevention, and protection staff went back to sites to help, with more set to take part around the county, in support of their partner organizations.  

Chief Fire Officer, John Buckley, said: "I am proud to announce that we have a number of staff who will be working in Nottinghamshire to help provide COVID-19 booster vaccinations following the Government's push to get everyone eligible for a booster, jabbed by the end of the year."  

"As a fire service we want to be able to make a difference in our communities, and if that includes being involved in the response to the new variants, then we will do all we can to help.”  

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

Has also allocated staff to assist, with more set to come on board over the coming days. South Yorkshire has also been hard at work in vaccination centers.  


New recruits who are set to finish their course on Friday are now supporting the vaccination program New recruits who are set to finish their course this Friday are now supporting the vaccination program, showing just how agile and flexible fire and rescue services are.

They were due to start stations in the new year but were asked to volunteer to assist the vaccination effort – helping to protect and save lives.  

Avon Fire and Rescue Service

Avon Fire and Rescue Service has nine trained vaccinators who are helping the vaccination/booster program. And Cleveland Fire Brigade is also supporting the program with their trained staff with their ‘grab a jab’ campaign at pop-up centers across the region. To date, Cleveland had completed more than 10,000 volunteer hours to the pandemic. 

Other service centers

Cumbria, Tyne and Wear, Merseyside and Humberside fire services are now asking their staff to once again step up to assist with this vitally important work while discussing the support they can offer with their partners.  

Many other services are doing the same and we are likely to see more fire and rescue services take on this work in the next few days.

Authority Comment  

NFCC is also encouraging as many people as possible to ensure they take up vaccinations Chair of the National Fire Chiefs Council, Mark Hardingham, said: “It is amazing to see how in such a short time fire and rescue services have once again stepped forward and are now helping to protect people and our NHS. However, this comes as no surprise, as it is in the DNA of fire services to offer help, where and when it is needed."  

Once again we see just how dedicated our people are in helping to keep people safe. NFCC has agreed with the government we will offer this support to get the country through this difficult time and support this vital work to get everyone eligible vaccinated as quickly as possible.”  

NFCC is also encouraging as many people as possible to ensure they take up vaccinations in a bid to protect themselves and their loved ones.

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